debian-wnpp Aug 2019 by subject

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3DEXCITE - Users inquiry ✍ Laatste voordeeldagen vanaf nu -10% extra met ons huismerk. BELANGRIJK! Ik nam je op met ʍasturberen! Ik heb Wnpp.mp4 vastgelegd. Ciao, cara vittima. Ti ho registrato mentre ti ʍasturbi! Ho catturato questo Wnpp.mp4. VIKTIG! Jag spelade in när du onanerade! Jag har spelat in Wnpp.mp4. [bts-link] source package wnpp Bug#381727: for the impatient Bug#469388: marked as done (O: pyao -- A Python interface to the Audio Output library) Bug#513974: Se ha intentado iniciar sesión en su cuenta Bug#572853: marked as done (ITP: thunarx-python -- Python bindings for the Thunar file manager) Bug#618849: marked as done (O: ifrit -- a powerful tool for visualizing 3-dimensional data sets) Bug#634229: marked as done (O: python-daap -- DAAP client implemented in Python) Bug#644559: marked as done (O: python-uniconvertor -- Universal vector graphics translator) Bug#656361: marked as done (O: kmldonkey -- KDE GUI for MLDonkey) Bug#660506: marked as done (O: py-libmpdclient -- Python interface to MPD) Bug#667637: marked as done (RFA: bzr-xmloutput -- XML Communication plugin for Bazaar) Bug#676409: ITP: ruby-ammeter -- Write specs for your Rails 3+ generators Bug#688442: marked as done (O: pyrite-publisher -- Convert html and text documents to palm DOC format) Bug#691843: marked as done (RFA: lfhex -- large file hex editor) Bug#693230: Bug#806572: RFS: multimail/0.50~20150922-1 [ITA] Bug#694077: Package review Bug#700549: marked as done (O: python-libpcap -- python libpcap wrapper) Bug#709682: python-github: changing back from RFC to ITP Bug#719549: marked as done (O: aafigure -- ASCII art to image converter) Bug#721197: RFP: minetest-mod-technic -- Minetest mod - Technic Bug#728191: marked as done (O: assaultcube-data -- data files and documentation) Bug#730664: marked as done (O: obdgpslogger -- suite of tools to log OBDII and GPS data) Bug#733533: marked as done (O: pysesame -- Python wrapper for Sesame's REST HTTP API) Bug#738307: marked as done (O: pyprotocols -- Open Protocols and Component Adaptation for Python) Bug#738900: marked as done (O: musiclibrarian -- A simple GUI tool to organize collections of music) Bug#740533: marked as done (RFA: pastewebkit -- port/reimplementation of Webware WebKit in WSGI and Paste) Bug#745311: marked as done (O: ekg2 -- instant messenger and IRC client for UNIX systems) Bug#747824: Any progresses? Bug#753653: RFP: tmsu -- command-line file tagging tooI and tag-based virtual filesystem Bug#762545: marked as done (O: python-scriptutil -- Python grep find functionality) Bug#765336: RFP: black-hole-solver -- Solver (C API + CLI program) for "Black Hole" Solitaire and "All in a Row" Solitaire Bug#769726: marked as done (RFA: convoy -- WSGI app for loading multiple files in the same request) Bug#774993: marked as done (O: optcomplete -- provide bash-completion for Python programs) Bug#777382: marked as done (ITA: dogtail) Bug#781027: marked as done (RFP: nodepool -- nodepool a system to launch disposable OpenStack VM for testing purposes) Bug#784042: marked as done (RFA: ocaml-data-notation -- Store data using OCaml notation) Bug#792393: marked as done (O: python-adodb -- A database abstraction library) Bug#795017: marked as done (O: pyvtk -- module for manipulating VTK files) Bug#797535: marked as done (O: vmpk -- Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard) Bug#803878: marked as done (O: kdbg -- graphical debugger interface) Bug#810338: marked as done (O: pygpiv -- wrapper of libgpiv) Bug#812758: marked as done (ITA: vtun -- virtual tunnel over TCP/IP networks) Bug#813205: marked as done (O: libbuffy -- Base functions for building mailbox summary applications) Bug#813206: marked as done (O: libbuffy-bindings -- Perl wrapper for the libbuffy library) Bug#813815: Open ITPs (turned into RFPs) Bug#815696: marked as done (O: turbokid -- TurboGears template plugin to use kid templates) Bug#820136: marked as done (O: myghtyutils -- Set of utility classes used by Myghty templating) Bug#820917: marked as done (RFP: golang-github-centurylinkcloud-clc-sdk -- CenturyLink Cloud development kit for Go) Bug#820923: marked as done (RFP: golang-github-ensighten-udnssdk -- ultradns development kit for Go) Bug#821213: marked as done (RFP: golang-github-mitchellh-go-linereader -- Go library that breaks up the input from an io.Reader into multiple lines) Bug#821218: marked as done (RFP: golang-github-nesv-go-dynect -- Go client library for Dyn's DynECT API) Bug#821266: marked as done (RFP: golang-github-sethvargo-go-fastly -- Go library for using Fastly (content delivery service)) Bug#821285: marked as done (RFP: golang-github-ziutek-mymysql -- Go library for MySQL) Bug#824712: marked as done (RFH: