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Re: Debian Wheezy - HP Pavilion dm1

On 21/10/13 04:04 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
On Mon, 2013-10-21 at 15:50 -0400, Sureyya Sahin wrote:
Given that Debian Wheezy is very similar to (X)Ubuntu 12.04 Long Term,
how safe it is now to use Debian?

Using any distro is save. It's the chosen software that could be

However, it's not 100% clear that gvfs damaged your HDD, it _only_ seems
to be very likely that gvfs damaged your drive, _but_ perhaps your drive
is ok and something else than gvfs does cause a noisy action.

I am not having issues with other OS's but Debian derivatives for whatever reason. But I never looked at my log files etc. in the past thus I can't say that nothing wrong was happening with Fedora, Suse etc.

But isn't it ironic that I am falling into this kind of an unpredictable state when I am using Debian (derivatives), a famous distro for being predictable?

Anyways, I will try to be more careful when I use OS's. Given my awkward experience, Ubuntu derivatives will definitely not be an option in the future for me. You can count on Mint as well. These seemingly polished and well prepared OS's are actually quite a problem aren't they?

S. Sahin

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