debian-cd Sep 2009 by thread
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Bug#506489: debian-cd: please provide jigdo and list files for netinst and business ISOs Simon Paillard
Bug#515542: marked as done ( content-type wrong for torrents) Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#547418: Lenny files on cdimage.d.o: consistency of naming scheme, matching the release version Simon Paillard
Processed: severity of 547454 is important Debian Bug Tracking System
jigdo files: no source for testing after 3 weeks? ael
***UNCHECKED*** ***UNCHECKED*** Your signed PGP key 0x7C3B797088C7C1F7 Michael Schultheiss
Distributing Debian using Usenet Patrick Schreurs
Request nidhin raj
Bug#285888: Please welcome Amy Amy ViralClassified Support
Bug#154751: Instant Recession Relief in Fewer than 60 mins cooper
Google Webinar (free sign-up) - Top 10 SEO Tools Jason McDonald
Re: debian-installer daily images Steve McIntyre
The last update was on 03:20 GMT Sun Feb 26. There are 32 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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