smokeping -- latency logging and graphing system) Bug#824712: RFH: smokeping Bug#825057: marked as done (O: qmpdclient -- Qt4 client for the Music Player Daemon (MPD)) Bug#825809: ITP: unclutter-xfixes -- hide the X mouse cursor after a period of inactivity, using XFixes Bug#825809: unclutter: diff for NMU version 8-21.1 Bug#830158: marked as done (ITP: rename-flac -- CLI tool to rename FLAC files) Bug#831682: marked as done (O: yappy -- Yet Another Parser Generator for Python) Bug#833978: marked as done (O: fookebox -- web-based jukebox frontend to mpd) Bug#834409: marked as done (ITA: boats -- race scenario drawing tool) Bug#834409: O: boats -- race scenario drawing tool Bug#838818: marked as done (O: python-application -- Basic building blocks for Python applications) Bug#839611: marked as done (O: python-pcs -- Packet Construction Set for Python) Bug#840320: marked as done (O: kcollectd -- simple collectd graphing frontend for KDE) Bug#842587: marked as done (O: laborejo -- music notation workshop) Bug#842921: RFP: libextutils-hascompiler-perl -- check for the presence of a compiler Bug#842941: marked as done (O: gengetopt -- skeleton main.c generator) Bug#843365: marked as done (ITA: vtun -- virtual tunnel over TCP/IP networks) Bug#843444: marked as done (O: pyew -- Python tool like radare or *iew for malware analysis) Bug#844046: marked as done (ITP: : weasyprint -- Visual rendering engine for HTML and CSS that can export to PDF) Bug#844450: marked as done (O: pylogsparser -- Python library for log parsing, tagging and analysis.) Bug#844451: marked as done (O: pylibssh2 -- Python binding for libssh2 library) Bug#846812: marked as done (O: emu8051 -- Emulator and simulator for 8051 microcontrollers) Bug#846819: marked as done (O: -- Python module for the Jabber instant messaging platform) Bug#847937: Tagging bug pending Bug#848879: marked as done (RFH: qbzr -- Graphical interface for Bazaar using the Qt toolkit) Bug#849714: RFS: guerillabackup/1.0-1 [ITP] -- resilient, distributed backup and archiving solution Bug#849739: marked as done (O: python-django-shorturls -- Short URL handler for Django applications) Bug#851309: marked as done (ITP: rtl-433 -- Application using librtlsdr to decode information from a wireless sensor) Bug#855634: O: libassa -- object-oriented C++ networking library Bug#864588: marked as done (O: xflr5 -- analysis tool for airfoils) Bug#867807: marked as done (O: libavg -- media-centric application development platform) Bug#868040: marked as done (O: louie -- Python signal dispatching mechanism) Bug#869114: marked as done (ITP: ocaml-topkg -- packager for distributing OCaml software) Bug#871876: marked as done (O: libturpial -- Python library that handles multiple microblogging protocols) Bug#871882: marked as done (O: pychef -- Python API for interacting with a Chef server) Bug#875601: marked as done (ITP: znc-push -- Push notification service module for ZNC) Bug#876679: marked as done (RFH: pyrrd -- object-oriented Python interface for RRD) Bug#876956: marked as done (O: gnudoq -- An open source, graphical Su Doku generator and solver with printer support) Bug#877915: marked as done (ITA: openvpn-auth-ldap -- OpenVPN LDAP authentication module) Bug#879447: marked as done (O: universalindentgui -- GUI frontend for several code beautifiers) Bug#879448: marked as done (O: qwbfsmanager -- graphical file manager for the WBFS filesystem) Bug#880156: Bug#881224: marked as done (RFP: pulseeffects -- Limiter, compressor,) Bug#881841: marked as done (O: python-shogun -- Large Scale Machine Learning Toolbox) Bug#883151: marked as done (ITP: node-grunt-banner -- grunt plugin to add a simple banner to files) Bug#883151: node-grunt-banner status Bug#886739: Bug#887813: marked as done (O: storm -- object-relational mapper (ORM) for Python) Bug#888212: marked as done (RFA: python-zenoss -- module to work with the Zenoss JSON API) Bug#888213: marked as done (RFA: python-tornadorpc -- library for XML/JSON RPC using the Tornado framework) Bug#889771: marked as done (O: m2ext -- Extensions to the M2Crypto Python package) Bug#889782: marked as done (O: bunch -- Dot-accessible Python dictionary (a la JavaScript objects)) Bug#891945: marked as done (ITP: python3-transip -- API client for DNS provider Transip) Bug#891978: RFP: photoswipe -- JavaScript image gallery for mobile and desktop, modular, framework independent Bug#892412: marked as done (O: rabbitvcs -- Easy version control) Bug#892604: marked as done (O: node-cssstyle -- CSSStyleDeclaration Object Model implementation) Bug#896557: (no subject) Bug#897350: marked as done (ITP: motranslator -- Translation API for PHP using Gettext MO files) Bug#898730: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-packrat -- GNU R dependency management system