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8.6 planning
Broadcom Drivers
Bug#738618: DebianWheezy7.11 AMD64 Installer DVD+USB fails
Bug#834387: debian DVD 1 and cd xfce installation break
Call For Participation Debian Cloud Sprint
Can you please make official BD XL images via Jigdo?
Comments on live-build, vmdebootstrap, bootstrap-vz, and live-wrapper
Debian 8.2 ISO
debian mirror, keys and GPG check failure
Debian Stretch alpha 7 DVD-1
DebMirror problems
Re-design/New Web Design & Development
Does Debian use implemented MD5 sums ?
How-to merge local pools into one BD XL ?
How-to merge repository from 3 BD images into one ?
image tools
Please provide 100 GB BD XL images via Jigdo
Processed (with 2 errors): unblock 832661 with 820008 821054 821051 823003 820129 820010 820038 820052 820050 821053 820041 821088 821055 821084 820124 821307 ...
Text and web-links on <>
that's exciting!
torified netinst.iso and live.iso
The last update was on 07:48 GMT Mon May 27. There are 77 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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