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Re: I wish to advocate linux

Ralf Mardorf wrote:

Cities that switched from Microsoft to Linux, for their departments,
switched back to Windows.

Then again, I've been seeing an awful lot of government users switching to Redhat Linux.

Linux isn't a replacement for Windows and Apple. If somebody needs Apple
and Microsoft features, than it's not smart to use Linux.

Absolutely. (Hey... I run MacOS desktop, lots of BSD underneath, Win7 under emulation for Quicken, various other things also under emulation, and Debian on my server farm.)
The right tool for the right job...

There are fields of application that can't be done with Linux. There
e.g. is no professional FLOSS non linear video editing software for

Yup. And then there are things like GIS and big databases where Linux dominates (and
Solaris when you start talking Oracle).

Perhaps users often are mislead regarding to comparisons and claims that
Linux should be better than Windows. It is, but not in comparison to
Windows applications. Linux is another OS and it has got drawbacks and
advantages compared to other OS.

Windows can't replace Linux and Linux can't replace Windows. If the OP
and others expect that Linux is a replacement for Windows, than they're
misinformed and bad experiences are bound to occur.

Exactly right.  (Though I'd add MacOS to the mix :-)



In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.   .... Yogi Berra

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