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Re: View on UNIX purism in Linux Community

On Mon, 15 Sep 2014 20:32:45 +0200
Bartosz Olender <bartek.olender@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am not defending systemd programmers but, could you clarify what do
> you exactly mean by bad programming practices?

Creating weird situations about things that used to work well
for _years_ (eg: the kernel debug switch), then put the blame
on others (that these things are broken - eg: "not my fault,
your problem"), and finally refusing to fix their own mistakes
by claiming the problem's isn't their's (eg: the waiting dead
loop of udev or the afore mentioned kernel debug).

Think about a sub-contractor telling you that your car key's
now replaced by a camera waiting for you making a jump on your
car hood, you answering that as a one-legged man you can't, 
and the guy telling you that it is your fault, not his…

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