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Re: Ftpmasters' status

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On 17-02-2005 12:52, Anthony Towns wrote:

>>>>> I'm really not sure why anyone thinks tacking requests onto paranoid
>>>>> accusations of people being in unaccountable supersecretive cabals
>>>>> that
>>>>> don't share the Debian spirit is a good idea. Answering those
>>>>> questions
>>>>> just encourages people to start new obnoxious threads later to try to
>>>>> get a response, which means the only sensible response is to either
>>>>> ignore the questions, or actively prioritise issues that aren't
>>>>> connected to offensive threads. Seriously, why do you think anyone
>>>>> would
>>>>> want to encourage you to call them names?
>>>> I honestly do not have the answer to that question.
>>> The most obvious one is "they wouldn't". The interested reader is
>>> invited to reason back and determine the implications of that answer.
>> Well, my interest is shedding some light on the issues of ftpmaster
>> tasks. Will you help?
> *sigh*
> Jonas, please reread the paragraph quoted above. This time, try to
> comprehend it.

I will try hard to comprehend what the above says about communicating
with ftpmasters about status of their tasks.

Have a nice day!

 - Jonas

- --
* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist og Internet-arkitekt
* Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

 - Enden er nær: http://www.shibumi.org/eoti.htm
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