debian-wnpp Feb 2015 by subject

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3. Bayi / Franchise Zirvesi Hk. Bug#200715: Agentur bietet Arbeitsstellen für Sie an Bug#244582: ufoai packaging Bug#248397: Contributions Bug#332498: Contributions Bug#361954: [Pkg-ossec-devel] [Bug #361954] Any news? Bug#368931: I've started work on this package Bug#532097: Contributions Bug#545583: [PKG-Openstack-devel] Bug#545583: Started work Bug#545583: Started work Bug#553996: nec2c: Changing O to ITA Bug#587063: ITA: libvigraimpex -- C++ computer vision library Bug#587063: marked as done (ITA: libvigraimpex -- C++ computer vision library) Bug#595646: marked as done (RFP: lib-test-aggregate-perl -- Aggregate tests to make) Bug#602781: marked as done (ITP: flightcrew -- ePub book format validator) Bug#607543: Interested Bug#608853: marked as done (RFA: granule -- flashcard program for learning new words) Bug#623271: Adoption of slides Bug#623271: Adoption of Slides (Python-based Slide Maker) Bug#629014: ITA: fortune-zh -- Chinese Data files for fortune Bug#641812: ITP: qt-solutions -- libqtsingleapplication0: support for starting applications only once Bug#645467: ITP: autodeb -- automated debianization tool Bug#650698: mind to close this RFP Bug#657240: marked as done (RFA: movabletype-opensource -- A well-known blogging engine) Bug#657405: Update Bug#663577: Holger +1 Bug#670062: RFA: fofix-dfsg -- rhythm game in the style of Rock Band(tm) and Guitar Hero(tm) Bug#670984: Debian package for phidget Bug#673231: marked as done (ITA: aaphoto -- Auto Adjust Photo, automatic color correction) Bug#673231: O: aaphoto -- Auto Adjust Photo, automatic color correction of photos Bug#673238: ITP: ceres-solver -- nonlinear least square minimizer Bug#674875: Still orphaned? Bug#679249: Contributions Bug#685575: Build dep Bug#685874: marked as done (ITP: pegdown -- lightweight Java Markdown processor library) Bug#685875: marked as done (ITP: parboiled -- Parser library based on Parsing Expression Grammars (PEGs)) Bug#692320: marked as done (ITP: dnscrypt-proxy -- A tool for securing communications between a client and a DNS resolver) Bug#694703: ITP: unvanquished -- unvanquished is a multi-player team-based alien vs human shooter Bug#698982: libdumbnet RC bug fix? + Fwd: libnet-{libdnet6,frame-device,libdnet}-perl are marked for autoremoval from testing [origin:] Bug#709804: RFP: indicator-multiload Bug#710259: ITP: maven-shared-incremental -- A replacement for plexus-utils in Maven Bug#711471: marked as done (ITP: tlp -- Linux Advanced Power Management) Bug#712838: RFP: gnss-sdr -- An Open Source Global Navigation Satellite System Software Defined Receiver Bug#712938: sni-qt -- Indicator support for Qt Bug#714018: marked as done (ITP: pidgin-gnome-keyring -- integrates pidgin (and libpurple) with the GNOME keyring) Bug#714178: marked as done (ITP: php-jsonlint -- validating parser of JSON data structures) Bug#714836: Any news on the qucs package? Bug#717532: Bug#717532: #717532 Bug#717532: (no subject) Bug#722249: ITP: simplescreenrecorder -- a simple program to record Bug#724344: ITP: bdsync -- bdsync is a fast block device synchronizing tool Bug#732433: avarice: git repo Bug#733910: marked as done (ITP: ckon -- automatic build tool for ROOT analyses) Bug#737587: Commander Genius on Debian Bug#737599: yad: package is on the way Bug#737647: marked as done (RFA: python-pefile -- Portable Executable (PE) parsing module for Python) Bug#738296: ITA: jasmin-sable -- Java class (.class) file assembler Bug#738296: marked as done (ITA: jasmin-sable -- Java class (.class) file assembler) Bug#738668: RFP: whatsapp-purple -- WhatsApp protocol plugin for libpurple Bug#738878: O: tenmado -- hard-core shoot 'em up game in blue-or-red world Bug#738897: Looking to adopt Bug#738897: Update Bug#739035: RFP: syncterm -- SyncTerm is the Synchronet Terminal Emulator Bug#739877: marked as done (ITA: dot2tex -- Graphviz to LaTeX converter) Bug#739973: (no subject) Bug#741065: next step? Bug#741065: Uploaded to experimental, waiting in NEW Bug#743303: Can help Bug#745025: was this intended to be an ITP bug instead? Bug#745027: really an ITP bug? Bug#749416: RFP: libhdt-it -- Library for RDF HDT file manipulation Bug#749946: (no subject) Bug#750546: marked as done (ITP: sluice -- rate limiting data piping tool) Bug#751909: ITP: libasr -- asynchronous DNS resolver Bug#752018: Wildfly package Bug#754357: Changing to RFP Bug#755299: marked as done (ITA: libvncserver -- API to write one's own vnc server) Bug#756090: O: irker -- submission tools for IRC notifications Bug#756499: O: postpone -- schedules commands to be executed later Bug#759016: 759016 O: html2ps -- HTML to PostScript converter Bug#759016: O: html2ps Bug#760729: marked as done (ITP: python-librtmp -- librtmp binding for Python) Bug#762130: RFA: task -- feature-rich console based todo list manager Bug#763416: ITP: xia -- Application to convert svg to html5 interactive pictures Bug#764200: : Bug#764200: Bug#777338: Bug#764200: Bug#777338: game-data-packager: please add support for Doom3 BFG Bug#764200: Bug#777338: Bug#764200: Bug#777338: game-data-packager: please add support for Doom3 BFG Bug#764200: Bug#777338: game-data-packager: please add support for Doom3 BFG Bug#764200: ITP: rbdoom3bfg -- Doom3 BFG edition game engine Bug#764443: Changing streql to RFP Bug#765538: Debian Bug - #765538 "Why Can't I Connect?" Release 1.10.0 Bug#766997: Looking for help: syncany dependencies Bug#766997: Packaged jsemver Bug#767603: Adopting pysolfc. Bug#767617: Ready? Bug#768530: Dropping this ITA Bug#769372: marked as done (ITA: soundconverter -- GNOME application to convert audio files into other formats) Bug#769866: marked as done (ITP: argparse4j -- a command-line argument parser for Java based on Python's argparse module) Bug#769997: ITP: 4ti2 -- algebraic, geometric and combinatorial problems on linear spaces Bug#770154: RFA: sagasu -- GNOME tool to find strings in a set of files Bug#771012: marked as done (ITP: proj-rdnap -- RDNAP grid correction files for PROJ.4) Bug#771031: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-kernlab -- GNU R package for kernel-based machine learning lab) Bug#771269: ITP: jnr-ffi -- Java library for loading native libraries without writing writing JNI code Bug#771269: Re: Bug#771269: ITP: jnr-ffi -- Java library for loading native libraries without writing writing JNI code Bug#771272: marked as done (ITP: jnr-constants -- Java library to encapsulate constants in native libraries) Bug#771565: marked as done (ITP: cme -- Check or edit configuration data with Config::Model) Bug#772027: marked as done (ITP: blogliterately -- Tool for posting Haskelly articles to blogs) Bug#772572: RE: Geschenk meines Eigentums zu einer ernsthaften Person Bug#772823: ITP: kimchi -- HTML5 baseITP: kimchi -- HTML5 based management tool for KVM.d management tool for KVM. Bug#773356: marked as done (ITP: ippusbxd -- Daemon for IPP-over-USB printer support) Bug#773617: marked as done (ITP: kcm-systemd -- A KDE Control Center module for systemd) Bug#773941: marked as done (ITA: fonts-stix -- Scientific and Technical Information eXchange fonts) Bug#773942: O: lynx-cur -- Text-mode WWW Browser with NLS support (development version) Bug#773952: Fwd: O: e2ps -- Convert plain text into PostScript Bug#773952: O: e2ps -- Convert plain text into PostScript Bug#774112: mgrs in NEW Bug#774186: ITA sudoku Bug#774230: marked as done (ITP: vlevel -- Levelling LADSPA plugin and command-line audio filter) Bug#774458: mgrs in NEW Bug#774568: marked as done (ITP: node-rbush -- High-performance 2D spatial) Bug#774658: marked as done (ITP: preggy -- Assertion