debian-wnpp Mar 2015 by subject

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Bug#237925: RFP: cdemu -- program for emulating optical drives Bug#323420: Metasploit file licenses tracked upstream Bug#332498: RFH: openssl -- Secure Socket Layer (SSL) binary and related cryptographic tools Bug#390135: RFP: wxformbuilder -- Open Source GUI Builder Tool For wxWidgets Bug#439888: Macaulay2 Bug#464794: idea Bug#464794: Update Bug#483247: Updating grepmail Bug#496832: bakefile Debian package Bug#513402: Ping Bug#527162: ITP: gitorious -- Git based web collaboration tool Bug#527162: RFP: gitorious -- distributed code collaboration tool Bug#538067: status of the opencpn PPA for inclusion in Debian Bug#546936: ITP: r-cran-igraph -- GNU R package for igraph Bug#588340: Upload Bug#595817: pam-ssh-agen-auth deb package Bug#602748: gpaw: i'm interested in packaging Bug#607691: marked as done (ITP: deheader -- analysis of C and C++ files to find unnecessary header inclusions) Bug#607691: RFP: deheader -- analysis of C and C++ files to find unnecessary header inclusions Bug#610911: KPassGen Bug#623271: marked as done (ITA: slides -- Python-based Slide Maker) Bug#636698: marked as done (RFP: eclipse-pydev -- Python IDE for Eclipse) Bug#646377: d0_blind_id version Bug#651606: RFP: gitlab -- git project/repository hosting management app Bug#664595: RFH: php5 Bug#670984: libphidget21: changing from RFP to ITP Bug#673238: ITP: ceres-solver -- nonlinear least square minimizer Bug#673724: Waiting on upstream license fix Bug#673727: grunt task page on javascript team wiki Bug#674916: ITP Bug#674916: s3cmd 1.5.2 Bug#685575: Build dep Bug#686043: marked as done (RFP: iowatcher -- iowatcher graphs the results of a blktrace run) Bug#688066: rex: changing back from RFP to ITP Bug#689573: News? Bug#690833: marked as done (ITP: python-geojson -- Python bindings and utilities for GeoJSON) Bug#690973: Progress ? Bug#692512: ITP: tilde -- a text editor for the console/terminal with intuitive interface Bug#694730: status of libsass debian packaging? Bug#697840: marked as done (RFP: python-pillow -- Python Imaging Library (fork)) Bug#705844: zuul: reowning as an ITP Bug#706522: pcs - Pacemaker/Corosync configuration system Bug#709925: FreedomSponsors Entry Bug#710259: marked as done (ITP: maven-shared-incremental -- A replacement for plexus-utils in Maven) Bug#711811: marked as done (ITP: ruby-foreman -- process manager for applications with multiple components) Bug#711831: marked as done (ITA: libgphoto2 -- gphoto2 digital camera library) Bug#713004: what's up? Bug#714118: php-composer -- Dependency Manager for PHP Bug#714683: 714683 ITA: freewnn -- network-extensible Japanese/Chinese/Korean input system Bug#719330: [Debichem-devel] Bug#776662: Going forward with jmol in debian Bug#719330: Going forward with jmol in debian Bug#721057: marked as done (ITA: miscfiles -- Dictionaries and other interesting files) Bug#721647: ITP: taskd -- secure server providing multi-user, multi-client access to task data Bug#722249: help with debian packageing simplescreenrecorder Bug#722249: Info received (help with debian packageing simplescreenrecorder) Bug#722249: Man pages ready Bug#723736: marked as done (RFA: lintian4python -- Debian package checker (for Python packages)) Bug#725396: ITP: network-manager-ssh -- SSH VPN integration for Bug#726262: possible new upstream Bug#728946: python-praw for Debian Bug#729204: marked as done (RFP: iowatcher -- iowatcher graphs the results of a blktrace run) Bug#730666: ITP: python-netcdf4 -- Python bindings