debian-tex-maint Jun 2010 by thread
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SVN texlive (2007) commit: r4638 - in texlive-new/branches/lenny: all/debian texlive-bin/debian Norbert Preining
texlive-bin_2007.dfsg.2-4+lenny3_amd64.changes ACCEPTED Archive Administrator
Processed: Re: Bug#585584: aptitude latex-cjk-all issue Debian Bug Tracking System
Trying texlive 2010 Rogério Brito
Bug#586134: texi2dvi: improper call to grep Stéphane Glondu
Preparing for Debian stable release Norbert Preining
Processing of tex-common_2.08_amd64.changes Archive Administrator
tex-common_2.08_amd64.changes ACCEPTED Archive Administrator
Bug#536343: marked as done (tex-common: docbase section for tex-on-debian) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#572921: marked as done (texlive-binaries: dvipdfmx does not produce PDF with some CJK DVI files) Debian Bug Tracking System
SVN tex-common commit: r4639 - in tex-common/tags: . 2.08/debian/po Norbert Preining
SVN texlive (2009) commit: r4640 - in texlive2009/trunk: all/debian texlive-extra/debian Norbert Preining
Bug#586420: tex-common: does not install. Error file included Eric Valette
Version check in luazlib very strict Hilmar Preusse
Bug#586490: tex-common: Error configuring generating web2c fmt Dylan Thurston
Bug#586549: mktexlsr does not fail on intermittent errors Michael Tautschnig
Bug#586641: tex-common configure failure sacrficial-spam-address
Bug#564217: [luatex] unresolvable dependency cycle Hilmar Preusse
Bug#536427: marked as done (fancyvbr.sty depends on ragged2e.sty from texlive-latex-extra) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#586694: texlive-base: package fails to configure: fmtutil-sys failed. andy
Bug#586703: Please drop xindy from Recommends: to Suggests: Daniel Richard G.
Processing of texlive-extra_2009-8_amd64.changes Archive Administrator
texlive-extra_2009-8_amd64.changes ACCEPTED Archive Administrator
Bug#561836: marked as done (please include revtex4 in addition to revtex4.1) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#573540: marked as done (texlive-font-utils: epstopdf doesn't like --filter and --outfile option together) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#581138: marked as done (texlive-extra-utils: bashism in /bin/sh script) Debian Bug Tracking System
SVN texlive (2009) commit: r4641 - texlive2009/tags Norbert Preining
SVN texlive (2009) commit: r4642 - texlive2009/trunk/all/debian Norbert Preining
Bug#427009: a4wide doesn't work w/o a4.sty which is in texlive-latex-recommended Simon Richter
Processing of biblatex_0.9a-1_amd64.changes Archive Administrator
biblatex_0.9a-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED Archive Administrator
Bug#529582: texlive-xetex: fontspec breaks em-dash Miek Gieben
Bug#587412: texlive-base: Uninstalable Jean-Luc Coulon (f5ibh)
Bug#587485: musixtex: makes texlive-full uninstallable, has wrong deps/replace Norbert Preining
SVN texlive (2009) commit: r4645 - in texlive2009/trunk: all/debian texlive-extra/debian Norbert Preining
RFS: UPDATE: alqalam 0.2-4 أحمد المحمودي
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