library for Python) Bug#774672: marked as done (ITP: guidedog -- NAT/masquerading/port-forwarding configuration tool in Qt5) Bug#774782: ITP: git-big-picture -- Visualization tool for Git repositories Bug#774782: marked as done (ITP: git-big-picture -- Visualization tool for Git repositories) Bug#774928: ITP: libcoap -- library for the CoAP protocol written in C Bug#774994: O: libhx -- C library providing queue, tree, I/O and utility functions Bug#775016: ITP: hovercraft -- impress.js presentations by reStructuredText Bug#775061: marked as done (ITP: wmcalc -- dockable calculator application) Bug#775110: marked as done (ITP: wmcube -- spinning 3D object that shows the current CPU load) Bug#775219: marked as done (ITP: fnotifystat -- file activity monitoring tool) Bug#775436: marked as done (ITP: xlennart -- An XBill fork but with Lennart and SystenD instead of Bill and Wingdows) Bug#775456: applying into debian-edu Bug#775456: ITP: sankore -- interactive whiteboard interface Bug#775528: marked as done (ITP: python-cligj -- Common arguments and options for GeoJSON processing commands) Bug#775584: ITP: libcf -- Library to process data files in the Climate and Forecast (CF) convention Bug#775658: marked as done (ITA: soundconverter -- GNOME application to convert audio files into other formats) Bug#775711: marked as done (ITP: libmodule-install-rtx-perl -- RT extension installer) Bug#775738: marked as done (ITP: hmat-oss -- hierarchical matrix library) Bug#775743: ITP: caveexpress -- 2D platformer with physics-based gameplay Bug#775789: marked as done (ITP: libauthen-htpasswd-perl -- Perl module to read and modify Apache .htpasswd files) Bug#775796: marked as done (ITP: libapache-session-memcached-perl -- Perl module for storing persistent data using memcached) Bug#775820: marked as done (ITP: vsearch -- tool for processing metagenomic sequences) Bug#775829: marked as done (ITP: ruby-minitest-around -- Around block for minitest) Bug#775864: marked as done (ITP: php-facedetect -- Detect faces with PHP) Bug#775919: marked as done (ITP: python-hpilo -- HP iLO XML interface access from Python) Bug#776014: marked as done (ITP: wmfsm -- WindowMaker dock app for monitoring filesystem usage) Bug#776020: marked as done (ITP: invokebinder -- Java DSL for binding method handles) Bug#776024: marked as done (ITP: libjs-jquery-scrollto -- easy element scrolling using jQuery) Bug#776024: RFP: libjs-jquery-scrollto → now ITP and already uploaded. Bug#776033: marked as done (ITP: dex -- generate and execute Application type .desktop files) Bug#776122: marked as done (ITP: truffle -- multi-language framework for executing dynamic languages) Bug#776123: marked as done (ITP: truffle-dsl-processor -- Java library that helps writing Truffle nodes in a concise and efficient way) Bug#776182: marked as done (ITP: vncterm -- Export virtual console sessions to any VNC client.) Bug#776208: marked as done (ITP: libcache-memcached-getparserxs-perl -- C/XS implementation of Cache::Memcached::GetParser) Bug#776241: marked as done (ITP: libcatalyst-authentication-store-htpasswd-perl -- Authen::Htpasswd based user storage/authentication.) Bug#776324: marked as done (ITP: libcgi-session-driver-chi-perl -- This driver allows CGI::Session to use CHI as a session store) Bug#776348: marked as done (ITP: libdata-messagepack-stream-perl -- Yet another messagepack streaming deserializer) Bug#776444: marked as done (ITP: libdata-serializer-sereal-perl -- Creates bridge between Data::Serializer and Sereal) Bug#776446: marked as done (ITP: liblinux-fd-perl -- Linux specific special filehandles) Bug#776449: marked as done (ITP: 3270font -- monospaced font based on IBM 3270 terminals) Bug#776473: ITP: luacheck -- static analyzer and a linter for the Lua language Bug#776501: ITP: python-axolotl -- python port of libaxolotl-android