for R package dependencies) Bug#898861: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-rsconnect -- GNU R deployment interface for markdown and Shiny applications) Bug#900614: marked as done (O: python2-pythondialog -- Python 2 module for making simple terminal-based user interfaces) Bug#900874: O: schroot -- Execute commands in a chroot environment Bug#902062: node-bunyan status Bug#902931: ITP: libanyevent-websocket-client-perl -- AnyEvent::WebSocket::Perl is a WebSockets client for Perl AnyEvent Bug#903567: marked as done (O: ioprocess -- Slave process to perform risky IO) Bug#903568: marked as done (O: pthreading -- Reimplementation of Python locking objects) Bug#903572: marked as done (O: cpopen -- C reimplementation of Python's Popen) Bug#903644: marked as done (O: bauble -- biodiversity collection manager software application) Bug#905723: marked as done (ITP: shoelaces -- lightweight tool for server bootstrapping) Bug#906195: marked as done (O: python-protorpc-standalone -- Google Protocol RPC) Bug#906671: marked as done (O: opensesame -- graphical experiment builder for the social sciences) Bug#907080: marked as done (ITP: bat -- bat: A cat(1) clone with wings) Bug#909091: ITP: ocaml-mccs -- Stripped-down version of mccs, a CUDF problem solver, with OCaml bindings Bug#909091: marked as done (ITP: ocaml-mccs -- Stripped-down version of mccs, a CUDF problem solver, with OCaml bindings) Bug#910052: marked as done (RFH: mysql-workbench -- visual database modeling, administration and queuing tool) Bug#910166: marked as done (O: meta-torch-core-free -- Scientific Computing Framework For Luajit (Core Components)) Bug#910167: marked as done (O: lua-torch-xlua -- Lua Extension Package for Torch Framework) Bug#910168: marked as done (O: lua-torch-trepl -- REPL Package for Torch Framework) Bug#910169: marked as done (O: lua-torch-torch7 -- Torch Package for Torch Framework) Bug#910170: marked as done (O: lua-torch-sys -- System Package for Torch Framework) Bug#910171: marked as done (O: lua-torch-sundown -- Sundown Library (a Markdown implementation) for Torch Framework) Bug#910172: marked as done (O: lua-torch-paths -- Filename Manipulation Package for Torch Framework) Bug#910173: marked as done (O: lua-torch-optim -- Numeric Optimization Package for Torch Framework) Bug#910174: marked as done (O: lua-torch-nngraph -- Neural Network Graph Package for Torch Framework) Bug#910175: marked as done (O: lua-torch-nn -- Neural Network Package for Torch Framework) Bug#910176: marked as done (O: lua-torch-image -- Image Load/Save Library for Torch Framework) Bug#910177: marked as done (O: lua-torch-graph -- Graph Computation Package for Torch Framework) Bug#910178: marked as done (O: lua-torch-dok -- Support for the old torch7 dok system) Bug#910179: marked as done (O: lua-torch-cwrap -- CWrap package for Torch Framework) Bug#910917: Bug#911246: marked as done (RFA: fpart -- sort file trees and pack them into bags) Bug#911427: marked as done (RFA: spice -- Simple Protocol for Independent Computing Environments (SPICE)) Bug#911563: ITP: pystemd - Cython-based wrapper on top of libsystemd Bug#912303: ITA: libopenhmd -- API and drivers for immersive Bug#912303: marked as done (ITA: libopenhmd -- API and drivers for immersive) Bug#912303: RFA: libopenhmd -- API and drivers for immersive technology Bug#915219: ITP: python-sybil -- Automated testing for the examples in your documentation Bug#917038: marked as done (ITP: : weasyprint -- Visual rendering engine for HTML and CSS that can export to PDF) Bug#918072: marked as done (ITP: md4c -- C Markdown parser) Bug#918556: marked as done (ITP: -- DAB/DAB+ Software Radio) Bug#918909: marked as done (O: openambit -- utilities for Suunto Ambit sport watches) Bug#919190: ITP: keepassxc-browser : blocked somewhere ? Bug#919190: Problem with symbolic links Bug#919261: marked as done (ITA: irqbalance -- Daemon to balance interrupts for SMP systems) Bug#919682: marked as done (RFP: safeclib -- safec libc extension with all C11 Annex K functions) Bug#919718: marked as done (ITP: igdiscover -- analyse immune repertoire to find new V genes) Bug#920067: Request adoption for gt5 Bug#921504: marked as done (ITP: fonts-inter -- the Inter font family) Bug#921560: marked as done (ITP: bifcl -- The Bro/Zeek Built-In-Functions Compiler) Bug#921955: (no subject) Bug#921957: marked as done (O: pygdchart2 -- Python OO interface to GDChart) Bug#922643: marked as done (ITP: build-alternative -- helper to build Debian package with diet libc) Bug#922884: ITA: fet -- timetable generator Bug#922884: marked as done (ITA: fet -- timetable generator) Bug#923308: marked as done (ITP: libnfsidmap-regex -- Plugin to map regex NFSv4 names to and from ids) Bug#923352: RPM maintainer volunteer Bug#923810: marked as