for netCDF4 library Bug#732433: avarice: git repo Bug#732433: marked as done (ITA: avarice -- use GDB with Atmel's JTAG ICE for the AVR) Bug#733044: Bug#734331: marked as done (O: mg -- microscopic GNU Emacs-style editor) Bug#738910: ITA: 2vcard Bug#741065: marked as done (ITP: etcd -- A highly-available key value store for shared configuration and service discovery) Bug#744348: node-iconv-lite packaging Bug#748605: marked as done (RFA: phpdocx -- dynamical generation of .docx files) Bug#749887: Retitle Bug#750138: ITP: scap-workbench -- Scanning and tailoring tool for SCAP content Bug#750837: ITP: moarvm -- virtual machine for Rakudo Perl 6 and NQP Bug#750837: Re: Bug#750837: ITP: moarvm -- virtual machine for Rakudo Perl 6 and NQP Bug#750853: ITA: postfix-cluebringer -- anti-spam plugin for Postfix Bug#751149: ITP: LinSSID -- Graphical wireless scanning for Linux Bug#752018: test package to download Bug#752018: Wildfly package Bug#752546: marked as done (ITP: bro -- network analysis framework) Bug#753254: node-ansi-styles in NEW Bug#753269: node-supports-color in NEW Bug#753275: node-ansi-regex in NEW Bug#753975: Kallithea Bug#753975: State of Kallithea for Debian? Bug#754935: I'd like to adopt the scala package Bug#754972: ITP: percol -- adds flavor of interactive filtering to the traditional pipe concept of UNIX shell Bug#758644: marked as done (RFP: haskell-icalendar -- Haskell Data definitions, parsing and printing of the iCalendar format (RFC5545).) Bug#758651: ITP Bug#759306: marked as done (O: mg -- microscopic GNU Emacs-style editor) Bug#759306: O: mg -- microscopic GNU Emacs-style editor Bug#759600: marked as done (ITA: gthumb -- image viewer and browser) Bug#760314: marked as done (RFH: zoneminder -- Linux video camera security and surveillance solution) Bug#760314: Zoneminder in Debian Bug#761442: ITP: node-readable-stream -- Streams2, user-land copy of the stream library from Node.js v0.10 Bug#761442: marked as done (ITP: node-readable-stream -- Streams2, user-land copy of the stream library from Node.js v0.10) Bug#762130: marked as done (ITA: task -- feature-rich console based todo list manager) Bug#764475: ITP: singular -- commutative algebra system Bug#765005: Any progress in influx ITP? Bug#765005: Working on InfluxDB ITP again Bug#765177: marked as done (ITP: yubikey-neo-manager -- YubiKey NEO management graphical user interface) Bug#766997: Looking for help: syncany dependencies Bug#766999: marked as done (ITP: jsemver -- Java implementation of SemVer) Bug#767603: Adopting pysolfc. Bug#767605: Adopting pysolfc-cardsets. Bug#768169: marked as done (ITP: sfarklib -- Library for decompressing sfArk soundfonts) Bug#768173: marked as done (ITP: sfarkxtc -- Converts soundfonts in the legacy sfArk v2 file format to sf2) Bug#768516: marked as done (ITA: etckeeper -- store /etc in git, mercurial, bzr or darcs) Bug#768566: [pylint-plugin-utils] Updating version of the package for RFS Bug#768567: [pylint-django] Updating mentors version to latest upstream release Bug#769516: marked as done (ITP: liberasurecode -- support of multiple erasure code backends) Bug#769519: marked as done (ITP: python-pyeclib -- interface for implementing erasure codes) Bug#770154: marked as done (ITA: sagasu -- GNOME tool to find strings in a set of files) Bug#770410: marked as done (ITP: libjson-rpc-cpp -- JSON-RPC 1.0 & 2.0 framework for C++) Bug#771330: RFP: ycmd -- Editor-agnostic source code completion server Bug#771785: marked as done (ITA: fish -- friendly interactive shell) Bug#771828: marked as done (ITP: diaspora-installer -- installer for diaspora social network) Bug#772660: marked as done (ITP: libipfix -- C-library implements the IPFIX protocol) Bug#772723: marked as done (ITP: crcutil -- library for cyclic redundancy check (CRC) computation) Bug#772823: ITP: kimchi -- HTML5 baseITP: kimchi -- HTML5 based management tool for KVM.d management tool for KVM. Bug#772994: marked as done (ITA: pcre3 -- Perl 5 Compatible Regular Expression Library) Bug#773459: ITP: libreswan -- Internet Key Exchange daemon Bug#773942: marked as done (ITA: lynx-cur -- Text-mode WWW Browser with NLS support (development version)) Bug#774112: proj4js in NEW Bug#774458: mgrs in NEW Bug#774508: marked as done (ITP: python-osmapi -- Python wrapper for the OSM API) Bug#774561: openlayers3 packaging progress Bug#774564: ITP: node-fs-extra -- fs-extra contains methods not included in the Node.js fs module Bug#774564: node-fs-extra in NEW Bug#774672: investir dans votre pays Bug#775016: ITP: hovercraft -- impress.js presentations by reStructuredText Bug#775520: ITP: netcdf-cxx -- C++ Libraries for NetCDF (network Common Data Form) Bug#775524: ITP: netcdf-fortran -- Fortran Libraries for NetCDF (network Common Data Form) Bug#775577: ITP: haskell-double-conversion -- Fast conversion between double precision floating point and text Bug#776178: marked as done (ITP: python-xcffib -- A drop in replacement for xpyb) Bug#776473: ITP: luacheck -- static analyzer and a linter for the Lua language Bug#776500: marked as done (ITP: ruby-active-model-serializers -- Making it easy to serialize models for client-side use) Bug#776501: marked as done (ITP: python-axolotl -- python port of libaxolotl-android package) Bug#776503: 1 billion users Bug#776556: marked as done (ITP: htrace -- Tracing framework for distributed systems written in Java) Bug#776681: marked as done (ITP: ksmtuned) Bug#777050: marked as done (ITP: ruby-test-unit-context -- Context for Test::Unit (2.x)) Bug#777055: marked as done (ITP: ruby-whenever -- Ruby library to abstract writing and deploying cron jobs) Bug#777102: RFA: gifsicle -- Tool for manipulating GIF images Bug#777111: marked as done (ITP: ruby-fog-atmos -- Module for the 'fog' gem to support Atmos) Bug#777123: Bug#777123: News from zpaq Bug#777143: marked as done (ITP: ruby-fog-ecloud -- Module for the 'fog' gem to support Terremark EnterpriseCloud) Bug#777367: marked as done (ITP: python-axolotl-curve25519 -- python wrapper for curve25519 library with ed25519 signatures) Bug#777385: PyQSO in Debian Bug#777385: pyqso: ITP updated URL Bug#777385: pyqso: uploaded to mentors.d.o Bug#777671: firejail packaging Bug#777671: RFP: firejail Bug#777694: marked as done (ITA: icu -- Development utilities for International Components for Unicode) Bug#778233: marked as done (ITP: python-gabbi -- declarative HTTP testing library) Bug#778417: netcdf4-python is NEW Bug#778544: marked as done (ITP: git-restore-mtime -- set timestamps to the date of a file's last commit) Bug#778545: marked as done (ITP: python-debtcollector -- collection of patterns to collect technical debt) Bug#778560: marked as done (ITP: python-kmip -- Key Management Interoperability Protocol) Bug#778590: marked as done (ITP: python-curtsies -- terminal wrapper with colored strings) Bug#778619: marked as done (ITP: python-kafka -- client for Apache Kafka) Bug#778708: marked as done (ITP: python-pex -- library for generating Python executable zip files) Bug#778795: O: morfeusz -- morphological analyser of Polish Bug#778837: marked as done (python-darts.lib.utils.lru) Bug#779006: DevPI upstream VCS contains differently-versioned components Bug#779031: marked as done (ITP: libwww-shorten-simple-perl -- Factory wrapper around WWW::Shorten to avoid imports) Bug#779044: marked as done (ITP: osgi-annotation -- Java OSGi API - annotation module) Bug#779087: marked as done (ITP: libmoops-perl -- moops object-oriented programming sugar) Bug#779088: marked as done (ITP: libkavorka-perl -- function signatures with the lure of the animal) Bug#779096: marked as done (ITP: python-requests-aws -- S3 AWS authentication for the requests module) Bug#779132: marked as done (ITP: libperlx-assert-perl -- yet another assertion keyword) Bug#779140: ITP: python-zaqarclient -- OpenStack queueing API client Bug#779141: marked as done (ITP: libtypes-xsd-perl -- type constraints based on XML schema datatypes) Bug#779143: marked as done (ITP: libdatetimex-auto-perl -- use DateTime without needing to call constructors) Bug#779189: marked as done (ITP: django-kvstore -- Extensible key-value store backend for Django) Bug#779198: marked as done (ITP: libparse-keyword-perl -- write syntax extensions in perl) Bug#779199: marked as done (ITP: libdevel-callparser-perl -- custom parsing attached to subroutines) Bug#779204: marked as done (ITP: libdevel-callchecker-perl -- custom op checking attached to subroutines) Bug#779235: marked as done (ITP: golang-protobuf-extensions -- Protocol Buffer extensions for the Go language) Bug#779239: marked as done (ITP: headius-options -- Java library that manages sets of JVM properties to configure an app or library) Bug#779242: marked as done (ITP: libmoox-aliases-perl -- easy aliasing of methods and attributes in Moo) Bug#779261: marked as done (ITP: unsafe-mock -- Java library providing a mock of sun.misc.Unsafe class with support for fences Java 8 API) Bug#779301: marked as done (ITP: node-gaze -- Globbing wrapper for Node.js) Bug#779305: ITP: node-bluebird -- Full featured Promises/A+ implementation Bug#779305: Update Bug#779315: marked as done (ITP: librdp-readseq-java -- Ribosomal Database Project (RDP) sequence reading and writing library) Bug#779355: marked as done (ITP: node-globule -- Easy-to-use wildcard globbing library for Node.js) Bug#779379: marked as done (ITP: node-minimist -- Argument options parsing for Node.js) Bug#779413: marked as done (ITP: libnet-route-perl -- portable interface to the routing table) Bug#779417: ITP: python-pytest-timeout -- pytest plugin to abort hanging tests Bug#779417: marked as done (ITP: python-pytest-timeout -- pytest plugin to abort hanging tests) Bug#779425: marked as done (ITP: libparse-nessus-nbe-perl -- used to extract specific data from Nessus NBE files) Bug#779429: marked as done (ITA: minidlna -- lightweight DLNA/UPnP-AV server targeted at embedded systems) Bug#779445: marked as done (ITP: libtest-mockdbi-perl -- mocked DBI interface for testing purposes) Bug#779454: marked as done (ITP: node-tmp -- Temporary file and directory creator for Node.js) Bug#779470: ITP: wmgtemp -- Temperature sensor dockapp for Window Maker Bug#779472: RFP: python-mistune -- markdown parser in pure Python with renderer feature Bug#779481: ITP: libthread-tie-perl -- alternative separate thread implementation of shared variables Bug#779481: marked as done (ITP: libthread-tie-perl -- alternative separate thread implementation of shared variables) Bug#779487: ITP: node-q -- JavaScript library for promises (CommonJS/Promises/A,B,D) Bug#779487: marked as done (ITP: node-q -- JavaScript library for promises (CommonJS/Promises/A,B,D)) Bug#779487: node-q in NEW Bug#779490: ITP: three.js -- lightweight Bug#779492: Acknowledgement (RFP: mout -- Modular JavaScript utilities) Bug#779492: RFP: mout -- Modular JavaScript utilities Bug#779496: ITP: node-junk -- Filter out OS junk files in Node.js Bug#779496: node-junk in NEW Bug#779498: Initial Debian packaging available for node-decompress-zip Bug#779498: ITP: node-decompress-zip -- Extract files from a ZIP archive in Node.js Bug#779498: node-decompress-zip in NEW Bug#779516: ITP: node-mkpath -- Simple mkdir -p module for Node.js Bug#779516: node-mkpath in NEW Bug#779518: ITP: node-binary -- Unpack multibyte binary values from buffers and streams in Node.js Bug#779518: node-binary in NEW Bug#779524: ITP: node-buffers -- Buffer collections as contiguous partially mutable Buffer Bug#779524: node-buffers in NEW Bug#779531: ITP: robustirc-bridge -- bridges (translates) between RobustIRC and standard IRC Bug#779531: marked as done (ITP: robustirc-bridge -- bridges (translates) between RobustIRC and standard IRC) Bug#779545: ITP: rofi -- A window switcher, run dialog and dmenu replacement Bug#779549: (no subject) Bug#779565: O: bamf -- Window matching library Bug#779567: ITP: librdp-taxonomy-tree-java -- taxonomy tree library from Ribosomal Database Project (RDP) Bug#779574: ITP: ppx-tools -- tools for authors of OCaml syntactic tools Bug#779574: marked as done (ITP: ppx-tools -- tools for authors of OCaml syntactic tools) Bug#779582: ITP: jboss-classfilewriter -- bytecode writer that creates .class files at runtime Bug#779583: ITP: jboss-logmanager -- an implementation of java.util.logging.LogManager Bug#779598: ITP: jboss-modules -- Modular Classloading System Bug#779632: ITP: fw4spl -- FrameWork for Software Production Line Bug#779632: marked as done (ITP: fw4spl -- FrameWork for Software Production Line) Bug#779636: ITP: sass-spec -- test suite for Sass Bug#779640: ITP: poppass-cgi -- CGI script to interact with a poppassd server Bug#779654: ITP: debootstick -- Turn a chroot environment into a bootable image Bug#779659: ITP: jboss-logging -- The JBoss Logging Framework Bug#779680: ITP: node-argparse -- command-line argument parser for node.js Bug#779686: RFP: namecoin -- decentralized information registration and transfer system Bug#779708: Client for updating dynamic hostname mappings for Bug#779708: ITP: dyfi -- Client for updating dynamic hostname mappings for Bug#779718: ITP: soundmanager2 -- cross-platform audio player API Bug#779805: RFP: bittorrent-bencode -- It is the existing bencoding and bdecoding implemention from the ‘official’ BitTorrent client as a separate, leight-weight package Bug#779837: ITP: yubico-piv-tool -- YubiKey NEO PIV tool Bug#779841: ITP: libmonitoring-plugin-perl -- family of perl modules to streamline writing Monitoring plugins Bug#779852: ITP: maven-compiler-plugin-2.5 -- Maven Compiler plugin Bug#779853: ITP: plexus-compiler-1.0 -- Plexus compiler system Bug#779893: RFP: ipfs -- content-addressed global distributed file system Bug#779904: ITP: c -- Compile and execute C "scripts" in one go! Bug#779910: ITP: docker-compose -- Tool to define and run complex applications with Docker Bug#779910: marked as done (ITP: docker-compose -- Tool to define and run complex applications with Docker) Bug#779923: ITP: libosmium -- Fast and flexible C++ library for working with OpenStreetMap data Bug#779927: ITP: node-osmium -- Osmium library Node.js bindings Bug#779932: ITP: pyosmium -- Osmium library bindings for Python Bug#779938: ITP: osmium-tool -- Command line tool