package Bug#776569: marked as done (ITP: libproc-queue-perl -- Perl module to limit the number of child processes) Bug#776570: marked as done (ITP: libstatistics-lite-perl -- Perl module for simple statistical analysis) Bug#776628: marked as done (ITP: needrestart-session -- check for processes need to be restarted in user sessions) Bug#776650: marked as done (ITP: wmget -- Background download manager in a Window Maker dockapp) Bug#776678: marked as done (ITP: python-screed -- short nucleotide read sequence utils in Python) Bug#776690: marked as done (ITP: libnet-syslog-perl -- Perl module for sending syslog messages to remote server) Bug#776737: marked as done (ITP: sphinxcontrib-autoprogram -- automated documentation of CLI programs for Sphinx) Bug#776740: ITP: r-cran-pbkrtest -- GNU R package for tests in linear mixed-effect model Bug#776740: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-pbkrtest -- GNU R package for tests in linear mixed-effect model) Bug#776791: ITP: python-elasticsearch-curator -- CLI tool and Python library for managing Elasticsearch time-series indices Bug#776826: ITP: numad -- A user-level daemon that monitors NUMA topology and processes resource consumption to facilitate good NUMA resource access of applications/virtual machines to improve performance and minimize cost of remote memory latencies. Bug#776850: RFP: sx -- Scalable public and private cloud storage Bug#776871: ITP: manuel -- Python library for writing tests Bug#776871: RFP: manuel -- Python library for writing tests Bug#776892: ITP: python-django-audit-log -- Django app to track changes to models Bug#776892: marked as done (ITP: python-django-audit-log -- Django app to track changes to models) Bug#776944: ITP: fitscut -- extract cutouts from FITS image format files Bug#776944: marked as done (ITP: fitscut -- extract cutouts from FITS image format files) Bug#776958: marked as done (RFP: mate-tweak -- MATE desktop tweak tool) Bug#776958: RFP: mate-tweak -- MATE desktop tweak tool Bug#776992: ITP: python-dicttoxml -- Convert a Python dict or other data type to XML Bug#776992: marked as done (ITP: python-dicttoxml -- Convert a Python dict or other data type to XML) Bug#777000: ITP: limereg -- Lightweight Image Registration. Commandline application for image registration (automatically aligning two images with similar content). Bug#777032: ITP: rubiks -- a collection of Rubik's cube solvers Bug#777043: ITP: libshark -- Shark Machine Learning Library Bug#777048: ITP: prometheus -- A systems and service monitoring system. Bug#777050: ITP: ruby-test-unit-context -- Context for Test::Unit (2.x) Bug#777055: ITP: ruby-whenever -- Ruby library to abstract writing and deploying cron jobs Bug#777056: marked as done (RFP: mate-menu -- Advanced MATE tool) Bug#777056: RFP: mate-menu -- Advanced MATE tool Bug#777064: ITA: surf -- Simple web browser by suckless community Bug#777064: RFA: surf -- Simple web browser by suckless community Bug#777069: RFP: line-profiler -- Line-by-line profiling for Python Bug#777089: ITP: python-moto -- Mock framework for boto AWS library Bug#777097: marked as done (ITA: letterize -- phone digits to letter-mnemonics) Bug#777097: RFA: letterize -- phone digits to letter-mnemonics Bug#777099: RFA: pdfresurrect -- tool for extracting/scrubbing versioning data from PDF documents Bug#777100: Adopting python-whois. Bug#777100: marked as done (ITA: python-whois -- Python module for retrieving WHOIS information - Python 2) Bug#777100: RFA: python-whois -- Python module for retrieving WHOIS information - Python 2 Bug#777101: RFA: cowsay -- configurable talking cow Bug#777102: RFA: gifsicle -- Tool for manipulating GIF images Bug#777103: RFA: libhdhomerun Bug#777104: RFA: spectools -- Utilities for using the Wi-Spy USB spectrum analyzer hardware Bug#777111: ITP: ruby-fog-atmos -- Module for the 'fog' gem to support Atmos Bug#777121: ITP: python-scciclient -- Python ServerView Common Command Interface (SCCI) Client Library Bug#777121: marked as done (ITP: python-scciclient -- Python ServerView Common Command Interface (SCCI) Client Library) Bug#777123: Bringing zpaq to Debian again Bug#777123: ITA: zpaq -- maximum reference compressor for ZPAQ open standard) Bug#777123: O: zpaq -- maximum reference compressor for ZPAQ open standard Bug#777132: ITP: surf-alggeo -- tool to visualize some real algebraic geometry Bug#777143: ITP: ruby-fog-ecloud -- Module for the 'fog' gem to support Terremark EnterpriseCloud Bug#777180: ITP: leveldb-java -- Port of LevelDB to Java Bug#777213: Acknowledgement (RFP: snf-image-creator -- OS image creation tool) Bug#777213: RFP: snf-image-creator -- OS image creation tool Bug#777220: (no subject) Bug#777220: ITP: you-get -- downloader for youtube and number of sites Bug#777220: marked as done (ITP: you-get -- downloader for youtube and number of sites) Bug#777221: ITP: fcitx-qimpanel -- Flexible Input Method Framework - Qt IMPanel user interface Bug#777226: RFP: caja-actions -- Caja extension to create custom actions Bug#777234: RFP: haskell-docs -- find and display haddock docs at console Bug#777303: ITP: osmotrx -- A software-defined radio transceiver that implements the Layer 1 physical layer of a BTS Bug#777315: ITP: cf-python -- Python processing of Climate and Forecast (CF) data models Bug#777335: ITP: sshcommand -- turn SSH into a thin client specifically for your command Bug#777336: O: arista Bug#777337: marked as done (RFA: python-softlayer) Bug#777337: RFA: python-softlayer Bug#777367: ITP: python-axolotl-curve25519 -- python wrapper for curve25519 library with ed25519 signatures Bug#777373: ITP: doom3-dhewm3 -- GPL'ed Source code modification of the Doom3 game engine Bug#777382: O: dogtail Bug#777383: ITP: python-serpent -- Serpent is a simple serialization python library based on ast.literal_eval Bug#777383: marked as done (ITP: python-serpent -- Serpent is a simple serialization python library based on ast.literal_eval) Bug#777385: ITP: pyqso -- contact logging tool for amateur radio operators Bug#777392: ITP: serpent -- simple serialization library based on ast.literal_eval() Bug#777392: marked as done (ITP: serpent -- simple serialization library based on ast.literal_eval()) Bug#777422: RFA: dino Bug#777451: ITP: planetfilter -- filter for blog aggregators Bug#777451: marked as done (ITP: planetfilter -- filter for blog aggregators) Bug#777475: ITP: libweb-query-perl -- perl web scraping library like jQuery Bug#777475: marked as done (ITP: libweb-query-perl -- perl web scraping library like jQuery) Bug#777517: RFP: jvmtop -- Jvmtop is a lightweight console application to monitor all accessible, running jvms on a machine. Bug#777588: ITP: cld2 -- Compact Language Detector 2 Bug#777599: ITP: stiff -- convert scientific FITS images to the more popular TIFF format Bug#777600: ITP: astlib -- General python tools for astronomy Bug#777609: ITP: nproc -- process pool implementation for OCaml Bug#777609: marked as done (ITP: nproc -- process pool implementation for OCaml) Bug#777617: RFH: phppgadmin Bug#777626: O: ha -- archiver for .ha files Bug#777627: O: python-pytils -- Python library for processing strings in Russian Bug#777655: ITP: wagon-maven-plugin -- Maven plugin to transfer resources using Maven Wagon Bug#777658: ITP: sigmavpn -- light-weight VPN providing easy-to-configure and secure VPN tunnels Bug#777667: RFA: topgit -- a Git patch queue manager Bug#777671: RFP: firejail -- SUID sandbox that reduces the risk of security breaches by restricting the running environment of untrusted applications using namespaces Bug#777672: ITP: python-cpopen -- Pure C implementation of the important bits of pythons Popen