On 2016-08-11 14:13:25, Zach Marano wrote: > We are organizing a Debian cloud sprint to focus on subjects like: > - What does it mean to run Debian in the cloud. > - Define the official Debian cloud image. > - In depth look at how Debian works on current cloud platforms (AWS, Azure, > GCE, etc). > ... etc (complete agenda TBD) > > Ideally, we solve all (or as many as possible) of the open questions which were > discussed at Debconf and on the debian-cloud list and come to consensus on what > an official Debian cloud image is, how it works in the various cloud offerings, > and have a realistic timeline to offer such an image for the community at > large. Bonus points if we actually have something working. > > I am targeting November 2 - 4, 2016 in Seattle, WA (USA). > https://wiki.debian.org/Sprints/2016/DebianCloudNov2016 > > Please respond if you are interested in attending so we can find a suitable > space (or if you happen to have such a space). Thanks! Hi Zach, hi all, I'd like to attend as well, thus added my self into the list on the wiki. I'm involved mostly with AWS side (working on AMIs) and working on and co-maintaining bootstrap-vz (with Tiago). PS I know that newer version is needed we're working in it. -- |_|0|_| | |_|_|0| "Panta rei" | |0|0|0| -------- kuLa -------- | gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 0x686930DD58C338B3 3DF1 A4DF C732 4688 38BC F121 6869 30DD 58C3 38B3
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