debian-accessibility Apr 2020 by thread
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Orca Constantine Ryzhikov
- Re: Orca Constantine Ryzhikov
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Orca Constantine Ryzhikov
Fwd: Debian is testing Discourse john doe
Debian Live DVD Orca autostart Egon
Missing Audio Driver in Debian 10 Vmware John Berden
Which Desktop Environment is the best for blind? John Berden
Bug#941013: libvte-2.91-0: Please make this accessible to help Debian accessibility Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
Re: Flawless Accessible Installation onto Old Thinkpad (X60 I think) Cyril Brulebois
orca and remote apps from ssh session Halim Sahin
New Member John J. Boyer
What do you think of TeamViewer? John J. Boyer
RSGames client on Debian 10 Vojtěch šmiro
building a custon talking debian installation image with build essential and other packages on the disc as well as the mate accessible desktop Nick Gawronski
Synthesis volume in the debian installer Samuel Thibault
The last update was on 09:00 GMT Thu Apr 30. There are 88 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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