debian-ctte Jan 2009 by thread
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<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Technical committee workflow Ian Jackson
Stepping down from tech ctte Anthony Towns
Proposed constitution fix for n+1-majorities Andreas Barth
qmail Sam Hartman
chiark -ctte copies Anthony Towns
New Technical Committee Members Bdale Garbee
Confirmation vote for Russ Allbery Steve Langasek
Confirmation vote for Don Armstrong Steve Langasek
Name Removal from your website Raghav Dayma
Processed: your mail Debian Bug Tracking System
Fwd: Bug#422139: git #422139 - summary for the Techical Committee Adeodato Simó
Bug#441200: libconfig name clash Julien Danjou
Processed: tagging 422139 Debian Bug Tracking System
The last update was on 06:15 GMT Wed May 29. There are 94 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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