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changes to Packages file

Since the Packages file contains all the information about who
created the package and where it is going, it only makes sense that
the information on where it came from would go in there too.

With this in mind, I'd like to recommend the following additions to
the Packages file:

A new field 'Source:' be created telling where the source was retrieved
from (yes I know this info is already in the copyright file).

An optional field 'Homepage:' be created giving the location of the
web page for the software.

One benefit of this would be that it would be trivial to then
add this information to the 'Debian Packages' section of
the Debian web pages. Given the increase in mail I have been getting
on these pages over the last few months (as one of the people
receiving mail to webmaster@debian.org), it would be a useful change.

- Sue

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