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Re: Technical committee workflow

Here's a first draft of the procedural resolution.  Sorry it's so long
but I couldn't see how to make it shorter.



1. When a new issue comes in, a single TC member who claims
   it becomes primarily responsible for it.  We'll call them the

2. The Rapporteur discusses the issue with the various parties -
   not in the bug report or on the debian-ctte list, but on
   debian-devel and/or the appropriate topic-specific list.
   In any case the first message should be (cross)posted to -devel.

3. The Rapporteur issues a report which explains their view of:
     - relevant facts including any factual disagreements
     - the arguments made by all sides, including those
       arguments the Rapporteur rejects
     - the Rapporteur's conclusions
     - decisions about what should happen, who should
       do what, and timeframes for compliance
   This report should go to the committee list via the bug
   report as well as to the lists used for the discussion.

4. If the Rapporteur's decision is accepted and complied with,
   no further formal action need be taken.  Otherwise the Rapporteur
   should formally propose the Report as a TC resolution.  7 days
   after that they should call for a vote.  If part of the Report's
   conclusion is to overrule a developer, it should be phrased like
      We overrule the maintainer of gnomovision, if this
      resolution achieves the required supermajority.

5. If a TC member disagrees with Rapporteur's decision they
   should do so within the 7 day period above, by proposing an
   amendment to nominate a replacement Rapporteur - usually,
   themselves (see template amendment).

6. The TC will review the Rapporteur's decision.  If the
   Rapporteur's decision is substantially correct, TC members are
   normally expected to uphold it.  TC members should not normally
   rank Further Discussion above the option which appoints a new
   Rapporteur.  If no TC member objected and suggested an alternative
   Rapporteur, within that period, TC members should normally uphold
   the Report.

7. This resolution is a statement of opinion and intent from
   the TC; the TC reserves its right (and that of its members) to
   change its mind and to waive or modify this process, by explicit
   resolution of the TC if felt necessary.


8. To strike a balance between dealing with issues promptly,
   and concentrating power in the hands of those who can reply to
   email instantly, we maintain a queue.  This queue contains an
   ordered list of all of the TC members, with those who have never
   been Rapporteur jointly at the front.  Each time a TC member
   becomes Rapporteur they are put to the back of the queue.

9. A TC member may claim an issue only after a delay to give
   those members earlier on the queue a chance.  The delay is 12 hours
   for each TC member strictly ahead of the claiming member in the
   queue, starting from the time when the issue arrived at the TC
   list.  The first claim meeting this restriction is effective.

10. The email which makes a claim should set out
     - The time by which the Rapporteur will finalise their
       report.  This should normally be 14 days.  If the Rapporteur
       does not report by this deadline then the issue becomes once
       more open for claiming by a new Rapporteur.  The Rapporteur may
       later request an extension, with an explanation of their
       reasons, by asking the TC.  If no TC member objects then the
       extension is effective.
     - The new state of the Rapporteur queue.

11. The Chairman may by decree, after consulting with the other
   members of the committee, alter the following aspects of
   this process
     - any durations specified whether suggested or normative
     - which mailing list(s) and/or other communication methods are
       to be used at which stages
     - the process by which items are claimed



    From: Delia
    To: 12345@bugs.debian.org
    Subject: Re: Bug#12345: gnomovision `core dump' menu item is stupid
    Date: Sat, 03 Jan 2009 01:00:01 +0000

    I hereby claim this work item.
    (I was 4th in the queue behind Alice, Bob and Charlie,
     and 48 hours have elapsed.)

    I'm about to start the discussion on debian-devel.
    I will report within 14 days, ie by the 14th of January.
    The queue is now as follows
	Alice Bob (joint head of queue)


    From: Delia
    To: debian-devel
    Subject: Re: Bug#12345: gnomovision `core dump' menu item is stupid

    The Technical Committee has been asked to rule on the dispute
    about this bug report.  According to the TC internal process, I
    have taken on the role of Rapporteur for this work item.  This
    means I will be asking questions and gathering information and
    opinions over the next two weeks.

    I will then write a Report summarising the arguments and giving my
    conclusions.  The Report is advisory.  If the parties to the
    dispute do not accept the Report I will then bring it before the
    full Technical Committee for a formal decision.

    So, on to the meat:


    From: Emma
    To: debian-ctte

    Thanks, Delia, for your clear summary of the issues in your
    Report.  Nevertheless I'm afraid I must disagree with your
    conclusions for the reasons explained so clearly in George's
    recent message.

    I therefore hereby formally propose an amendment to the resolution
    approving your report.  Delete the entire text and replace with:

        1. Thanks to Bob his report; nevertheless, we disagree
        2. We appoint Charlie as an alternative Rapporteur
        3. Charlie is to prepare an alternative Report
           within 7 days
        4. After no more than 7 days we will vote once again, in
           a single ballot, on Bob's report and any alternative
           from Charlie
        5. The queue is now as follows
		Alice Bob (joint head of queue)

Ian Jackson, at home.           Local/personal: ijackson@chiark.greenend.org.uk
ian@davenant.greenend.org.uk       http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~ijackson/
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