done (ITP: ruby-sassc -- Use libsass with Ruby) Bug#923851: RFP: ghidra -- Ghidra is a software reverse engineering framework Bug#923911: marked as done (ITP: ruby-jekyll-include-cache -- Jekyll plugin to cache the rendering of Liquid includes) Bug#923912: marked as done (ITP: ruby-jekyll-seo-tag -- Jekyll plugin to add metadata tags) Bug#923917: marked as done (ITP: ruby-jekyll-sitemap -- Jekyll plugin to silently generate a sitemap) Bug#923923: marked as done (ITP: ruby-jekyll-github-metadata -- Jekyll plugin to propagate the site.github namespace) Bug#924064: marked as done (ITP: ruby-jekyll-data -- read and add data files within Jekyll theme-gems to site hash) Bug#924065: marked as done (ITP: ruby-jekyll-redirect-from -- Jekyll plugin to give posts and pages multiple URLs) Bug#924067: marked as done (ITP: ruby-jekyll-avatar -- Jekyll plugin for rendering GitHub avatars) Bug#924285: ITP: vagrant-librarian-puppet -- A Vagrant plugin to install Puppet modules using Librarian-Puppet Bug#924294: Maintaining picosat in Debian Science team (Was: Bug#924294: ITP: python-pycosat -- Python bindings to picosat) Bug#924299: marked as done (ITP: mpi4py-fft -- a Python package for computing Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs)) Bug#924519: closed by Dmitry Bogatov <> (Bug#924519: fixed in lsb 11.0.0) Bug#924519: marked as done (RFA: lsb -- Linux Standard Base init script functionality) Bug#924582: marked as done (ITP: genome-code-lib -- C++ library to handle biological short sequence data) Bug#925067: marked as done (ITP: indicator-sensors -- Hardware sensors indicator) Bug#925417: marked as done (ITP: kallisto -- near-optimal RNA-Seq quantification) Bug#925500: marked as done (ITP: shapeit4 -- fast and accurate method for estimation of haplotypes) Bug#925527: marked as done (ITP: ragout -- Reference-Assisted Genome Ordering UTility) Bug#925570: marked as done (ITP: de4dot -- .NET deobfuscator and unpacker) Bug#925875: marked as done (ITP: bbmap -- short read aligner and other bioinformatic tools) Bug#926499: marked as done (ITP: ccls -- C/C++/ObjC language server) Bug#926798: RFP: elpa-magit-forge -- Work with Git forges from the comfort of Magit Bug#926944: marked as done (ITP: atropos -- NGS read trimming tool that is specific, sensitive, and speedy) Bug#926964: marked as done (ITP: libmaus2 -- collection of data structures and algorithms for biobambam) Bug#926978: marked as done (ITP: biobambam2 -- tools for early stage alignment file processing) Bug#927205: marked as done (O: tensorflow -- Computation using data flow graphs for scalable machine learning) Bug#927364: marked as done (ITP: tophat-recondition -- post-processor for TopHat unmapped reads) Bug#927687: marked as done (ITP: golang-gopkg-src-d-go-git.v4 -- highly extensible Git implementation in pure Go) Bug#927766: marked as done (ITP: ruby-html-proofer -- Test your rendered HTML files to make sure they're accurate) Bug#927769: marked as done (ITP: ruby-jekyll-last-modified-at -- indicate the last time a file was modified) Bug#928303: any idea when lightdm-settings would be in sid/unstable ? Bug#928303: marked as done (ITP: lightdm-settings -- LightDM Settings Configuration Tool) Bug#928469: marked as done (ITP: uacme -- lightweight client for the RFC8555 ACMEv2 protocol) Bug#928532: marked as done (O: rebuildd -- build daemon aiming at rebuilding Debian packages) Bug#928538: marked as done (O: xpyb -- Python bindings to XCB) Bug#928755: marked as done (ITP: ytcc -- Youtube channel checker) Bug#929146: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-anacrolix-missinggo -- supplements Go's stdlib) Bug#929166: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-glycerine-goconvey -- ) Bug#929202: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-anacrolix-tagflag -- declarative flag parsing for Go using struct tags) Bug#929235: marked as done (ITP: node-telegram-bot-api -- node.js module for Telegram Bot API) Bug#929313: marked as done (ITP: ocaml-cairo2 -- OCaml libraries interfacing to Cairo) Bug#929375: marked as done (ITP: jarchivelib -- simple archiving and compression library for Java) Bug#929421: marked as done (ITP: zip4j -- java library for zip files) Bug#929438: marked as done (ITP: parfive -- An asyncio based parallel file downloader for Python) Bug#929497: marked as done (ITP: virulencefinder -- identify virulence genes in total or partial sequenced isolates of bacteria) Bug#929537: marked as done (O: htmlgen -- Python library for the generation of HTML) Bug#929543: marked as done (O: pyexcelerator -- module for reading/writing Excel spreadsheet files) Bug#929550: marked as done (ITA: rpl -- intelligent recursive search/replace utility) Bug#929628: marked as done (ITP: vectorgraphics2d -- library for adding vector export to