for working with OpenStreetMap data Bug#779942: ITP: osmium-contrib -- Various programs showing what you can do with the Osmium library Bug#779944: ITP: osmcoastline -- Extract coastline data from OpenStreetMap planet file Bug#779969: ITP: coreclr -- .NET Core Runtime Bug#779970: ITP: corefx -- .NET Core Libraries Bug#779978: ITP: typescript -- superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output Bug#779983: ITP: geneagrapher -- Create tree from Mathematics Genealogy Project Bug#779994: ITP: node-touch -- File touching for Node.js Bug#779994: node-touch in NEW Bug#779996: RFP: reredirect -- Tool to dynamicly redirect outputs of a running process Bug#779998: ITP: node-string-decoder -- The string_decoder module from Node core Bug#779998: node-string-decoder in NEW Bug#780001: ITP: node-isarray -- JavaScript Array#isArray for older browsers Bug#780001: node-isarray in NEW Bug#780002: ITP: node-core-util-is --* functions introduced in Node v0.12 for older versions Bug#780002: node-core-util-is in NEW Bug#780017: ITP: libthread-conveyor-perl -- thread-safe conveyor belt for any data-structure Bug#780017: marked as done (ITP: libthread-conveyor-perl -- thread-safe conveyor belt for any data-structure) Bug#780030: ITP: ruby-fog-riakcs -- Module for the 'fog' gem to support Riakcs Bug#780030: marked as done (ITP: ruby-fog-riakcs -- Module for the 'fog' gem to support Riakcs) Bug#780041: ITP: ffmulticonverter -- graphical multi format converter Bug#780060: RFP: sleepyhead -- Software for sleep tracking with focus on CPAP treatment Bug#780063: ITP: python-requests-futures -- library for asynchronous HTTP requests Bug#780063: marked as done (ITP: python-requests-futures -- library for asynchronous HTTP requests) Bug#780064: ITP: tvc -- genetic variant caller for Ion Torrent sequencing platforms Bug#780099: ITP: python-u2flib-server -- Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) server Python module Bug#780105: ITP: painintheapt -- pester people about available package upgrades Bug#780111: ITP: ruby-fog-serverlove -- Module for the 'fog' gem to support ServerLove Bug#780111: marked as done (ITP: ruby-fog-serverlove -- Module for the 'fog' gem to support ServerLove) Bug#780114: ITP: luckyLUKS-- GUI for creating and (un-)locking encrypted volumes from LUKS/TrueCrypt container files Bug#780126: ITP: python-padme -- mostly transparent proxy class for Python Bug#780155: ITP: baculum -- Baculum WebGUI tool for Bacula Community program Bug#780157: ITP: baculum -- Baculum WebGUI tool for Bacula Community program Bug#780184: RFP: zonemaster-engine -- Zonemaster is a DNS delegation checking tool, this is the library that implements the testing framework. Bug#780185: RFP: zonemaster-cli -- Zonemaster is a DNS delegation checking tool, this is the CLI tool. Bug#780187: ITP: python-coloredlogs -- Colored stream handler for the Python logging module Bug#780188: ITP: slapos.libnetworkcache -- Client for ShaCache and ShaDir Bug#780189: ITP: python-semantic-version -- implementing the SemVer scheme Bug#780189: marked as done (ITP: python-semantic-version -- implementing the SemVer scheme) Bug#780192: ITP: libjs-lrdragndrop -- drag and drop module for Angularjs Bug#780193: RFA: syrep -- A generic file repository synchronization tool Bug#780194: RFA: mini-httpd -- a small HTTP Server Bug#780195: RFA: network-config -- Simple network configuration tool Bug#780209: ITP: puppet-module-jlyheden-pam -- Puppet module for managing PAM Bug#780225: ITP: libdontdie -- library that sets the TCP keep-alive flag when