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Re: Debian on my tablet?

Paul Wise <pabs@debian.org> writes:

>> Then what shall I put in place of `--base 0x00200000' and `--kernel zImage',
>> and also of `my-boot.img', as shown in the article?
> We don't have that information yet.
> The best guess is the first System RAM value from /proc/iomem on the tablet.
> To be sure we need to find out where the Linux kernel image (zImage)
> for the device is stored and then extract the config value for --base.

Then I might try, as you suggested, the value 0x80000000.  But we still need
the other two parameters: `--kernel zImage' and `my-boot.img'.

>> On the tablet there's no `arm' directory and I can't locate the file busybox as
>> in Android's root the command `find' is not recognized.
> On the tablet, busybox is likely to be one of these paths:
> /bin/busybox
> /sbin/busybox

There's no /bin directory, and under /sbin there's no busybox.  So I here lack
three information: `--kernel zImage', `my-boot.img' and busybox.  Without them
I can't continue following Mikael Q Kuisma's tutorial, I'm afraid.  He himself
wouldn't help.


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