debian-edu Mar 2012 by thread
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Processing of debian-edu-doc_1.4~20120302~6.0.4~rc3_amd64.changes Debian FTP Masters
debian-edu-doc_1.4~20120302~6.0.4~rc3_amd64.changes ACCEPTED Skolelinux archive Installer
debian-edu-doc_1.4~20120302~6.0.4~rc3_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
debian-edu-config_1.453~svn76828_i386.changes ACCEPTED Skolelinux archive Installer
What is new in Debian Edu/Squeeze? Petter Reinholdtsen
Processing of debian-edu-config_1.453_i386.changes Debian FTP Masters
Processing of debian-edu-install_1.527_i386.changes Debian FTP Masters
Please help us keep the list of project coverage up to date Petter Reinholdtsen
debian-edu-config_1.453_i386.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
debian-edu-install_1.527_i386.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
Processing of debian-edu_0.855_i386.changes Debian FTP Masters
Bug#661124: marked as done (debian-edu-install: [INTL:sk] Slovak po-debconf translation) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#661185: marked as done ([INTL:da] Danish translation of the debconf templates debian-edu-install) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#661191: marked as done (debian-edu-install: [INTL:fr] French debconf templates translation update) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#661227: marked as done (debian-edu-install: [INTL:ru] Russian debconf templates translation update) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#661320: marked as done (debian-edu-install: [INTL:ja] updated Japanese debconf translation) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#661352: marked as done ([INTL:sv] Swedish strings for debian-edu-install debconf) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#661392: marked as done (PXE boot menu falls off the bottom of the screen) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#661579: marked as done (debian-edu-install: [INTL:pt] Updated Portuguese translation for debconf messages) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#661612: marked as done (debian-edu-config: Update of Portuguese translation in the /www directory) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#661705: marked as done ([INTL:tr] Turkish debconf template translation for debian-edu-install) Debian Bug Tracking System
debian-edu_0.855_i386.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
debian-edu_0.855_amd64.changes ACCEPTED Skolelinux archive Installer
debian-edu_0.855_powerpc.changes ACCEPTED Skolelinux archive Installer
debian-edu-config_1.453_i386.changes ACCEPTED Skolelinux archive Installer
debian-edu_0.855_i386.changes ACCEPTED Skolelinux archive Installer
debian-edu-install_1.527_i386.changes ACCEPTED Skolelinux archive Installer
Content and translation status for the debian-edu-squeeze manual Holger Levsen
Third Debian Edu Squeeze based release candidate, 6.0.4 edu rc3, 2012-03-04 Holger Levsen
Preparing the release announcement (r0) David Prévot
Re: [slx-www-int] Spelling correction, "About Us" page Holger Levsen
Fwd: Nominate your favorite ed-tech product today for the eSchool News Readers' Choice Awards! John Ingleby
Ņammīgas zemenes Starptautiskajā sieviešu dienā? Un ar putukrējumu? Tā tiešām ir! Jemeljanova Galina
Apetelīgas zemenes astotajā martā? Ar krējumu saldo? Dabon savu! Bungsa Laimonis
debian-edu-doc translation for the first release David Prévot
Re: scratch? Nigel Barker
Re: Bug#662033: Primary Group Filter in GOsa²'s group management view fails to work Mike Gabriel
Bug#662843: debian-edu-config: Cron job to clean up LTSP swap files do not work Petter Reinholdtsen
Bug#662868: debian-edu-config: Obsolete generator for shutdown-at-night cause wakeonlan to fail Petter Reinholdtsen
Bug#662886: Please, display all PO files on David Prévot
Processing of debian-edu-doc_1.4~20120306~6.0.4+r0_amd64.changes Debian FTP Masters
debian-edu-doc_1.4~20120306~6.0.4+r0_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
debian-edu-doc_1.4~20120306~6.0.4+r0_amd64.changes ACCEPTED Skolelinux archive Installer
Presenting Dossier Scuola and... Scratch license Luca Ferroni
default setup for backup is missing Wolfgang Schweer
Bug#662967: debian-edu-config-gosa-netgroups: not installable in sid Ralf Treinen