applications call socket Bug#780225: marked as done (ITP: libdontdie -- library that sets the TCP keep-alive flag when applications call socket) Bug#780269: ITP: libserial: Serial port programming in C++ under POSIX operating system Bug#780270: RFA: qemuctl Bug#780303: RFP: theli -- THELI is a powerful and easy-to-use package for astronomical image reduction Bug#780304: ITP: python-imaplib2 -- Threaded Python IMAP4 client Bug#780310: ITP: rdp-alignment -- Ribosomal Database Project (RDP) alignment tools package Bug#780312: ITP: node-cross-spawn -- Cross platform drop-in replacement for spawn Bug#780312: node-cross-spawn is in NEW queue Bug#780342: ITP: node-cli-table -- Pretty unicode tables for the CLI Bug#780342: node-cli-table is in NEW queue Bug#780357: ITP: node-browserify -- provides a nodejs type require() method in the browser Bug#780357: ITP: node-browserify -- provides a nodejs type require() method in the browser Bug#780379: RFP: Pale Moon browser -- Open Source, Firefox-based web browser Bug#780421: ITP: cmake-fedora -- Set of scripts and cmake modules that simply the release process Bug#780422: ITP: php-zend-db -- Zend Framework - Db component Bug#780425: O: hg-git -- Git plugin for Mercurial Bug#780440: ITP: node-tar -- Tar for Node.js Bug#780440: marked as done (ITP: node-tar -- Tar for Node.js) Bug#780440: node-tar in NEW Bug#780482: ITP: fonts-sil-javanese -- Javanese smart Unicode fonts Bug#780483: ITP: pick -- The pick utility allows users to choose one option from a set of choices using an interface with fuzzy search functionality. Bug#780511: ITP: libapache-ssllookup-perl -- glue layer between Perl handlers and the mod_ssl public API Bug#780511: marked as done (ITP: libapache-ssllookup-perl -- glue layer between Perl handlers and the mod_ssl public API) Bug#780513: ITP: gst-rtsp-server1.0 - GStreamer based RTSP server library Bug#780516: ITP: toulbar2 -- An exact optimization solver for Graphical Models. Bug#780525: ITP: xwrited -- display write and wall messages as desktop notifications Bug#780540: ITP: mraa -- userspace I/O library Bug#780548: ITP: frobby -- Computations with monomial ideals Bug#780549: O: foiltex -- collection of LaTeX files for making foils and slides Bug#780556: O: ptex-jtex -- ASCII jTeX with pTeX Bug#780557: O: imgtex -- provides yet another math-on-the-web solution Bug#780558: O: mathematica-fonts -- installer for Mathematica fonts Bug#780561: ITP: libsqon0 -- Structured Query Object Notation - C API Bug#780586: ITP: node-sprintf-js -- JavaScript sprintf implementation Bug#780593: ITP: python-oslo.policy -- RBAC policy enforcement library for OpenStack Bug#780606: ITP: gogs -- self hosted Git service written in Go Bug#780608: ITP: freelan -- P2P VPN daemon Bug#780622: RFP: mini-sendmail -- reads standard input and sends a copy of the message found there to all of the addresses listed Bug#780652: ITP: node-concat-map -- concatenative mapdashery for Node.js Bug#780652: node-concat-map in NEW Bug#780655: ITP: node-balanced-match -- Match balanced character pairs in Node.js Bug#780655: node-balanced-match in NEW Bug#780660: ITP: node-brace-expansion -- Brace expansion as known from sh/bash for Node.js Bug#780660: node-brace-expansion in NEW Bug#780663: ITP: wsgicors -- WSGI middleware to handle CORS preflight requests Bug#780669: ITP: neutron-lbaas -- OpenStack Load Balancer as a Service Bug#780682: ITP: python-ruffus -- Python computation pipeline library widely used in bioinformatics Bug#780694: ITP: node-nomnom -- Option parser with generated usage and commands