Java Graphics2D) Bug#929666: marked as done (ITP: conmon -- An OCI container runtime monitor) Bug#929848: marked as done (ITP: pplpy -- Python interface to PPL) Bug#930068: marked as done (ITP: magnus -- Very simple screen magnifier) Bug#930069: marked as done (ITP: ruby-image-processing -- higher-level helper methods for image processing) Bug#930223: marked as done (ITP: node-dagre-d3-renderer -- D3-based renderer for Dagre) Bug#930325: marked as done (ITP: python-consonance -- WhatsApp's handshake implementation using Noise Protocol) Bug#930545: marked as done (ITP: gffread -- GFF/GTF format conversions, region filtering, FASTA sequence extraction) Bug#930898: marked as done (ITP: conmon -- OCI container runtime monitor) Bug#931072: marked as done (ITP: fonts-havana -- Old communism style script font from Poland) Bug#931073: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-ggdendro -- GNU R create dendrograms and tree diagrams using 'ggplot2') Bug#931074: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-logging -- GNU R logging package) Bug#931075: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-lasso2 -- GNU R L1 constrained estimation aka `lasso') Bug#931089: marked as done (ITP: ocaml-ffmpeg -- OCaml interface for FFmpeg) Bug#931148: marked as done (ITP: labelme -- Image Polygonal Annotation with Python) Bug#931170: marked as done (ITP: aiohttp-wsgi -- WSGI adapter for aiohttp) Bug#931221: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-nicksnyder-go-i18n.v2 -- Translate Go program into multiple languages) Bug#931289: marked as done (ITP: croaring -- Portable Roaring bitmaps in C (and C++)) Bug#931405: marked as done (ITA: django-sortedm2m) Bug#931406: marked as done (O: flower -- web based tool for monitoring and administrating Celery clusters) Bug#931527: marked as done (ITP: ibus-avro -- IBus engine for Avro Phonetic) Bug#931546: RFP: TTG -- SNMP Text Traffic Grapher Bug#931595: mutest package Bug#931643: marked as done (ITP: ipmctl -- utility for configuring and managing Intel Optane DC persistent memory modules) Bug#931703: marked as done (ITP: python-pythonjsonlogger -- JSON library for Python) Bug#931708: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-pcict -- GNU R Implementation of POSIXct work-alike calendars) Bug#931755: marked as done (ITP: python-b2sdk -- Python library to access B2 cloud storage.) Bug#931832: marked as done (ITP: rlottie -- platform independent standalone c++ library for rendering vector based animations and art) Bug#931939: ITA: acpitool -- command line ACPI client Bug#931974: marked as done (ITA: festvox-ru - Russian male speaker for Festival) Bug#932103: RFP: fuidshift -- remap a filesystem tree to shift one set of UID/GID ranges to another Bug#932165: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-mets -- GNU R analysis of multivariate event times) Bug#932216: marked as done (ITP: bidict -- Efficient, Pythonic bidirectional map implementation and related functionality) Bug#932244: marked as done (ITP: php-easyrdf -- PHP library to consume and produce RDF) Bug#932268: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-pan -- GNU R multiple imputation for multivariate panel or clustered data) Bug#932273: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-ordinal -- GNU R regression models for ordinal data) Bug#932275: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-jomo -- GNU R multilevel joint modelling multiple imputation) Bug#932285: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-mice -- GNU R multivariate imputation by chained equations) Bug#932293: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-hsaur3 -- Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R (3rd Edition)) Bug#932294: marked as done (ITP: skesa -- strategic Kmer extension for scrupulous assemblies) Bug#932306: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-ggbeeswarm -- GNU R categorical scatter (violin point) plots) Bug#932309: marked as done (ITP: python-importlib-metadata -- library to access the metadata for a Python package) Bug#932315: marked as done (ITP: battery-plug-notifier -- A simple notifier to hopefully extend battery life.) Bug#932330: marked as done (ITP: python-zipp -- pathlib-compatible Zipfile object wrapper) Bug#932350: ITP: lutok -- lightweight C++ API library for Lua Bug#932350: marked as done (ITP: lutok -- lightweight C++ API library for Lua) Bug#932406: marked as done (ITP: vavr0 -- object-functional language extension for Java) Bug#932418: marked as done (ITP: ruby-jekyll-commonmark -- commonmark markdown converter for jekyll) Bug#932447: marked as done (ITP: ruby-jekyll-titles-from-headings -- jekyll plugin to create a page title from the markdown heading) Bug#932470: marked as done (O: adminer -- web-based database administration