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*****SPAM***** Re:ȸ½Å Bug#100215: ITP Bug#100221: ITP Bug#100230: [Jim Lisi <>] Re: ITA grunch Bug#100240: ITP Bug#100249: ITP Bug#100252: marked as done (ITA: powershell -- powerful terminal emulator for GNOME) Bug#100261: ITP Bug#100266: ITP Bug#100702: marked as done (ITA: newsclipper -- generates websites based on others) Bug#103406: adopt cost Bug#103471: apache2 Bug#104291: marked as done (ITA: quik -- a boot loader for OldWorld PowerMacs) Bug#107817: marked as done (ITA: tkps -- X-based process management tool similar to 'top') Bug#107817: retitle 107817 ITA: tkps -- X-based process management tool similar to 'top' Bug#108208: Are you going to fulfil your ITP on libfont-afm-perl? Bug#108942: marked as done (ITP: cyrus2-imapd -- CMU Cyrus project mail system, version 2) Bug#109099: marked as done (ITP: ParaGUI -- GUI 'front-end' to SDL) Bug#111436: Bug closed by mistake Bug#111658: ITA knapster2 Bug#112558: marked as done (ITA: lockdev -- library for locking devices) Bug#112578: marked as done (O: dcl -- Double Choco Latte) Bug#113653: marked as done (ITP: links-lua-ssl -- a fork of links supporting lua language, resulting a programmable browser with hooks) Bug#113797: ITP: kxmleditor -- XML Editor for KDE Bug#115634: release pending? Bug#115883: gnome-print-queue? Bug#116029: ITA: oops - Adoption Bug#116551: [Jacob Robert Wilkins <>] Re: ITA kyahoo Bug#116551: retitle 116551 ITA: kyahoo Yahoo Instant Messenger client for KDE Bug#116551: retitle 116551 RFA kyahoo -- Yahoo Instant Messenger client for KDE Bug#116578: marked as done (ITA: searchandrescue -- game, fly helpicopter around and save people) Bug#116834: I'll take this one Bug#116890: marked as done (ITP: flashplugin -- Flashplugin installer for mozilla/galeon/netscape) Bug#117995: ITA: dvb - Driver and Applications for Satellite (Digital Video) cards Bug#119145: About ickle Bug#120209: Bug#143084: RFP: rox-filer -- a fast graphical file manager for the X Window System. Bug#121106: marked as done (ITA: sndconfig -- Redhat's sound card configuration utility) Bug#121171: marked as done (RFP: mpb -- computing states of electromagnetic media) Bug#121358: marked as done (ITP: zope-exuserfolder -- Extensible User Folder -- user authentication, properties and sessions) Bug#122505: marked as done (ITP: python-cdb -- Python CDB (constant database) library) Bug#122507: marked as done (ITP: mta-dummy) Bug#123028: marked as done (O: epic4-script-light -- Light - It's Just Not Lame) Bug#123479: adoptations Bug#123484: ITA: gnobog -- GNOME Bookmarks Organizer Bug#123484: marked as done (ITA: gnobog -- GNOME Bookmarks Organizer) Bug#123500: adoptations Bug#123507: adoptations Bug#123512: adoptations Bug#123514: marked as done (O: awe -- Linux AWE32 MIDI stuff) Bug#123519: ITA: weblint -- a syntax and minimal style checker for HTML Bug#123519: marked as done (ITA: weblint -- a syntax and minimal style checker for HTML) Bug#123521: marked as done (O: sfio -- Enhanced library for managing I/O streams) Bug#123522: marked as done (O: luci -- LUCI is a Universal Configuration Interface) Bug#123526: adopt Bug#123526: marked as done (ITA: zope-loginmanager -- User Folder workalike and replacem=) Bug#123527: marked as done (O: zope-pythonmethod -- Allows ZopeMethods to be written in plain Python code) Bug#123529: marked as done (O: zope-renderable -- Zope