debian-custom Apr 2008 by thread
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- Re: Question about how to customize my distro Jesus A. Dominguez S.
- [ANN] Debian-Grandfathers project Andreas Tille
- Re: custom vs. derivative (Re: packages.gz corrupt, missing packages and other issues) Holger Levsen
- Re: custom vs. derivative (Re: packages.gz corrupt, missing packages and other issues) Andreas Tille
- Re: custom vs. derivative (Re: packages.gz corrupt, missing packages and other issues) Jonas Smedegaard
- Re: custom vs. derivative (Re: packages.gz corrupt, missing packages and other issues) Holger Levsen
- Re: custom vs. derivative (Re: packages.gz corrupt, missing packages and other issues) Jonas Smedegaard
- Re: custom vs. derivative (Re: packages.gz corrupt, missing packages and other issues) Holger Levsen
- Re: custom vs. derivative (Re: packages.gz corrupt, missing packages and other issues) Jonas Smedegaard
- Re: custom vs. derivative (Re: packages.gz corrupt, missing packages and other issues) Andreas Tille
- Re: custom vs. derivative (Re: packages.gz corrupt, missing packages and other issues) Holger Levsen
- Re: custom vs. derivative (Re: packages.gz corrupt, missing packages and other issues) Andreas Tille
- Re: custom vs. derivative (Re: packages.gz corrupt, missing packages and other issues) Holger Levsen
- Re: custom vs. derivative (Re: packages.gz corrupt, missing packages and other issues) Jonas Smedegaard
- Re: custom vs. derivative (Re: packages.gz corrupt, missing packages and other issues) Andreas Tille
- Re: custom vs. derivative (Re: packages.gz corrupt, missing packages and other issues) Holger Levsen
- Re: custom vs. derivative (Re: packages.gz corrupt, missing packages and other issues) Jonas Smedegaard
- Re: naming vagrant
- Re: naming Andreas Tille
- Re: custom vs. derivative (Re: packages.gz corrupt, missing packages and other issues) Holger Levsen
- Re: custom vs. derivative (Re: packages.gz corrupt, missing packages and other issues) Otavio Salvador
- Re: custom vs. derivative (Re: packages.gz corrupt, missing packages and other issues) Andreas Tille
- Re: custom vs. derivative (Re: packages.gz corrupt, missing packages and other issues) Holger Levsen
- Re: custom vs. derivative (Re: packages.gz corrupt, missing packages and other issues) Philipp Kern
- Re: custom vs. derivative (Re: packages.gz corrupt, missing packages and other issues) Andreas Tille
- Re: custom vs. derivative vagrant
- Re: custom vs. derivative Andreas Tille
- Re: custom vs. derivative Holger Levsen
- Re: custom vs. derivative Jonas Smedegaard
- Re: custom vs. derivative Andreas Tille
- Re: custom vs. derivative Jonas Smedegaard
- Re: custom vs. derivative Charles Plessy
- Re: custom vs. derivative Jonas Smedegaard
- Re: custom vs. derivative Charles Plessy
- Re: custom vs. derivative Jonas Smedegaard
- Re: custom vs. derivative Andreas Tille
- Re: custom vs. derivative Jonas Smedegaard
- Re: custom vs. derivative Andreas Tille
- Re: custom vs. derivative Jonas Smedegaard
- Re: custom vs. derivative Andreas Tille
- Re: custom vs. derivative Jonas Smedegaard
- Re: custom vs. derivative Andreas Tille
- Re: custom vs. derivative Jonas Smedegaard
- Re: custom vs. derivative Andreas Tille
- Re: custom vs. derivative Jonas Smedegaard
- Re: custom vs. derivative Bdale Garbee
- Re: custom vs. derivative Tzafrir Cohen
- Re: custom vs. derivative Andreas Tille
- Re: custom vs. derivative Jonas Smedegaard
- Re: custom vs. derivative (Re: packages.gz corrupt, missing packages and other issues) Andreas Tille
- Re: custom vs. derivative (Re: packages.gz corrupt, missing packages and other issues) Andreas Tille
- Re: custom vs. derivative (Re: packages.gz corrupt, missing packages and other issues) Holger Levsen
- Re: custom vs. derivative (Re: packages.gz corrupt, missing packages and other issues) Jonas Smedegaard
- Re: custom vs. derivative (Re: packages.gz corrupt, missing packages and other issues) Holger Levsen
- Re: custom vs. derivative (Re: packages.gz corrupt, missing packages and other issues) Andreas Tille
- Re: custom vs. derivative (Re: packages.gz corrupt, missing packages and other issues) Holger Levsen
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: custom vs. derivative (Re: packages.gz corrupt, missing packages and other issues) Paul Wise
- Re: packages.gz corrupt, missing packages and other issues David Stone
- Simple-cdd the right way ? Alternativende
- debtags support proposed for xcontrol Jonas Smedegaard
- Extremadura-Meeting: Report from Andreas Tille Andreas Tille
- Simple-Cdd - MAXCDS=2 Tadeu cruz
- Few questions about NAME.postinst and custom packages. Branimir Karajcic
- DPL teams review 2008 Steve McIntyre
The last update was on 06:47 GMT Sun May 05. There are 103 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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