tool) Bug#932470: O: adminer -- web-based database administration tool Bug#932486: marked as done (ITP: ruby-jekyll-optional-front-matter -- jekyll plugin to make front matter optional for markdown files) Bug#932489: ITP: node-solid-rest -- client-side multi-backend API for Solid requests Bug#932492: Fix description and upstream Bug#932492: upstream author correct? Bug#932497: marked as done (ITP: ruby-jekyll-paginate-v2 -- enhanced pagination generator for Jekyll 3) Bug#932519: marked as done (ITP: ruby-jekyll-remote-theme -- plugin for building Jekyll sites with any GitHub-hosted theme) Bug#932586: marked as done (ITP: ruby-jekyll-default-layout -- plugin to set default layouts for Jekyll pages and posts) Bug#932587: marked as done (ITP: ruby-jekyll-relative-links -- plugin for Jekyll to convert relative links to Markdown files) Bug#932589: marked as done (ITP: ruby-jekyll-readme-index -- plugin for building Jekyll sites with any GitHub-hosted theme) Bug#932642: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-polycor -- GNU R polychoric and polyserial correlations) Bug#932744: marked as done (ITP: faultstat -- page fault monitoring tool) Bug#932785: marked as done (ITA: acpid -- Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) Bug#932786: marked as done (ITA: acpi-support -- scripts for handling many ACPI) Bug#932798: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-mvnfast -- GNU R fast multivariate normal and student's t methods) Bug#932800: marked as done (ITP: erlang-p1-mqtree -- index tree for MQTT topic filters) Bug#932801: marked as done (ITP: erlang-p1-yconf -- YAML configuration processor) Bug#932807: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-sodium -- GNU R modern and easy-to-use crypto library) Bug#932956: ITP: node-node-sass -- Wrapper around libsass Bug#932979: marked as done (ITP: python-nox -- Flexible test automation) Bug#933041: marked as done (ITP: erlang-metrics -- generic interface to different metrics systems in Erlang) Bug#933097: ITA: ascii -- interactive ASCII name and synonym chart Bug#933097: RFA: ascii -- interactive ASCII name and synonym chart Bug#933237: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-gridgraphics -- GNU R redraw base graphics using 'grid' graphics) Bug#933238: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-qpdf -- GNU R split, combine and compress PDF files) Bug#933243: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-pdftools -- GNU R text extraction, rendering and converting of PDF documents) Bug#933244: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-multidimbio -- GNU R multivariate analysis and visualization for biological data) Bug#933343: marked as done (ITP: tcmu -- handles the userspace side of the LIO TCM-User backstore) Bug#933382: marked as done (O: synergy -- Share mouse, keyboard and clipboard over the network) Bug#933515: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-tufte -- Tufte's Styles for R Markdown Documents) Bug#933563: marked as done (ITP: libinputsynth -- synthesize keyboard and mouse input) Bug#933564: marked as done (ITP: gulkan -- glib library for vulkan abstraction) Bug#933566: marked as done (ITP: kdeplasma-applets-xrdesktop -- xrdesktop applet for KDE Plasma) Bug#933579: marked as done (ITP: openvr -- openvr sdk) Bug#933660: ITP: python-bids-validator -- validator for the Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS) datasets Bug#933660: marked as done (ITP: python-bids-validator -- validator for the Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS) datasets) Bug#933663: ITP: atf -- collection of libraries to write test programs in C, C++ and POSIX sh Bug#933670: ITP: python-alignlib -- edit and hamming distance computation Bug#933670: marked as done (ITP: python-alignlib -- edit and hamming distance computation) Bug#933681: ITP: python-pamqp -- RabbitMQ Focused AMQP low-level library Bug#933687: ITP: golang-golang-x-arch -- Library with machine architecture information Bug#933716: O: yc-el -- Yet another Canna client for Emacsen Bug#933718: O: canna-shion -- supporting dictionaries for Canna Bug#933735: ITP: drawing -- drawing application for GNOME Bug#933766: ITP: roct-thunk-interface -- HSA Kernel Mode Thunk library for AMD KFD support Bug#933768: ITP: golang-github-anacrolix-ffprobe-dev -- Go ffprobe wrapper Bug#933768: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-anacrolix-ffprobe-dev -- Go ffprobe wrapper) Bug#933780: ITP: eccodes-python -- Python 3 interface to encode and decode GRIB and BUFR files via the ECMWF ecCodes library. Bug#933780: marked as done (ITP: eccodes-python -- Python 3 interface to encode and decode GRIB and BUFR files via the ECMWF ecCodes library.) Bug#933789: ITP: golang-github-cosiner-argv -- Argv allows splitting a command line