base class to make subclasses renderable) Bug#123530: marked as done (O: zope-zcvsmixin -- Allows management of Zope objects in CVS) Bug#123531: marked as done (O: zope-zieve -- A Zope product that provides flexible sorting.) Bug#124184: Adopting these packages Bug#124308: Berkeley db4 packages in Debian Bug#124357: marked as done (ITP: openantivirus -- GPL'ed antivirus solution for Linux) Bug#126005: ITA: srecord -- Manipulate EPROM load files Bug#126005: marked as done (ITA: srecord -- Manipulate EPROM load files) Bug#126299: marked as done (ITP: airsnort -- a wireless LAN (WLAN) tool) Bug#126317: ITP: robotournament -- Game where players program their robots against each other Bug#126901: acknowledged by developer (Freedicts) Bug#126901: marked as done (ITP: dict-eng2ita -- freedict English to Italian dictionary) Bug#127699: Orphaned packages in testing which were never in stable Bug#127711: Adopting these packages Bug#127712: marked as done (O: aktion -- KDE frontend to xanim) Bug#128261: please test gshield 2.7.1 package for debian Bug#128283: ITA: sarg Squid Analysis Report Generator Bug#128283: marked as done (O: sarg -- Squid Analysis Report Generator) Bug#128283: Sarg brought back Bug#129602: marked as done (ITP: python-cdb -- Python CDB (constant database) library) Bug#130267: aspell-pt Bug#130291: adopt bigloo Bug#130291: I may take it Bug#130427: marked as done (ITA: perlftlib -- FreeType font utilities.) Bug#130834: marked as done (ITA: mtoolsfm) Bug#130840: tk-brief Bug#130917: marked as done (ITP: openjade1.3 -- stable branch of openjade) Bug#131183: marked as done (ITA: muddleftpd -- A flexible and efficient FTP daemon) Bug#131240: marked as done (ITP: dvdplusrw -- Tools for working with DVD+RW drives like HP's dvd100i) Bug#131256: marked as done (ITP: nikto -- Web server scanner) Bug#131639: marked as done (ITA: autofs -- A kernel-based automounter for Linux.) Bug#131662: file intent to adopt Bug#131662: marked as done (O: smupsd -- UPS monitoring daemon) Bug#131662: Reverse my intent to adopt Bug#131732: marked as done (O: rmc -- Remote method call) Bug#131736: marked as done (O: dcethreads -- A DCE Threads emulation layer ontop of LinuxThreads) Bug#131737: marked as done (O: freedce -- A free implementation of DCE RPC) Bug#131738: marked as done (O: odb -- Object Data Base) Bug#132403: Debian Package of ltris Bug#132885: when will the first release be out? Bug#132886: ITP: p0f -- passive OS fingerprinting tool Bug#133227: marked as done (O: eventfolder -- Event Calendar for Zope) Bug#133229: marked as done (O: gdl -- Gnome Devtool Libraries) Bug#133231: marked as done (O: gnome-build -- GNOME Build Framework (GBF)) Bug#133232: marked as done (O: gnome-debug -- GNOME Debugging Framework (GDF)) Bug#133296: marked as done (ITA: a2ps -- GNU a2ps "anything to postscript converter") Bug#134008: marked as done (O: tulip -- A system dedicated to the visualization of huge graphs) Bug#134134: marked as done (ITP: libwvstreams3 -- WvStreams C++ Network Communications Layer for Rapid Application Development) Bug#134137: fcptools for debian Bug#134534: ITA asd4 -- Advanced Sound Daemon Bug#134644: ITA: kvdr -- DVB (digital TV) Video Disk Recorder for KDE Bug#134645: ITA: vdr : Video Disk Recorder for DVB-S cards, base package Bug#134961: O: kernel-patch-kiobuf -- Stephen Tweedie's kiobuf (formerly raw-io) patch Bug#135131: ITA: gnome-audio