Hi, Debian Edu Squeeze Release should be published tomorrow as planed, and we would appreciate reviews and translations. As usual, the last updated version is available on the publicity Subversion repository, even via HTTP: http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/publicity/announcements/en/2012/2012-03-11-debian-edu-squeeze.wml?view=markup Regards David
<define-tag pagetitle>First <q>Squeeze</q>-based Debian Edu version released</define-tag> <define-tag release_date>2012-03-11</define-tag> #use wml::debian::news ## ## Translators should uncomment the following line and add their name ## Leaving translation at 1.1 is okay; that's the first version which will ## be added to Debian's webwml repository ## # #use wml::debian::translation-check translation="1.1" maintainer="" ## first of all the news! <p> 41 days after the release of Debian <q>Squeeze</q> 6.0.4, the Debian Edu Team is pleased to announce the release of Debian Edu <q>Squeeze</q> 6.0.4+r0. ## then a couple of info on what we are talking about <br /> Debian Edu (aka <q>Skolelinux</q>) is a Debian Pure Blend specifically targeted at schools and educational institutions and provides an out-of-the box environment of a completely configured school network. It contains setup for a school server, PXE installation, PXE booting for diskless machines, setup for installing stationary workstations and setup for workstations that can be taken away from the school network. Several educational applications like Celestia, Dr. Geo, GCompris, GeoGebra, Kalzium, KGeography and Solfege are included in the default desktop setup. <br /> ## what is new in this release? just the most important things, for the ## rest let's link release notes! <p> Besides including all the fixes provided by the fourth update of Debian <q>Squeeze</q>, this new release of Debian Edu introduces some interesting changes, including: replacement of LWAT with GOsa² as the LDAP administration interface; updated artwork and new Debian Edu / Skolelinux logo; new LXDE desktop option, in addition to KDE (default) and Gnome (LXDE and Gnome are available only with the CD installation method); faster LTSP client boot; improved handing of removable media on thin clients; new roaming workstation profile for laptops; full Samba NT4 domain support for Windows XP/Vista/7; etc. <br /> The Debian Edu Team has also worked on the documentation, improving and extending the manual which is now fully translated to German, French and Italian, while partial translations exist for Danish, Norwegian Bokmål and Spanish. The installation process has also been improved, integrating the new version of debian-installer, allowing copying of <code>.iso</code> images to USB sticks and changing partitioning for Standalone installs to have separate /home/ and no /usr. </p> # Add a nice quote <p> When asked about the <a href="http://people.skolelinux.org/pere/blog/Debian_Edu_interview__Nigel_Barker.html";>advantages of Skolelinux/Debian Edu</a>, Nigel Barker replied: <q>For me the integrated setup. This is not just the server, or the workstation, or the LTSP. Its all of them, and its all configured ready to go. I read somewhere in the early documentation that it is designed to be setup and managed by the Maths or Science teacher, who doesn't necessarily know much about computers, in a small Norwegian school. That describes me perfectly if you replace Norway with Japan. </p> ## yeah, ok, this is all very interesting, but *how* can I get it? i.e.: ## instructions for downloading, installing, upgrading, ecc <p> Those who already are using rc1-3 can upgrade to this version using for example <q>apt-get upgrade</q>. Users upgrading from beta3 must make sure to keep the existing gosa.conf file for everything to keep working as expected when dpkg ask how to handle the changed file during upgrade. <br /> <a href="http://maintainer.skolelinux.org/debian-edu-doc/en/debian-edu-squeeze-manual.html#Installation";>Complete download and installation instructions</a> are available. The <a href="http://maintainer.skolelinux.org/debian-edu-doc/en/debian-edu-squeeze-manual.html#GettingStarted";><q>Getting Started</q> chapter of the manual</a> explains how to login for the first time. </p> <p> Would you like to give your school's computer a longer life? Are you tired of sneaker administration, running from computer to computer reinstalling the operating system? Would you like to administrate all the computers in your school using only a couple of hours every week? Check out Debian Edu Squeeze! <br /> ## then is time for some statistics/data Skolelinux is used by almost two hundreds schools all over the world, mostly in Germany (in 2009 the region of Rhineland-Palatinate decided to use it in all its schools) and Norway. </p> <h2>About Debian Edu</h2> <p> The <a href="http://www.skolelinux.org/";>Skolelinux</a> project was founded in Norway in 2001 with the aim of create a GNU/Linux distribution for schools and other educational institutions. After merging with the French Debian Edu project in 2003, Skolelinux became a <a href="http://wiki.debian.org/DebianPureBlends";>Debian Pure Blend</a> and an official Debian sub-project. Today the system is in use in several countries around the world, with most installations in Norway, Spain, Germany and France. </p> <h2>About Debian</h2> <p> The Debian Project was founded in 1993 by Ian Murdock to be a truly free community project. Since then the project has grown to be one of the largest and most influential open source projects. Thousands of volunteers from all over the world work together to create and maintain Debian software. Available in 70 languages, and supporting a huge range of computer types, Debian calls itself the <q>universal operating system</q>. </p> <h2>Contact Information</h2> <p>For further information, please visit the Debian web pages at <a href="$(HOME)/">http://www.debian.org/</a> or send mail to <press@debian.org>.</p>
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