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Re: fvwm: was i3 sticky/floating windows (brasero requires gvfs)

Charlie <ariestao@ipstarmail.com.au> writes:

> On Tue, 23 Sep 2014 02:54:43 +0200 lee sent:
>> Why are things going wrong with it for you, and what
>> things?
> Lee,
> If I can jump in here re: fvwm. [fvwm 2.6.5] On my desktop I have this
> thing. I has two columns of squares which are labelled FileMGR - xv
> -gview and all sorts of things.

Does something happen when you click on these labels?

> To write it out of my configure files I need to know what it's called
> IconBox - Iconman or whatever.
> Can you please give me the right name for it so I can seek it out and
> destroy it and get it off my desktop?

It might be called something "button".  I take it you already searched
for "icon"?  "swallow" might also be a promising search string.

The output of pstree (or similar tools) might be helpful:

        │                             └─fvwm─┬─FvwmCommandS
        │                                    ├─FvwmPager
        │                                    ├─bwstat

In this example, you can see modules (bwstat isn't a fvwm module) that
have been started by fvwm. Perhaps your button-thingy shows up.

If you can't find it, it might help to have a screenshot so we can see
exactly what you're looking at.  And what does something like 'ps xca |
grep -i fvwm' tell you?

If this thing is started automatically, it might be through fvwms
"startup" functions:

AddToFunc StartFunction
#+ I Module FvwmCommandS
#+ I Module FvwmAnimate
#+ I Module FvwmBanner
#+ I Module FvwmButtons
+ I Module FvwmPager
#+I Module  FvwmIconMan
#+ I Module FvwmIconBox

AddToFunc InitFunction
+ I exec xsetroot -solid $[csbasecolor]

These two functions are described in the man page.

BTW, either IconMan or IconBox are deprecated --- I don't remember which

Knowledge is volatile and fluid.  Software is power.

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