Re: Call For Participation Debian Cloud Sprint
Niltze, all-
On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 2:13 PM, Zach Marano <> wrote:
> We are organizing a Debian cloud sprint to focus on subjects like:
> - What does it mean to run Debian in the cloud.
> - Define the official Debian cloud image.
> - In depth look at how Debian works on current cloud platforms (AWS, Azure,
> GCE, etc).
> ... etc (complete agenda TBD)
> Ideally, we solve all (or as many as possible) of the open questions which
> were discussed at Debconf and on the debian-cloud list and come to consensus
> on what an official Debian cloud image is, how it works in the various cloud
> offerings, and have a realistic timeline to offer such an image for the
> community at large. Bonus points if we actually have something working.
> I am targeting November 2 - 4, 2016 in Seattle, WA (USA).
> Please respond if you are interested in attending so we can find a suitable
> space (or if you happen to have such a space). Thanks!
> -----
> Zach Marano
I am interested in attending, although most probably remotely.
I have built (and been testing) iterations of Linux reiser4-patched
kernels/utilities for Debian Jessie on AMD64 cloud images on GCE.
These were created from my reiser4 custom Debian-Installer:
Best Professional Regards
Jose R R
Try at no charge for PaaS
from our GitHub repository. Cloud the easy way!
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