Bug#135131: marked as done (RFA: gnome-audio -- Audio files for Gnome) Bug#135213: marked as done (ITP: solarwolf -- Collect the boxes and don't become mad) Bug#135466: ITA: mailleds - Blink the keyboard LEDs for incoming mail Bug#135542: marked as done (ITA: pgpgpg -- Wrapper for using GnuPG in programs designed for PGP) Bug#135566: ITA: jetspeed adoption Bug#135568: I might package this... Bug#135949: marked as done (ITA: xfstt -- TrueType Font Server for X11) Bug#136271: ITP: knights -- KDE chessboard and ICS interface Bug#136286: marked as done (ITP: python-dns -- python DNS module) Bug#136812: mueller Bug#137559: marked as done (ITP: gle -- OpenGL tubing and extrusion library) Bug#137760: marked as done (RFP: micq -- text based ICQ client with many features) Bug#138190: Any progress on enigmail? Bug#138225: iODBC libraries in Debian Bug#138225: marked as done ([RFP]: libodbc3 -- iODBC library (version 3.0.*)) Bug#138434: marked as done (ITP: pbuttons -- Make Apple PowerBook special keys working as expected...) Bug#138435: ITP: gtkpbbuttons -- client for pbbuttons Bug#138435: marked as done (ITP: gtkpbbuttons -- client for pbbuttons) Bug#138440: marked as done (ITP: fnord -- yet another small httpd) Bug#138562: marked as done (RFP: pisg -- perl irc statistics generator) Bug#138948: marked as done (ITP: retchmail -- REALLY Fast POP3 Retriever) Bug#139013: marked as done (ITP: tuxpuck -- Shufflepuck Cafe Clone) Bug#139236: marked as done (ITP: tcm -- Toolkit for Conceptual Modeling (TCM)) Bug#139248: marked as done (ITP: fenris -- multipurpose tracer, stateful analyzer and partial decompiler) Bug#139387: marked as done (ITA: giflib -- shared library for GIF images) Bug#139388: marked as done (ITA: xscreensaver -- Automatic screensaver for X) Bug#139699: marked as done (ITP: ksimus-floatingpoint - KSimus floating point package) Bug#139888: marked as done (ITP: 6tunnel -- TCP proxy for applications that don't speak IPv6) Bug#140041: marked as done (ITA: bbdb -- The Insidious Big Brother Database (email rolodex) for Emacs) Bug#140045: acknowledged by developer (Re: Bug#140045: RFP: xfsamba -- Graphical SMB navigator / file manager) Bug#140045: marked as done (RFP: xfsamba -- Graphical SMB navigator / file manager) Bug#140103: [ Re: Bug#140103: ITP: alliance -- VLSI CAD system] Bug#140103: ITP: alliance -- VLSI CAD system Bug#140128: marked as done (ITP: Scons -- make replacement) Bug#140151: marked as done (ITP: mozilla-locale-gl-es -- Mozilla Galician Language Package.) Bug#140207: marked as done (ITP: The paragui library. GUI components based on sdl) Bug#140210: marked as done (ITP: zope-extfile -- Stores large files outside Zope database) Bug#140266: marked as done (ITP: mlglade -- a glade to ocaml compiler) Bug#140276: marked as done (ITP: Gnome Commander -- a Gnome file manager) Bug#140349: marked as done (ITP: cvs-conf -- Manage your configuration files via CVS) Bug#140461: marked as done (ITP: cacti -- Frontend to rrdtool for monitoring systems and services) Bug#140516: marked as done (ITP: pixelize -- Create an image consisting of many small images.) Bug#140612: ITP: privoxy -- Privacy enhancing HTTP Proxy Bug#140612: marked as done (ITP: privoxy -- Privacy enhancing HTTP Proxy) Bug#140657: ccache != compilercache Bug#140657: marked as done (ITP: ccache -- Compiler results cacher, for fast recompiles.) Bug#140687: License Bug#140760: marked