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Re: rampant offtopic and offensive posts to debian-user

On May 22, 7:40 am, Roberto C. Sánchez <robe...@connexer.com> wrote:

> What I fail to understand is what difference does it make if text is
> above or below a sig delimiter?  Either it is offensive or it is not.  I
> and others have been blasted for supposedly offensive remarks.  However,
> if you read the sigs of many people who post on this list (and even lots
> of Debian developers who post on the developer lists) you will find
> words/material that is equally as offensive, if not more.
> What is the requirement?  It can be offensive if the text is a properly
> formatted sig?  It can be offensive if there is at least an equal amount
> of on-topic non-offensive text?  Seriously.  What is the policy?

Maybe I'm missing something, but it seems real simple to me.

If you want to reply to the body of someone's post, you reply on the

If you want to reply to someone's signature, you reply to them

If you feel someone needs to be taken to task for something they
posted, but it doesn't have to do with the topic at hand, you reply to
them directly.

>From what I've seen over the years, expert-types (like yourself) have
a strong need to get in the final word.  This is what leads to these
annoyingly endless OT threads.

It just seems like common courtesy to at least attempt to take OT-ness
off-list, instead of publicly "flogging the horse".  Of course you
always have the option of just letting go...


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