debian-cloud Feb 2018 by thread
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- chrony.conf file for GCE Thomas Lange
- Debian Stretch AMI on AWS Marketplace + Meltdown Michael Schams
- Vagrantfile's config.vm.some-key is breaking vagrant-up in vbox 4.3 Hugh Esco
- Vagrant disk size Gero Müller
- Building on casulana, and backups Steve McIntyre
- Jessie openstack image updated to version 8.10.6-20180213 Steve McIntyre
- Stretch openstack images updated to version 9.3.5-20180213 Steve McIntyre
- AWS: a lot of entries in /etc/sudoers.d/90-cloud-init-users Andrei Popenta
- Processing of bootstrap-vz_0.9.11+20180121git-1_source.changes Debian FTP Masters
- bootstrap-vz_0.9.11+20180121git-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
- Jessie openstack image updated to version 8.10.7-20180225 Steve McIntyre
- Stretch openstack images updated to version 9.3.6-20180225 Steve McIntyre
- Package conflicts, breaks, and problematic upgrades... with irqbalance Zach Marano
- Re: Package conflicts, breaks, and problematic upgrades... with irqbalance Bastian Blank
- Re: Package conflicts, breaks, and problematic upgrades... with irqbalance Zach Marano
- Re: Package conflicts, breaks, and problematic upgrades... with irqbalance Thomas Lange
- Re: Package conflicts, breaks, and problematic upgrades... with irqbalance Zach Marano
- Re: Package conflicts, breaks, and problematic upgrades... with irqbalance Bastian Blank
- Re: Package conflicts, breaks, and problematic upgrades... with irqbalance Zach Marano
- Re: Package conflicts, breaks, and problematic upgrades... with irqbalance Bastian Blank
- Re: Package conflicts, breaks, and problematic upgrades... with irqbalance Zach Marano
- Re: Package conflicts, breaks, and problematic upgrades... with irqbalance Thomas Goirand
- Stretch EC2 information doesn't appear to be correct Christopher David Howie
The last update was on 19:09 GMT Sat Jun 08. There are 40 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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