Unidentified subject! George
Volunteers to create press pictures in a school environment? Petter Reinholdtsen
userfiles on laptops Sebastian Holl
Ncomputing L230 thin clients Giorgio Pioda
Re: [slx-www-int] Our webpage status and a call for participation in moving content Holger Levsen
Bug#663331: pending Holger Levsen
[RFR] wml://News/2012/20120311.wml Debian Edu Squeeze announcement frozen. Please review and translate David Prévot
Processing of debian-edu-install_1.528_i386.changes Debian FTP Masters
debian-edu-install_1.528_i386.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
debian-edu-install_1.528_i386.changes ACCEPTED Skolelinux archive Installer
Which hardware are you using with Skolelinux / Debian Edu? Petter Reinholdtsen
Processing of debian-edu-doc_1.4~20120310~6.0.4+r0_amd64.changes Debian FTP Masters
debian-edu-doc_1.4~20120310~6.0.4+r0_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
debian-edu-doc_1.4~20120310~6.0.4+r0_amd64.changes ACCEPTED Skolelinux archive Installer
educlient and eduroaming in progress Giorgio Pioda
posting rights for d-e-announce Holger Levsen
Translations: 'LINGUA=ll make pdf' is broken Wolfgang Schweer
educlient and eduroaming Giorgio Pioda
"Squeeze" based Debian Edu version released Francesca Ciceri
Re: new skolelinux mirror: Carsten Otto
Re: Skolinux review Petter Reinholdtsen
the links are broken. al
Re: Fujitsu Futro A230 no X George
Please merge bug reporting howtos Petter Reinholdtsen
Login problems squeeze George
Rosegarden: Would you like some elaborate music scores written in Rosegarden? Herman Robak
Bug#664596: User seems to missing ability to login via ssh/console after some days Alf Tonny Bätz
flashplugin-nonfree in diskless workstations George
Thanks for participating at the Debian Edu gathering Knut Yrvin
Bug#664790: [INTL:da] Danish translation of debian-edu-config web Joe Dalton
Bug#664596: User seems to missing ability to login via ssh/console after some days] Andreas B. Mundt
Processed: limit source to debian-edu-config, tagging 664790 Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: Re: Bug#664596: User seems to missing ability to login via ssh/console after some days Debian Bug Tracking System
Sound crashes when running Iceweasel locally George
Re: Epoptes: call for translations/testing Alkis Georgopoulos
Bug#664596: So, how to fix this on installed systems ? Samuel Krempp
Processing of debian-edu-doc_1.4~20120321~6.0.4+r0_amd64.changes Debian FTP Masters
debian-edu-doc_1.4~20120321~6.0.4+r0_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
Bug#664976: debian-edu-config: installer hang during debian-edu-profile run at the end Bernhard Hammes
Re: SV: Problems with sound on thin clients (Was: Unidentified subject!) George
Running skolelinux virtually in production? George
troubles with Gosa Samuel Krempp
how to disable PXE booting in dhcp server Samuel Krempp
debian-edu-config_1.454~svn77153_i386.changes ACCEPTED Skolelinux archive Installer
Bug#665696: gosa-sync breaks on passwords containing spaces Samuel Krempp
Bug#664596: User seems to missing ability to login via, ssh/console after some days Bernhard Hammes
debian-edu-config_1.454~svn77170_i386.changes ACCEPTED Skolelinux archive Installer
Processed: How can we quote # in a value passed to debconf-set-selections? Debian Bug Tracking System
Re: How can we quote # in a value passed to debconf-set-selections? Steven Chamberlain
debian-edu-config_1.454~svn77182_i386.changes ACCEPTED Skolelinux archive Installer
Processed: Re: How can we quote # in a value passed to debconf-set-selections? Debian Bug Tracking System
Handling of raw passwords, quoting, escaping Steven Chamberlain
debian-edu-config_1.454~svn77208_i386.changes ACCEPTED Skolelinux archive Installer
Control of lxde menu George
Authentication Failure alcio313
Squeeze with upgraded kernel and firmware Giorgio Pioda
Processing of debian-edu-doc_1.4~20120330~6.0.4+r0_amd64.changes Debian FTP Masters
debian-edu-doc_1.4~20120330~6.0.4+r0_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
debian-edu-doc_1.4~20120330~6.0.4+r0_amd64.changes ACCEPTED Skolelinux archive Installer
Guest session? Alessandro Fama
The last update was on 20:20 GMT Sat Jun 01. There are 316 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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