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Re: OT: why I don't want CCs

On Thu, 17 Jul 2003 19:37:49 +0200
martin f krafft <madduck@debian.org> wrote:
> Mine does that just fine. I click on it with the left mouse button,
> and mutt pops open

    So you have multiple instances of mutt going all the time?  That seems
wasteful to me.

> top - 19:32:46 up 104 days,  4:57,  1 user,  load average: 0.01, 0.02, 0.05
> Tasks: 299 total,   1 running, 295 sleeping,   3 stopped,   0 zombie
>  Cpu(s):   0.2% user,   2.7% system,   0.0% nice,  97.1% idle
> Mem:   2068748k total,  2043068k used,    25680k free,   471920k buffers
> Swap:   498004k total,     4176k used,   493828k free,  1160540k cached

    Well then, that 24Mb of RAM you were worried about doesn't matter on
either of our systems, now does it?  So I ask again by what measure can you
ascertain that you are faster than I am at a certain task when we both are
using out preferred utilities to do so?

> Do tell why your top shows two CPU lines and mine only one -- this
> is also an SMP system, and it works fine, utilising both CPUs...

        ´1´ :Toggle_Single/Separate_Cpu_States  --  On/Off
              This command affects how the 't' command's Cpu States portion is
              shown.   Although  this  toggle  exists  primarily to serve mas-
              sively-parallel SMP machines, it is not restricted to solely SMP

              When you see 'Cpu(s):' in the summary area, the '1' toggle is On
              and all cpu information is gathered in a  single  line.   Other-
              wise, each cpu is displayed separately as: 'Cpu0, Cpu1, ...'

> And what you seem to forget: it's all about the choice.

    No, I haven't forgotten that.  In fact I am the one advocating choice. 
Look back through the thread and you'll see that I never say that the
MDA/MTA/MUA chain is wrong for everyone.  I am only arguing against the fact
that too many people think that it is right for everyone and that a mail
client that talks SMTP is not wrong for anyone.

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
       PGP Key: 8B6E99C5       | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
	                       |    -- Lenny Nero - Strange Days

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