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Re: Powerpc (mac-G4) -essentially (hardly) broken

 Michel Dänzer wrote:

On Mon, 2002-01-21 at 19:55, Nick Bailey wrote:

Success on the 24-bit mode. I found out that on this G4, append video=atyfb:vmode=22:cmode=24 works wonders. Then the DefaultFbBpp line in the XF86Config-4 file is unnecessary (in fact, has to be removed).

Color depth in console and X are independent. In fact, anything besides
cmode=8 is a waste of video RAM and performance for console because it
only has 16 colors anyway.

Right, I've taken out the cmode part and it still works as before. Now I *am* confused! I thought the video=... stuff was nothing to do with X, but it started to work when I put it in! I /must/ have changed something else, but I can't think what, and can't see from my notes...

Anyway, thanks to Liam, the keyboard problem's also solved. I ended up adding the following to /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/macintosh/gb

key <LWIN> {        [       Mode_switch                     ]       };

Now apple-3 produces the # sign (look!! --> # <-- little things please little minds!) as advertised. I also have to get the tilde/grave key to produce tilde/grave (it produces < or > in the console, and the plus/minus / section key -- top left of the keyboard -- does the tilde/grave thing) It took ages to find this out: the key is inbetween the left hand shift key and the Z, so I don't understand why X thinks it's AC11. It returns kecode 94 according the xev: this is strange because that's the code for KP4 according to the keycodes file I looked in. I don't know what's going on here, but this fixes it (and changing KP4 stops the 4 on the keypad from working, so at least that's consistent).

key <AC11> {        [           grave,      asciitilde      ]       };

The result is a very beautiful display, but it's very, very slow. I expect you knew that. However, since most of my programming class seem to spend their time gazing at the utter beauty of C source code, I'll go with it for now ;)

Are you using the ati driver? It should give fairly decent performance.

Tried the ati driver instread of the fbdev one. Much faster, still nothing much to write home about, but entirely acceptable now. I guess I am spoilt by the other machines in the lab (we try to use Tyan Thunders with 1GB RAM, a 37GB SCSI disk, and two 1.4GHz Athlons as our standard machine, which costs less than a G4 in the UK, incidentally. There is Rage128 on the motherboard (and two 100Mb ethernet ports, and two SCSI controllers, and... but I digress ;) )

I still don't know where the list of vmodes is. In the end, tralling the web at random chose 22 for me. I thought it might be in the XFree.org site, but not where I can see it. I suppose it's apple-hardware specific, but I can't find it in their documentation (which is not much fun to read for a Linux geek).

It certainly doesn't have anything to do with XFree86. ;)

Right !

Thanks, everybody, for all the help. (I'm going to write a macro to type that for me at a single keystroke :)

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