Re: Help fixing gobgp FTBFS
On Sat, Dec 24, 2022 at 12:12 AM Mathias Gibbens <> wrote:
> Can you also push the commit in the "pristine-tar" branch? It doesn't
> look like that made it up to salsa.
> > I've temporarily disabled pb.go regeneration. I'll leave it to you to
> > verify and upload.
> Is the consensus that it's OK to disable the protobuf generation for
> now? If so, I'll prepare an upload of 3.9.0 to unstable.
In principle, pb.go files are not the preferred format of source.
But there are already too many packages that don't regenerate them at
build time... (When people complain the missing goprotobuf/1.5 package
before, they usually don't regenerate pb.go files)
> Somewhat tangential to this: updating gobgp to 3.x will (temporarily)
> break the build of lxd, since the lxd package currently has a small
> patch to work with gobgp 2.x. I know I can declare a Breaks: in
> d/control for gobgp which will work with binary packages, but is there
> a way to nicely do something like "Breaks: src:lxd (<< 5.0.1-3)"? I'll
> update lxd immediately after updating gobgp, but would like to prevent
> any transient build failures if possible.
You can't add the source package name to Breaks. So you need "Breaks:
lxd (<< 5.0.1-3)", it may look weird, but I'm not aware of other
better ways.
Shengjing Zhu
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