string into an arguments slice Bug#933794: ITP: golang-github-mattn-go-gtk -- Go binding for GTK Bug#933794: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-mattn-go-gtk -- Go binding for GTK) Bug#933814: ITP: golang-github-shurcool-httpgzip -- go library for use gzip compression when serving HTTP requests Bug#933814: marked as done (ITP: golang-github-shurcool-httpgzip -- go library for use gzip compression when serving HTTP requests) Bug#933815: ITP: golang-github-shurcool-httpfs -- Collection of Go packages for working with the http.FileSystem interface. Bug#933820: ITP: hcloud-python -- official client library for Hetzner Cloud Bug#933820: WIP Bug#933823: ITP: fernet-go -- Fernet generates and verifies HMAC-based authentication tokens. Bug#933823: marked as done (ITP: fernet-go -- Fernet generates and verifies HMAC-based authentication tokens.) Bug#933830: ITP: ocaml-num -- legacy Num library for arbitrary-precision integer and rational arithmetic Bug#933830: marked as done (ITP: ocaml-num -- legacy Num library for arbitrary-precision integer and rational arithmetic) Bug#933846: ITP: endlessh -- SSH tarpit that slowly sends an endless connection banner Bug#933869: O: smb2www -- SMB/CIFS network client with a web interface Bug#933885: ITP: GNU Health - a hospital information system Bug#933885: RFP: GNU Health - a hospital information system Bug#933907: ITP: erlang-mimerl -- Erlang library to handle mimetypes Bug#933912: RFA: cppo -- cpp for OCaml Bug#933946: RFP: libtest-fitesque-rdf-perl -- Formulate Test::FITesque fixture tables in RDF Bug#933949: RFP: libtest-fitesque-perl -- Formulate test fixture tables in data structures Bug#933965: ITP: ecbuild -- ECMWF build system based on CMake Bug#933965: marked as done (ITP: ecbuild -- ECMWF build system based on CMake) Bug#933969: ITP: r-cran-corrplot -- Visualization of a Correlation Matrix Bug#933969: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-corrplot -- Visualization of a Correlation Matrix) Bug#933974: ITP: r-cran-gprofiler -- Interface to the 'g:Profiler' Toolkit Bug#933974: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-gprofiler -- Interface to the 'g:Profiler' Toolkit) Bug#933975: ITP: trim-galore -- automate quality and adapter trimming for DNA sequencing Bug#933990: ITP: bitwise -- Terminal based bit manipulator in ncurses Bug#934003: RFP: rget -- download URLs and verify the contents against a publicly recorded cryptographic log Bug#934004: ITP: golang-starlark -- Interpreter for the Starlark configuration language Bug#934012: O: wand -- Python interface for ImageMagick library Bug#934015: O: asciidoc -- Highly configurable text format for writing documentation Bug#934017: O: gnome-shell-pomodoro -- GNOME Shell time-management app Bug#934018: O: libmrss -- C library for parsing, writing and creating RSS files or streams Bug#934019: Bug#934019: Maintaining cmph Request Bug#934019: O: cmph -- C Minimal Perfect Hashing Library development files Bug#934020: O: libnxml -- C library for parsing, writing and creating xml 1.0/1.1 files or streams Bug#934028: ITP: r-bioc-tximport -- transcript-level estimates for biological sequencing Bug#934041: ITP: pigx-rnaseq -- pipeline for RNAseq analyses Bug#934042: ITP: gnome-shell-extension-gamemode -- show the current status of gamemode in the gnome-shell panel Bug#934044: RFA: oasis -- Build-system generation for OCaml projects Bug#934045: RFA: gd4o -- OCaml interface to the GD library Bug#934061: ITP: ruby-acme-client -- Client for the ACME protocol Bug#934061: marked as done (ITP: ruby-acme-client -- Client for the ACME protocol) Bug#934071: ITP: ruby-gitlab-labkit -- Instrumentation for GitLab Bug#934075: ITP: ruby-apollo-upload-server -- apollo-upload-server implementation for Ruby on Rails as middleware Bug#934075: marked as done (ITP: ruby-apollo-upload-server -- apollo-upload-server implementation for Ruby on Rails as middleware) Bug#934083: O: clp -- Coin-or linear programming Bug#934084: O: coinor-cbc -- Coin-or branch-and-cut mixed integer programming solver Bug#934085: O: coinor-cgl -- COIN-OR Cut Generation Library Bug#934086: O: coinor-osi -- Osi (Open Solver Interface) Bug#934087: O: coinor-symphony -- COIN-OR solver for mixed-integer linear programs Bug#934088: O: coinutils -- CoinUtils (Coin-or Utilities) Bug#934101: ITP: python-flask-simple - Protecting endpoints with JSON Web Tokens Bug#934102: ITP: python-flask-extended - An open source Flask extension that provides JWT support Bug#934103: ITP: python-flask-extended - An open source Flask extension that provides JWT support Bug#934136: ITP: r-bioc-bridgedbr -- identifier mapping between biological databases Bug#934137: ITP: python-securesystemslib -- crypto and schema library for TUF and in-toto Bug#934137: securesystemslib ftbfs