debconf-team Jan 2017 by thread
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- [Debconf-team] Reviewing the venue contract Jerome Charaoui
- [Debconf-team] Questions for the Hsinchu bid Lucas Nussbaum
- Re: [Debconf-team] Questions for the Curitiba (Brazil) Team Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana
- [Debconf-team] January 16th meeting - 15:30 UTC Louis-Philippe Véronneau
- [Debconf-team] DebConf committee infos / DC18 bid evaluation and decision polls Daniel Lange
- [Debconf-team] Reminder: DebConf committee infos / DC18 bid evaluation and decision polls Daniel Lange
- [Debconf-team] Meetings DC18 bid evaluation (Tue, 2017-01-24 15:00 UTC) and decision (Wed, 2017-02-15 15:00 UTC) Daniel Lange
- Re: [Debconf-team] Meetings DC18 bid evaluation (Tue, 2017-01-24 15:00 UTC) and decision (Wed, 2017-02-15 15:00 UTC) Holger Levsen
- Re: [Debconf-team] Meetings DC18 bid evaluation (Tue, 2017-01-24 15:00 UTC) and decision (Wed, 2017-02-15 15:00 UTC) Daniel Lange
- Re: [Debconf-team] Meetings DC18 bid evaluation (Tue, 2017-01-24 15:00 UTC) and decision (Wed, 2017-02-15 15:00 UTC) Elena ``of Valhalla''
- Re: [Debconf-team] Meetings DC18 bid evaluation (Tue, 2017-01-24 15:00 UTC) and decision (Wed, 2017-02-15 15:00 UTC) Holger Levsen
- Re: [Debconf-team] Meetings DC18 bid evaluation (Tue, 2017-01-24 15:00 UTC) and decision (Wed, 2017-02-15 15:00 UTC) Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana
- [Debconf-team] January 23rd meeting Louis-Philippe Véronneau
- [Debconf-team] Debconf Accomodation 13 - 16 shirish शिरीष
- [Debconf-team] swag t-shirts or something else ? shirish शिरीष
- [Debconf-team] Any remote volunteering that I could do for debconf 17 ? shirish शिरीष
- [Debconf-team] could somebody bits about the underground city in the debconf17/fun wiki ? shirish शिरीष
- [Debconf-team] [DC17] Help with catering contract Tiago Bortoletto Vaz
- [Debconf-team] What's missing on wafer to open CFP & registration? Tiago Bortoletto Vaz
- [Debconf-team] LCA impressions on being inclusive, attendee safety & comfort martin f krafft
- [Debconf-team] Monday January 30th meeting - 15:30 UTC Louis-Philippe Véronneau
- [Debconf-team] Monday February 6th meeting - 15:30 UTC Louis-Philippe Véronneau
- [Debconf-team] Fwd: Conference Organizers - seeking a contact/conversation Ellie Young
The last update was on 17:20 GMT Fri Jun 07. There are 54 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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