Bug#777687: ITP: python-xstatic-angular-bootstrap -- Angular-Bootstrap XStatic support Bug#777692: ITP: python-pthreading -- Reimplement threading.Lock, RLock and Condition with libpthr Bug#777694: I can help Bug#777694: icu maintenance Bug#777694: Interested Bug#777694: ITA: icu -- Development utilities for International Components for Unicode Bug#777694: RFA: icu -- Development utilities for International Components for Unicode Bug#777695: ITA: tiff -- TIFF manipulation and conversion documentation Bug#777695: RFA: tiff -- TIFF manipulation and conversion documentation Bug#777698: RFA: xerces-c -- validating XML parser library for C++ (development files) Bug#777699: RFA: psutils -- PostScript document handling utilities Bug#777732: ITP: nagios-check-xmppng -- monitoring plugin for checking XMPP servers Bug#777732: marked as done (ITP: nagios-check-xmppng -- monitoring plugin for checking XMPP servers) Bug#777743: ITP: wallpaperd -- X wallpaper changing daemon Bug#777755: ITP: neutron-lbass -- OpenStack virtual network service - lbass agent Bug#777761: RFP: ruby-trocla -- Create and store (random) passwords on a central server which can be retrieved by other applications. Bug#777906: ITP: puppet-module-duritong-trocla -- Use trocla password generator and storage from puppet. Bug#778221: O: tabble -- program launcher with tabs for X Bug#778233: ITP: python-gabbi -- declarative HTTP testing library Bug#778236: ITP: missfits -- Basic maintenance and packaging tasks on FITS files Bug#778269: ITP: python-mkdocs -- Static site generator geared towards building project documentation Bug#778269: packaging for mkdocs -- vcs? Bug#778300: ITP: transdecoder -- find coding regions within transcripts Bug#778319: ITP: fim -- scriptable frame buffer and ascii art image viewer Bug#778330: ITP: nim -- The Nim programming language - compiler Bug#778331: ITP: parafly -- parallel command processing using OpenMP Bug#778407: ITP: golang-glog -- Leveled execution logs for Go Bug#778407: marked as done (ITP: golang-glog -- Leveled execution logs for Go) Bug#778417: ITP: netcdf-python -- python interface to the netCDF4 (network Common Data Form) library Bug#778417: RE:Bug#778417: ITP: netcdf-python -- python interface to the netCDF4 (network Common Data Form) library Bug#778417: RE:Bug#778417: ITP: netcdf-python -- python interface to the netCDF4 (network Common Data Form) library Bug#778420: ITP: golang-leveldb -- Implementation of the LevelDB key/value database in Go Bug#778420: marked as done (ITP: golang-goleveldb -- Implementation of the LevelDB) Bug#778471: ITP: homesick -- Keeps your dotfiles under git Bug#778471: marked as done (ITP: homesick -- Keeps your dotfiles under git) Bug#778474: ITP: golang-sorcix-irc-dev -- generic support for the IRC protocol in Go Bug#778474: marked as done (ITP: golang-sorcix-irc-dev -- generic support for the IRC protocol in Go) Bug#778484: ITP: pluginhook -- simple plugin system for Bash programs Bug#778489: ITP: jaligner -- implementation of the Smith-Waterman algorithm with Gotoh's improvement Bug#778503: ITP: backupchecker -- Fully automated backup checker Bug#778515: ITP: golang-gomega -- Matcher/assertion library for the Go programming language Bug#778515: marked as done (ITP: golang-gomega -- Matcher/assertion library for the Go programming language) Bug#778516: ITP: golang-ginkgo -- BDD Testing Framework for Go Bug#778516: marked as done (ITP: golang-ginkgo -- BDD Testing Framework for Go) Bug#778517: ITP: golang-snappy-go -- Implementation of the Snappy compression format in Go Bug#778517: marked as done (ITP: golang-snappy-go -- Implementation of the Snappy compression format in Go) Bug#778521: ITP: camlp4 -- Pre Processor Pretty Printer for OCaml Bug#778523: RFP: librdf-generator-http-perl -- Generate RDF from a HTTP message Bug#778527: ITP: libfile-mktemp-perl -- Make temporary filename from template Bug#778527: marked as done (ITP: libfile-mktemp-perl -- Make temporary filename from template) Bug#778536: ITP: puppet-module-datacentered-ldap -- Module for managing OpenLDAP Bug#778538: ITP: libdist-zilla-plugin-emailnotify-perl -- dzil plugin to send an email on dist releas Bug#778538: marked as done (ITP: libdist-zilla-plugin-emailnotify-perl -- dzil plugin to send an email on dist releas) Bug#778542: ITP: python-aioeventlet -- asyncio event loop scheduling callbacks in eventlet Bug#778543: ITP: libffi-platypus-perl -- Perl FFI interface to non-Perl libraries without XS Bug#778544: ITP: git-restore-mtime -- set timestamps to the date of a file's last commit Bug#778545: ITP: python-debtcollector -- collection of patterns to collect technical debt Bug#778547: ITP: libalien-ffi-perl -- Perl interface to libffi Bug#778549: ITP: libshell-guess-perl -- Perl module to guess the shell in use Bug#778550: ITP: libshell-config-generate-perl -- Perl module to generate shell configuration files Bug#778560: ITP: python-kmip -- Key Management Interoperability Protocol Bug#778578: ITP: rsem -- RNA-Seq by Expectation-Maximization Bug#778586: ITP: r-bioc-ebseq -- R package for RNA-Seq Differential Expression Analysis Bug#778587: ITP: r-cran-blockmodeling -- Generalized and classical blockmodeling of valued networks Bug#778589: ITP: express -- Streaming quantification for high-throughput sequencing Bug#778590: ITP: python-curtsies -- terminal wrapper with colored strings Bug#778602: ITP: django-stronghold -- Django app to make all views default login_required Bug#778605: ITP: puppet-module-asciiduck-sssd -- Manage the SSSD service Bug#778619: ITP: python-kafka -- client for Apache Kafka Bug#778625: ITP: libjs-term.js -- full xterm clone written in javascript Bug#778645: ITP: python-openstacksdk -- SDK for building applications to work with OpenStack Bug#778660: ITP: r-cran-gridextra -- GNU R package with extensions for the grid package Bug#778660: marked as done (ITP: r-cran-gridextra -- GNU R package with extensions for the grid package) Bug#778708: ITP: python-pex -- library for generating Python executable zip files Bug#778719: RFP: xul-ext-ublock -- general-purpose lightweight ads, malware, trackers blocker for Iceweasel/Firefox Bug#778731: ITP: statsite -- C implementation of statsd Bug#778763: ITP: capture-output -- Ruby library to grab given IO output and return it as a string Bug#778763: marked as done (ITP: capture-output -- Ruby library to grab given IO output and return it as a string) Bug#778764: ITP: ruby-test-construct -- Ruby library that creates temporary files and directories for testing Bug#778764: marked as done (ITP: ruby-test-construct -- Ruby library that creates temporary files and directories for testing) Bug#778789: ITP: python-congressclient -- client for the open policy framework for the cloud Bug#778795: O: morfeusz -- morphological analyser of Polish Bug#778806: ITP: libmodule-install-testbase-perl -- integrates Test::Base and Module::Install Perl modules Bug#778832: ITP: stacks -- pipeline for building loci from short-read DNA sequences Bug#778837: ITP: python-darts-lib-utils-lru: Simple dictionary with LRU behaviour Bug#778838: ITP: seqprep -- stripping adaptors and/or merging paired reads of DNA sequences with overlap Bug#778839: ITP: URONode -- A node front end for AX.25, NET/ROM, Rose and TCP Bug#778846: RFP: python-kademlia -- A DHT in Python Twisted Bug#778854: ITP: libmime-lite-tt-perl -- generates MIME messages from Template Toolkit templates Bug#778854: marked as done (ITP: libmime-lite-tt-perl -- generates MIME messages from Template Toolkit templates) Bug#778855: ITP: presentty -- Console-based presentation system The last update was on 19:52 GMT Sat Jun 01. 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