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Re: [OT Why GB English is different] Re: Mozilla firefox en-gb

On Thu, May 06, 2004 at 04:02:20PM +0100, Clive Menzies wrote:
> Estuary).  Cockney has morphed into Essex or Estuary English.

If you ever want to hear the strangest accent in the world, visit 
Ocracoke Island, NC.  They speak a dialect called "brogue" -- which 
sounds like a perfect mixture of Maine longshoreman and Alabama Redneck.  
It is said to be the closest thing to Elizabethan English spoken today.  
(No idea if that's just bullshit, but it sure is a wierd accent).

These people are descendants of the first colonists that landed on the 
outer banks, and because it's an island, they are relatively isolated.

They'll say: It's Hoi Toide, y'awll.

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