as done (ITP: keybled -- KDE keyboard LED applet.) Bug#140760: wnpp: ITP: keybled - KDE keyboard LED applet Bug#140840: ITP: glabels -- a GUI program to create/making labels and business card Bug#140840: marked as done (ITP: glabels -- a GUI program to create/making labels and business card) Bug#140848: ITP: rocks -- Make network sockets reliable in a transparent way Bug#140848: marked as done (ITP: rocks -- Make network sockets reliable in a transparent way) Bug#140858: RFP: gtktrue -- gtk front-end for /bin/true Bug#140863: ITP: babygimp -- An icon editor in Perl-Tk Bug#140865: marked as done (ITA: penguineyes -- A gtk version of xeyes) Bug#140865: O: penguineyes -- A gtk version of xeyes Bug#140889: ITP: web2ldap -- web-based LDAP editor written in Python Bug#140890: ITP: python-weblib -- PyWebLib is a module needed for web2ldap, a web-based LDAP editor Bug#140890: marked as done (ITP: python-weblib -- PyWebLib is a module needed for web2ldap, a web-based LDAP editor) Bug#140943: ITP: ecb -- Source Code Browser for Emacs Bug#140947: ITP: libdigest-md4-perl -- MD4 Message Digest for Perl Bug#140947: marked as done (ITP: libdigest-md4-perl -- MD4 Message Digest for Perl) Bug#140948: ITP: libterm-readpassword-perl -- ask the user for a password Bug#140948: marked as done (ITP: libterm-readpassword-perl -- ask the user for a password) Bug#140951: ITP: libcrypt-cracklib-perl -- interface to cracklib Bug#140951: marked as done (ITP: libcrypt-cracklib-perl -- interface to cracklib) Bug#140959: ITP: libfaketime -- Source for replacement of time funcion Bug#140964: ITP: libdvbpsi -- library for MPEG TS and DVB PSI tables decoding and generating Bug#140965: ITP: vls -- the VideoLAN MPEG broadcasting server Bug#140985: ITP: rbot -- IRC bot written in ruby Bug#140997: O: emacs-dl-canna -- Canna DL module for emacs20-dl Bug#140998: O: emacs-dl-wnn -- Wnn DL module for emacs20-dl Bug#141006: O: emacs20-dl -- The GNU Emacs editor. (Dynamic Loading supported) Bug#141053: ITP: fort -- Framework for Ocaml Regression Testing Bug#141053: marked as done (ITP: fort -- Framework for Ocaml Regression Testing) Bug#141070: ITP: aptconf -- debconf infrastructure for setting up apt sources Bug#141070: ITP: aptconf -- debconf infrastructure for setting up apt sources Bug#141080: marked as done (ITP: doxymacs -- an Emacs mode for doxygen) Bug#141080: RFP: doxymacs -- an Emacs mode for doxygen Bug#141099: ITP: xpilot-ng -- XPilot game "next generation" Bug#141103: marked as done (ITA: gnome-chess -- GNOME Chess) Bug#141103: O: gnome-chess -- GNOME Chess Bug#141126: ITP: konq-speaker -- text-to-speech plugins for Konqueror and Kate Bug#141126: marked as done (ITP: konq-speaker -- text-to-speech plugins for Konqueror and Kate) Bug#141181: O: nase-a60 -- An Algol-60 interpreter Bug#141191: ITA: gnome-admin -- Gnome Admin Utilities (gulp) Bug#141222: Acknowledgement (O: xvier -- An X11 version of the "Four in a row" game.) Bug#141222: ITA: xvier Bug#141222: marked as done (ITA: xvier) Bug#141222: O: xvier -- An X11 version of the "Four in a row" game. Bug#141223: marked as done (ITA: xzx -- X11 based ZX Spectrum emulator) Bug#141223: O: xzx -- X11 based ZX Spectrum emulator Bug#141225: Contact with upstream Bug#141225: marked as done (ITA: limo -- Lists files in a custom way) Bug#141225: O: limo -- Lists files in a custom way Bug#141226: O: quickppp -- PPP Config tool Bug#141228: marked as done (ITA: vrms -- Virtual Richard M. Stallman) Bug#141228: O: vrms -- Virtual Richard M. Stallman Bug#141228: yes... Bug#141229: marked as done (ITA: libterm-readkey-perl -- Change terminal modes, and perform non-blocking reads) Bug#141229: O: libterm-readkey-perl -- Change terminal modes, and perform non-blocking reads Bug#141230: marked as done (ITA: libterm-readline-gnu-perl -- Perl module to use GNU Readline library) Bug#141230: O: libterm-readline-gnu-perl -- Perl module to use GNU Readline library Bug#141231: marked as done (ITA: libterm-readline-perl-perl -- Perl implementation of Readline libraries) Bug#141231: O: libterm-readline-perl-perl -- Perl implementation of Readline libraries Bug#141276: RFA: bidentd -- Bisqwit's identd Bug#141316: ITP: doomlegacy -- Port of the Doom engine that supports SDL and OpenGL Bug#141316: marked as done (ITP: doomlegacy -- Port of the Doom engine that supports SDL and OpenGL) Bug#141345: ITP: sextractor -- Builds a catalogue of objects from an astronomical image. Bug#141352: ITP: xmedcon -- medical image conversion Bug#141381: ITP: olena - generic image processing library Bug#141450: ITP: jackit -- JACK low-latency sound server Bug#141476: ITP: ijs-dev -- IJS raster image transport protocol Bug#141488: ITP: libsigc++-1.1 -- Development branch of SigC++ Bug#141488: marked as done (ITP: libsigc++-1.1 -- Development branch of SigC++) Bug#141494: ITP: fuse -- Filesystem in USErspace Bug#141494: Potential clash on the name 'fuse' Bug#141521: ITA: ibm-jdk1.1-installer -- An Installer for IBM Developer Kit for Linux Bug#141521: O: ibm-jdk1.1-installer -- An Installer for IBM Developer Kit for Linux Bug#141584: marked as done (O: gnu-standards -- GNU coding standards) Bug#141584: O: gnu-standards -- GNU coding standards Bug#141611: RFP: cfg2html -- System information collector Bug#141677: ITP: zssh -- interactive file transfers over ssh Bug#141693: RFA: gmod -- Module player for Ultrasound and SB AWE soundcards Bug#141748: ITP: openca -- Open Source Certification Authority Bug#141751: ITP: weex -- a non-interactive FTP client for updating web pages Bug#141807: marked as done (ITA: xchain -- A strategy game for 2-4 players) Bug#141807: O: xchain -- A strategy game for 2-4 players Bug#141847: dupload Bug#141847: marked as done (ITA: dupload -- Utility to upload Debian packages.) Bug#141847: O: dupload -- Utility to upload Debian packages. Bug#141848: marked as done (ITA: queso -- Guess the operating system of a remote machine) Bug#141848: O: queso -- Guess the operating system of a remote machine Bug#141852: marked as done (ITA: xt -- A graphical traceroute) Bug#141852: O: xt -- A graphical traceroute Bug#141854: marked as done (ITA: perl-byacc) Bug#141854: O: perl-byacc Bug#141855: marked as done (ITA: lib-dom-java) Bug#141855: O: lib-dom-java Bug#141858: ITP: cccp -- Console frontend to DCTC - Direct Connect (peer-based file-sharing) Bug#141858: ITP: cccp -- Console frontend to DCTC - Direct Connect (peer-based file-sharing) Bug#141936: RFP: opennms -- enterprise grade network management platform Bug#141937: ITP: LeakTracer - trace and analyze memory leaks in C++ programs Bug#141937: marked as done (ITP: LeakTracer - trace and analyze memory leaks in C++ programs) Bug#141945: ITP: nel -- game engine library with 3d, net, sound, pacs, ai Bug#141950: ITP: irc - The original IRC daemon Bug#141971: