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Re: Bug Reporting system

Martin Schulze wrote:
> Moin Mrvn!
> [snip]
> I believe that the particular maintainer can do this, too.
> Adding X-Debian-CC: debian-m68k@lists.debian.org is not much
> more difficult than adding an Arch: m68k header.  Okay you
> have some more letters to type but so what?  Ah, a user who
> knows either method will know the other, too.  So I don't
> see a need for a change.  Sorry.

At the moment one has to edit the bugreport by hand, changing it to
quiet and adding the x-debian-cc. With an arch field, bugs could be send
to the normal adress and the arch would be filled by the bug programm,
so one wouldn't have to change anything.

But if nobody sees a point in having an arch field that probably means I
have to patch bug to make quiet bugreports with x-debian-cc to m68k.

Do you then see a point of having a uptodate list of people maintaining
crosscompilation for different architectures so people with archspecific
bugreports can contact them directly and maintainer can notify them on
new versions.

> Regards
>         Joey

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