Re: Proofreading/understanding consultants/libobi.wml
Christian Perrier wrote:
> Helge Kreutzmann (
>>> Je fais uniquement du bénévolat pour les organisations caritatives
>>> humanitaires et enseignements libres ou religieux en situation de
>>> précarité.
>> Christian, could you coordinate an update of the English version based
>> on the French original and could you ping me once that is present?
> Well, translatinig the above to English is tricky for me..:-)
> "caritatives" and "précarité" are words which I don't have the
> appropriate English word for.
And I'm surprised to see that even "bénévolat" isn't in my old
Collins-Robert. It's something like
I only do voluntary work for humanitarian charitable organizations
I assume that's "the only kind of voluntary work I do is...", not
"I never work for pay, I only do voluntary work, such as...".
Note that in English "I don't do voluntary work" is quite different
from "I don't work voluntarily"!
and denominational or religious education
"Enseignements libres" is a technical term for which this is the
English equivalent; it seems to mean the exact opposite of what I
would have guessed. Yet further free/libre confusion!
I'm not 100% sure about the structure here. Is it "je fais (a) du
bénévolat... et (b) enseignements..." or could it be "du bénévolat
pour (a) les organisations... et (b) enseignements..."?
in conditions of social insecurity.
"En situation de précarité" is French sociopolitical jargon, which
as far as I know doesn't have a standard English translation.
Again the structure isn't entirely clear; technically it could even
mean "I only [ work...] in conditions of social insecurity"!
The translations should probably mention that only the original is
JBR with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package
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