I.T. Certification Programs Bug#141971: O: elm-me+ -- elm mail reader Bug#142009: RFP: SashXB -- SashXB is an open source application environment that exposes native functionality to JavaScript. Bug#142056: ITP: ngpt -- Next Generation POSIX Threading Bug#142065: ITP: cyrus2-sasl-mit - MIT Kerberos modules for sasl2 Bug#142207: ITP: billard-gl -- A billiard game using OpenGL Bug#142207: marked as done (ITP: billard-gl -- A billiard game using OpenGL) Bug#142221: ITP: pygopherd -- Gopher multiprotocol server in Python Bug#142221: marked as done (ITP: pygopherd -- Gopher multiprotocol server in Python) Bug#142237: O: nasm -- General-purpose x86 assembler Bug#142250: marked as done (ITA: afterstep -- A window manager with the NEXTSTEP look) Bug#142250: orphaning afterstep Bug#142251: O:htp - An HTML pre-processor Bug#142264: ITP: usemod -- CGI-based Wiki clone Bug#142276: ITP: libnjb -- Creative Labs Nomad Jukebox MP3 Player library Bug#142290: ITP: python-optik -- advanced command-line parsing library for Python Bug#142290: marked as done (ITP: python-optik -- advanced command-line parsing library for Python) Bug#142414: O: loadwatch Bug#142456: ITP: enigma -- A game where you control a marble with the mouse Bug#142456: marked as done (ITP: enigma -- A game where you control a marble with the mouse) Bug#142458: ITP: med-imaging -- Debian Med imaging packages Bug#142459: ITP: med-imaging-dev -- Debian Med packages for medical image development Bug#142505: ITP: liblog-agent-logger-perl -- Application-level logging interface framework for perl Bug#142678: marked as done (ITA: chktex -- Finds typographic errors in LaTeX) Bug#142678: O: chktex Bug#142762: ITP: iip -- Invisible IRC Project Bug#142764: ITP: ucstring : unicode support for eiffel Bug#142764: marked as done (ITP: ucstring : unicode support for eiffel ) Bug#142765: ITP: exml - XML 1.0 parser for Eiffel based on expat Bug#142765: marked as done (ITP: exml - XML 1.0 parser for Eiffel based on expat) Bug#142817: ITP: dchub -- dchub is a DC (Direct Connect) hub clone Bug#142840: marked as done (O: mp3check -- Check mp3 files for consistency) Bug#142840: O: mp3check -- Check mp3 files for consistency Bug#142845: O: zope-pygresqlda - A Zope Database Adapter for PostgreSQL Bug#142856: RFP: backup2l -- tar-based backup/restore tool for mountable media Bug#142857: RFP: backup2l -- tar-based backup/restore tool for mountable media Bug#142899: RFP: koala -- Microsoft-Access thingie for postgres Bug#142901: ITP: med-tools -- Debian Med several tools Bug#142905: ITP: hotswap -- register/deregister hotswappable IDE hardware Bug#142905: marked as done (ITP: hotswap -- register/deregister hotswappable IDE hardware) Bug#142932: ITP: globus -- Provides fundamental technologies to build computational grids Bug#142932: ITP: globus -- Provides fundamental technologies to build computational grids Bug#142962: RFP: omniorb4 -- omniORB is a robust, high-performance CORBA 2 ORB (OmniORB v-4.0) Bug#142979: RFP: kvim -- VIM with KDE interface Bug#142982: RFP: kuery -- MySQL database administration tool with KDE interface Bug#143043: ITP: kronolith -- Web Based Calendar Manager Bug#143043: My mail concerning kronolith, Bug#143048: ITP: libnet-server-perl -- extensible, general Perl server engine Bug#143084: RFP: rox-filer -- a fast graphical file manager for the X Window System. Bug#143084: RFP: rox-filer -- a fast graphical