for Node.js Bug#780696: ITP: xcwd Bug#780698: ITP: node-coffeeify -- browserify plugin for coffee-script Bug#780699: ITP: node-convert-source-map -- Converts a source-map between formats Bug#780766: ITP: memtailor -- C++ library of special purpose memory allocators Bug#780783: ITP: mathic -- C++ library for Groebner basis computation Bug#780794: RFP: libvalidate-yubikey-perl -- module to validate YubiKeys OTPs Bug#780806: ITP: py3status -- extensible i3status wrapper Bug#780821: RFA: php-kdyby-console Bug#780839: ITP: j4-dmenu-desktop - a replacement for i3-dmenu-desktop Bug#780840: ITP: python-beanbag -- Helper module for accessing REST APIs Bug#780840: marked as done (ITP: python-beanbag -- Helper module for accessing REST APIs) Bug#780876: ITP: node-escape-string-regexp -- Escape RegExp special characters in Node.js Bug#780876: node-escape-string-regexp in NEW Bug#780879: ITP: node-has-ansi -- Check if a string has ANSI escape codes in Node.js Bug#780886: ITP: node-get-stdin -- Easier stdin for Node.js Bug#780886: node-get-stdin in NEW Bug#780887: ITP: python-hammock -- Rest APIs python client Bug#780887: marked as done (ITP: python-hammock -- Rest APIs python client) Bug#780890: ITP: node-jsonfile -- Easily read/write JSON files in Node.js Bug#780890: node-jsonfile in NEW Bug#780893: ITP: confargparse -- integrated argument/configuration file parser that follows the syntax of argparser Bug#780893: marked as done (ITP: confargparse -- integrated argument/configuration file parser that follows the syntax of argparser) Bug#780909: ITP: node-nextback -- Node.js module to wrap callbacks in async Bug#780909: node-nextback in NEW Bug#780913: ITP: node-absolute-path -- Node.js 0.11.x path.isAbsolute as a separate module Bug#780913: node-absolute-path in NEW Bug#780919: ITP: node-request-progress -- Node.js module to track the download progress of a request Bug#780919: node-request-progress in NEW Bug#780922: ITP: node-throttleit -- Throttle a function in Node.js Bug#780922: node-throttleit in NEW Bug#780929: ITP: python2-pythondialog -- Python 2 module for making simple terminal-based user interfaces Bug#780963: Changing to RFP Bug#780963: ITP: skydns -- DNS service discovery for etcd Bug#781000: ITP: libpandoc-elements-perl -- create and process Pandoc documents Bug#781014: RFP: xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin -- Xfce PulseAudio Panel Plugin Bug#781026: RFP: bs1770gain -- normalize the loudness of audio and video files to the same level Bug#781027: ITP: nodepool -- nodepool a system to launch disposable OpenStack VM for testing purposes Bug#781041: ITP: metastudent-data-3 -- predictor of Gene Ontology terms from protein sequence - data #3 Bug#781046: ITP: libmoox-role-logger-perl -- provide logging via Log::Any Bug#781046: marked as done (ITP: libmoox-role-logger-perl -- provide logging via Log::Any) Bug#781052: ITP: liblog-any-adapter-screencoloredlevel-perl -- send logs to screen with colorized messages according to level Bug#781052: marked as done (ITP: liblog-any-adapter-screencoloredlevel-perl -- send logs to screen with colorized messages according to level) Bug#781054: RFP: python-dockerpty -- pseudo-tty handler for docker Python client Bug#781079: ITP: barbican -- OpenStack Key Management Service Bug#781117: ITP: paflib -- PAFLib is a library which exposes Power Architecture Facilities to userspace Bug#781149: ITP: python-mistralclient -- OpenStack Workflow as a Service client The last update was on 05:48 GMT Thu Jun 20. 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