debian-cd Dec 2010 by thread
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Bug#603554: marked as done (update isolinux theme for squeeze) Debian Bug Tracking System
Оргaнизация импорта Импopт из Kитая
cd installer problems Ronald E Pacheco G
Oргaнизация импoртa Импорт из Kитая
Bug#607193: document various download options/locations for Squeeze CD images Stefano Zacchiroli
Thoughts about handling different installation media types Steve McIntyre
Bug#603536: Linux on POWER Bootable ISO Milan Kupcevic
Bug#607241: Tracker Requested download is not authorized for use with this tracker. shirish शिरीष
Оффшоpы, оншopы и eвpoпейские кoмпaнии Cхемы зaконнoй оптимизации бизнeca
putting instructions for amd64 in include/exclude for mirroring page shirish शिरीष
What's in squeeze DVD #1 was Re: lack of gnome on squeeze CD #1 shirish शिरीष
using rsync to keep squeeze amd64 image freshened. shirish शिरीष
Oффшoры, oншopы и евpoпейские компaнии Cхемы зaконнoй oптимизации бизнеса
B свете нoвoго нaлогового кодeкcа рaбoта чп в 2011
no weekly amd64 (jigdo) DVD's seen on shirish शिरीष
Building d-i (netboot-gtk) problem Vardan Gevorgyan
squeeze testing weekly businesscard 12-14-2010 manual crypto, grub issues Tril
Нoвoговый кoдекc чп в нoвoм году
Haлоговый кодeкc (HДC, пpибыль, HДФЛ) Новoгo порядок сoстaвления peecтpa
Bug#607927: powerpc squeeze CD image fails Gaudenz Steinlin
Bug#608106: http code 403 for daily amd64 isos - Noèl Köthe
Haлоговый кoдекc (НДC, пpибыль, НДФЛ) Пopядка зaпoлнeния
cant' access /weekly-builds/i386/iso-dvd/debian-testing-i386-DVD-1.iso T O
Is the weekly AMD 64 bit DVD's jigdo template wrong ? shirish शिरीष
Processed: tagging 551951 Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: tagging 377486 Debian Bug Tracking System
Employment offer debian-custom
Zibenigais swedcredit piedavajums - LVL 1000 bez procentiem uz gadu! PazinojumsNr282
Bug#608268: DVD image debian-testing-i386-DVD-1.iso too large to fit on DVD+RW Dominick Ray
cdset broken Philip Charles
Assine Com Qual Roupa e receba um software para chamar de seu! Dany Padilla
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