file manager for the X Window System. Bug#143144: ITP: libsocket++ - Socket abstraction library for C++ Bug#143193: ITP: plugger -- multimedia plugin for browsers. Bug#143193: marked as done (ITP: plugger -- multimedia plugin for browsers.) Bug#143207: ITP: idsa -- A reference monitor, logger and intrusion detection system Bug#143209: ITP: switchconf -- Change network config for laptops Bug#143209: marked as done (ITP: switchconf -- Change network config for laptops) Bug#143244: ITP: ganglia -- a cluster monitoring environment Bug#143264: ITP: libctl -- Library for flexible control files. Bug#143264: marked as done (ITP: libctl -- Library for flexible control files.) Bug#143266: ITP: mpb -- MIT Photonic-Bands Bug#143266: marked as done (ITP: mpb -- MIT Photonic-Bands) Bug#143269: ITP: h5utils -- A collection of tools to visualize HDF5 files Bug#143281: RFP: scummvm -- free implementation of LucasArts S.C.U.M.M. Bug#143281: RFP: scummvm -- free implementation of LucasArts S.C.U.M.M. Bug#143319: ITP: topal -- Links Pine and GnuPG together. Bug#143319: marked as done (ITP: topal -- Links Pine and GnuPG together.) Bug#143320: ITP: gpsdrive -- Car navigation system Bug#143320: marked as done (ITP: gpsdrive -- Car navigation system) Bug#143331: openvpn Bug#143331: Requesting package for OpenVPN Bug#143332: ITP: libnjb -- Creative Labs Nomad Jukebox driver library Bug#143343: ITP: webcamd -- Capture images from video devices and upload or save it in a directory Bug#143343: marked as done (ITP: webcamd -- Capture images from video devices and upload or save it in a directory) Bug#143364: ITP: epiphany -- clone of BoulderDash Game Bug#143364: marked as done (ITP: epiphany -- clone of BoulderDash Game) Bug#143392: ITP: tun-tap -- Universal TUN/TAP device driver for 2.2.x kernels Bug#143442: ITP: zope-ldapuserfolder -- The Zope LDAP user folder Bug#143442: marked as done (ITP: zope-ldapuserfolder -- The Zope LDAP user folder) Bug#143446: ITP: zope-cmfldap -- Zope CMF LDAP membership management tools Bug#143446: marked as done (ITP: zope-cmfldap -- Zope CMF LDAP membership management tools) Bug#143451: marked as done (wnpp: ITP: dictclient) Bug#143451: wnpp: ITP: dictclient Bug#143479: O: sporum -- a powerful Web-based discussion forum Bug#143491: ITP: gktail -- Show the end of a file (logs) Bug#143491: marked as done (ITP: gktail -- Show the end of a file (logs)) Bug#143503: marked as done (ITP: dict-moby-thesaurus -- Moby thesaurus in dictd format) Bug#143503: wnpp: ITP: dict-moby-thesaurus Bug#143509: marked as done (ITP: dict-de-en -- German-English Dictionary) Bug#143509: wnpp: ITP: dict-de-en Bug#143525: ITP: pdftohtml -- Translates pdf documents into html and postscript formats. Bug#143525: marked as done (ITP: pdftohtml -- Translates pdf documents into html and postscript formats.) Bug#143530: ITP: wmufo -- This is wmseti on steroids! Bug#143548: ITP: ipm -- PHP-based tasklist/project management Bug#143565: ITP: wmsetimon -- Dock app which show you the current state of your SETI@Home units Bug#143565: marked as done (ITP: wmsetimon -- Dock app which show you the current state of your SETI@Home units) Bug#143568: ITP: ragel -- finite state machine to c/c++ compiler Bug#143608: marked as done (wnpp: ITP: dictdlib) Bug#143608: wnpp: ITP: dictdlib Bug#143633: marked as done (ITP: dict-bouvier -- Bouvier's law dictionary) Bug#143633: wnpp: ITP: dict-bouvier