debian-sparc Oct 2010 by subject
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Re: “Sponsor” needed for X sparc video drivers
“Sponsor” needed for X sparc video drivers
Re: [DRE-maint] Bug#591539: librmagick-ruby: FTBFS on sparc: ruby1.8: free(): invalid pointer
ATI video chipset
bash performance
Re: Bug#591539: [DRE-maint] Bug#591539: librmagick-ruby: FTBFS on sparc: ruby1.8: free(): invalid pointer
DM access to sparc porter boxes for bug fixing
DSO linking changes for wheezy
install debian on sparc; error at reboot (from freshly written disc)
kernel hang
Meeting Thursday October 7th to Discuss Fulltime or Contract Positions - Markham Rd & Hwy7 Area
OpenVZ upgrade path?
Fw: post from debian forums, I have sparc hardware
sungem NIC stops working
ultrabook installation
The last update was on 17:17 GMT Sat Jun 01. There are 30 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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