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Re: Knoppix-Piggy and Debian installer

This one time, at band camp, Mark L. Kahnt said:
> You and me both fumbling at this - my hope was that there was
> something I was overlooking - maybe filtering or firewall (I've tried
> this with every part of those shut off) or even some sort of
> management setting on how much bandwidth I can bring into my own box
> in a stretch of time.  I've tried pulling ISOs through my own
> webserver and ftp server on the box, with no problems, but at the
> moment I don't have a working second box available (my second computer
> "hosed" fried its cpu after 5 1/2 years of 24/7 operation without a
> reliable fan on its heatsink) - I want (whether this happens or not
> depends on clients wanting to buy enough to get a volume discount on
> equipment) a couple rack mountable smp units, but *wanted* systems
> don't transfer files until they are actually *bought and installed* ;)

OK, let's try a couple of things.

df -H - you're not running out of room, are you?

Can you do large file transfers with other things over the net
(sendfile, ftp?) - if you want, we can test with sendfile offlist.
Write me if you want to try, although my upload is only about 12K/sec -
might take a while (^:

wget is usually better at spitting out errors than browsers, as is jigdo
- you might want to try those to see what's spit out.

Hmm . . . hmm . . . anybody else have any ideas for figuring out whether
this is a connectivity or disk space/quota/something problem?
|Stephen Gran                  | Psychoanalysis is that mental illness for     |
|steve@lobefin.net             | which it regards itself a therapy.   -- Karl  |
|http://www.lobefin.net/~steve | Kraus                                         |
|                              |                                               |

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