in sid Bug#934142: ITP: python-in-toto -- software supply chain security framework Bug#934143: ITP: apt-transport-in-toto -- apt transport method for in-toto supply chain verification Bug#934145: ITP: openchemlib -- framework providing cheminformatics core functionality Bug#934148: RFP: opensubdiv -- high performance subdivision surface (subdiv) library Bug#934149: ITP: ocaml-sexplib0 -- Library containing the definition of S-expressions and some base converters Bug#934149: marked as done (ITP: ocaml-sexplib0 -- Library containing the definition of S-expressions and some base converters) Bug#934150: ITP: janest-base -- Full standard library replacement for OCaml Bug#934150: marked as done (ITP: janest-base -- Full standard library replacement for OCaml) Bug#934151: ITP: python-tuf -- plug-and-play library for securing a software updater Bug#934152: ITP: ocaml-stdio -- Standard IO library for OCaml Bug#934152: marked as done (ITP: ocaml-stdio -- Standard IO library for OCaml) Bug#934153: RFS: hipercontracer/1.4.5~rc4-1 [ITP] Bug#934154: ITP: ocaml-integers -- Various signed and unsigned integer types for OCaml Bug#934154: marked as done (ITP: ocaml-integers -- Various signed and unsigned integer types for OCaml) Bug#934156: RFS: sctplib/1.0.23~rc0-1 [ITP] Bug#934169: ITP: python-py2bit -- access to 2bit files Bug#934169: marked as done (ITP: python-py2bit -- access to 2bit files) Bug#934172: ITP: python-deeptoolsintervals -- interval trees with GTF-like associated exon/annotation information Bug#934202: ITP: classmate -- Library for introspecting generic type information of types, methods and fields Bug#934202: marked as done (ITP: classmate -- Library for introspecting generic type information of types, methods and fields) Bug#934211: RFA: ocaml-expect -- Expect-like framework for OCaml Bug#934212: RFA: ocaml-res -- OCaml library for automatically resizing contiguous data structure Bug#934213: ounit adoption Bug#934213: RFA: ounit -- Unit testing framework for OCaml Bug#934219: ITP: dmrconfig -- configuration utility for DMR radios Bug#934245: ITP: libnektar++ -- Nektar++ spectral/hp element framework - libraries Bug#934253: ITP: xdg-utils-cxx -- Implementation of the Free Desktop Standards in C++. Bug#934258: RFP: jupyterlab -- JupyterLab computational environment Bug#934266: ITP: whawty-auth -- simple file based authentication suite Bug#934276: O: rpl -- replace strings in files Bug#934283: RFP: plata-gtk-theme -- A Gtk theme based on Material Design Refresh. Bug#934303: ITP: stratis-cli -- cli interface to stratisd storage management service Bug#934310: ITP: gnome-shell-xrdesktop -- gnome shell with with xrdesktop patches Bug#934312: ITP: python3-marshmallow-sqlalchemy -- SQLAlchemy integration with marshmallow Bug#934318: RFP: hotswap-agent -- Java unlimited redefinition of classes at runtime Bug#934321: ITP: python-deeptools -- platform for exploring biological deep-sequencing data Bug#934348: ITP: python3-flask-marshmallow -- Flask + marshmallow for beautiful APIs Bug#934365: ITP: fckit -- Fortran toolkit for interoperating Fortran with C/C++ Bug#934395: Bug#934395: ITP: progstm32 -- The progstm32 utility to erase, write and read user flash memory and option bytes in stm32 microcontollers. It is based on progstm32 sdk which is a java library that can be included in any Java application. This SDK enables GUI programs to give an option in menu to let user upgrade firmware in their product Bug#934415: O: cfingerd -- configurable finger daemon Bug#934416: O: cgilib -- Simple CGI Library Bug#934417: O: cvs-mailcommit -- Send CVS commitments via mail Bug#934418: O: dbview -- View dBase III files Bug#934419: O: dhcpdump -- Parse DHCP packets from tcpdump Bug#934420: O: dhcping -- DHCP Daemon Ping Program Bug#934421: O: dtaus -- Paperless money transfer with German banks on floppies Bug#934422: O: gerstensaft -- Frontend for Simple Asynchronous File Transfer Bug#934423: O: gui-apt-key -- Graphical Key Manager for APT Bug#934424: O: mailto -- WWW Forms to Mail Gateway Bug#934426: O: uucpsend -- Alternative Frontend for UUCP Batching with INN Bug#934428: O: xxgdb -- An X front-end to the GNU debugger gdb Bug#934433: O: rbootd -- Remote Boot Daemon Bug#934436: O: sendfile -- Simple Asynchronous File Transfer Bug#934437: O: newmail -- Notificator for incoming mail Bug#934448: ITP: ruby-arbre -- Object Oriented DOM Tree in Ruby Bug#934514: ITP: ifcplusplus -- C++ class model, as well as a reader and writer for IFC files in STEP format Bug#934531: RFA: caml2html -- HTML and LaTeX colored syntax from OCaml source files Bug#934539: RFA: biniou -- flexible binary data format in OCaml Bug#934544: ITP: jep -- Java Expression Parser The last update was on 00:58 GMT Wed Sep 04. 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