debian-go Dec 2022 by subject
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"Blank projects" in salsa aren't configuring CI
Re: LXD packages - feedback and suggestion related to lxd-agent and dnsmasq
Advice needed to break dependency stalemate
Bug#1024682: RFS: git-credential-oauth/0.1.5-1 [ITP] -- A Git credential helper that securely authenticates to GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket and other forges using OAuth. (program)
Bug#1024682: RFS: git-credential-oauth/0.1.5-10 [ITP] -- Git credential helper for GitHub and other forges using OAuth
Bug#1025253: ITP: golang-github-crowdsecurity-go-cs-bouncer -- Go library to create CrowdSec bouncers
Bug#1025254: ITP: golang-github-google-nftables -- Go library to interact with Linux nftables
Bug#1025255: ITP: crowdsec-custom-bouncer -- CrowdSec bouncer for custom scripts
Bug#1025256: ITP: crowdsec-firewall-bouncer -- CrowdSec bouncer for firewalls
Bug#1025470: ITP: golang-github-jcmturner-aescts.v2
Bug#1025471: ITP: golang-github-jcmturner-dnsutils.v2 -- Golang library of DNS utilities
Bug#1025473: ITP: golang-github-jcmturner-goidentity.v6 -- Golang library for managing identities
Bug#1025474: ITP: golang-github-jcmturner-rpc.v2 -- Remote Procedure Call libraries for golang
Bug#1026018: ITP: kustomize -- Customization of kubernetes YAML configurations
Bug#1026272: ITP: golang-github-go-ozzo-ozzo-validation.v4 -- idiomatic Go (golang) validation package.
Bug#1026273: ITP: golang-github-vmihailenco-tagparser.v2 -- Opinionated Golang tag parser
Bug#1026274: ITP: golang-github-vmihailenco-msgpack.v5 -- MessagePack ( encoding for Golang
Bug#1026275: ITP: mender-connect -- remote shell access add-on
Bug#1026942: ITP: hut -- A CLI tool for
Bug#1026987: ITP: rdpgw -- Remote Desktop Gateway in Go for deploying on Linux/BSD/Kubernetes
Bug#1026989: ITP: golang-github-go-jose-go-jose -- An implementation of JOSE standards (JWE, JWS, JWT) in Go
Bug#1026990: ITP: golang-github-thought-machine-go-flags -- go command line option parser
Help fixing gobgp FTBFS
LXD packages - feedback and suggestion related to lxd-agent and dnsmasq
Rclone 1.60.1 about ready to upload ( #1001261 )
Re: Reintroducing src:toxiproxy for its -dev package
Request to join go-team on salsa
RFS: golang-github-cloudflare-circl 1.3.1
RFS: golang-sourcehut-emersion-gqlclient
Source package origin file differs from the official archive
Re: Status of golang-github-grpc-ecosystem-go-grpc-middleware
The last update was on 23:00 GMT Sat Dec 31. There are 61 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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