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Re: Powerpc (mac-G4) -essentially (hardly) broken

Liam Bedford wrote:

On Tue, Jan 22, 2002 at 06:54:56PM +0000, Nick Bailey came forth with:

Now apple-3 produces the # sign (look!! --> # <-- little things please little minds!) as advertised. I also have to get the tilde/grave key to produce tilde/grave (it produces < or > in the console, and the plus/minus / section key -- top left of the keyboard -- does the tilde/grave thing) It took ages to find this out: the key is inbetween the left hand shift key and the Z, so I don't understand why X thinks it's AC11. It returns kecode 94 according the xev: this is strange because that's the code for KP4 according to the keycodes file I looked in. I don't know what's going on here, but this fixes it (and changing KP4 stops the 4 on the keypad from working, so at least that's consistent).

key <AC11> {        [           grave,      asciitilde      ]       };

I do apologise: this is a wretched lie. I am now totally confused. After starting the system from cold this morning, it turns out that <AC11> wasn't the right key (it was '/" I think) so I've still no idea how I got the tilde key to work. I tried all the other keycodes I thought I might have used by accident, but no dice. I am getting bored with this game and might give up. At least the # key still works 8-)

more games :)

you can find the keycodes from /etc/X11/xkb/keycodes/xfree86

Then, you can contrast that with

OK, that's not installed on this Mac, so I did showkey and dumpkeys instead. showkey says the keycode I want for the key with a ~/` written on it was 86 (dumpkeys says 86 should produce </> and at the console it does). Armed with this I looked in keycodes/xfree86, and found <KPAD>=86, but change that to ~/` and you loose the keypad-+ (??) in favour of ~/` instead.

So I looked at what xev was saying again.  It claims:

KeyPress event, serial 22, synthetic NO, window 0x1c00001,
   root 0x32, subw 0x0, time 2460958937, (74,27), root:(78,819),
   state 0x0, keycode 94 (keysym 0x0, NoSymbol), same_screen YES,
   XLookupString gives 0 characters:  ""

According to .../xfree96, that's <BKSL>=94, but then if you redefine <BKSL>, guess what? you loose the Backslash key (suprise).

So I looked at .../linux/include/linux/input.h on my laptop (we're all using linux keycodes now, right?) and it turns out that

#define KEY_F19   94 //at least I can type # now! Oh joy 8-)

is in there. Nothing remotely like F19 in .../xfree86. I tried redef'ing <FK19> as a long shot but no dice.

that should get you going on what keys are producing what keycode... I found
that xev returns a different code to the one you're looking for.

Yes, I don't understand why. Maybe if I was a bit older and wiser and had built some real X programs... Perhaps something very silly is going on here, like I only get to see the keycodes changed after a reboot? I'm doing a /etc/init.d/kdm restart, and assuming everything will be reread.

(I found out far too much about this stuff when I needed to make a map for
the keyboards on our product... it's really weird and confusing for a while)


I hope it doesn't come to that. I hate knowing anything. Knowing too much must be dreadful 8-)

I am giving up on this now unless there is anybody who can offer enlightenment. I must do some work, then have a go at libarts. Aghh!!! (or in fact, Shhhhhffff!!!) One little thing, and it will all be perfect...



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