Bug#143634: RFP: eCos -- eCos is a deeply embedded operating system Bug#143649: O: ckermit -- A serial and network communications package. Bug#143650: ITA: chos -- Easy Boot loader with a Boot-Menu Bug#143650: O: chos -- Easy Boot loader with a Boot-Menu Bug#143651: adopt Bug#143651: O: hermes1 -- The Hermes pixel-format library Bug#143652: O: gkermit -- A serial and network communications package. Bug#143654: marked as done (ITA: nstreams -- network streams - a tcpdump output analyzer) Bug#143654: O: nstreams -- network streams - a tcpdump output analyzer Bug#143659: ITP: jpilot-syncmal -- MAL plugin for jpilot (Palm Pilot desktop) Bug#143669: marked as done (ITA: elib -- Library of commonly-used Emacs functions) Bug#143669: O: elib -- Library of commonly-used Emacs functions Bug#143681: marked as done (ITA) Bug#143681: O: gnuhtml2latex -- A Perl script that converts html files to latex Bug#143684: ITP: libapache-mod-tsunami -- Apache module which protects the web server against too many request for a single web directory Bug#143684: marked as done (ITP: libapache-mod-tsunami -- Apache module which protects the web server against too many request for a single web directory) Bug#143716: ITP: r-nonlinear -- libraries for nonlinear regression and repeated measurement models in GNU R Bug#143716: marked as done (ITP: r-nonlinear -- libraries for nonlinear regression and repeated measurement models in GNU R) Bug#143718: ITP: libbind-confparser-perl Bug#143718: marked as done (ITP: libbind-confparser-perl) Bug#143719: ITP: libdns-zoneparse-perl Bug#143719: marked as done (ITP: libdns-zoneparse-perl) Bug#143735: ITP: gronk -- An MP3 Jukebox interface Bug#143755: marked as done (ITP: freedict -- Freedict dictionaries for dictd) Bug#143755: wnpp: ITP: freedict Bug#143757: O: centericq -- A text-mode ICQ client based on ncurses Bug#143758: marked as done (O: ditty -- Allows you to play melodies from your built-in speaker) Bug#143758: O: ditty -- Allows you to play melodies from your built-in speaker Bug#143759: O: kascade -- Client for Kascade, a distributed Open directory search-engine Bug#143797: ITP: kimagemapeditor -- KDE-based HTML image map editor. Bug#143797: marked as done (ITP: kimagemapeditor -- KDE-based HTML image map editor.) Bug#143813: RFP: willows-twin -- Architecture-independant M$ Windows emulator Bug#143840: ITP: pisg -- Perl IRC Statistics Generator Bug#143840: marked as done (ITP: pisg -- Perl IRC Statistics Generator) Bug#143841: ITP: ethstats -- script that quickly measures network device throughput. Bug#143841: marked as done (ITP: ethstats -- script that quickly measures network device throughput.) Bug#143914: ITP: kbiff -- Mail notification utility Bug#143947: ITP: jpilot-mail -- Mail plugin for jpilot (Palm Pilot desktop) Bug#144042: RFP: freedos -- complete, free, MSDOS compatible operating system. Bug#144100: ITP: keepalived -- LVS monitor for virtual servers; notification and failover Bug#144106: [ITP]: bins -- BINS (BINS is not SWIGS) static photo gallery generator Bug#144106: ITP]: bins -- BINS (BINS is not SWIGS) static photo gallery generator Bug#144106: marked as done (ITP: bins -- BINS (BINS is not SWIGS) static photo gallery generator) Bug#144107: ITP: mplayer -- Movie player for Linux The last update was on 12:24 GMT Mon Jul 08. There are 780 messages. Page 1 of 2.

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