debian-devel Jan 2024 by thread
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Bug#1060439: ITP: network-event-broker -- run scripts on systemd network events Tobias Schaffner
Re: Bug#1042428: off ? Lucas Nussbaum
Bug#1060657: ITP: golang-github-google-go-tpm -- communicate directly with a TPM device Maytham Alsudany
Bug#1060663: ITP: golang-github-go-webauthn-x -- low level packages for golang-github-go-webauthn-webauthn Maytham Alsudany
Bug#1060678: ITP: hm - reference software for HEVC Joachim Bauch
Re: Enabling -fstack-clash-protection for trixie [armhf rebuild] Lucas Nussbaum
Bug#1060697: ITP: rust-wayland-protocols-plasma -- Generated API for the Plasma wayland protocol extensions James McCoy
Wolfram Research Debian Package Submission Blake Gilbert
Debian Med video meeting today Saturday 2024-01-13 19:00 UTC Andreas Tille
Bug#1060757: ITP: libdata-find-perl -- Find data in arbitrary data structures Francesco P. Lovergine
Bug#1060771: ITP: python-pyproject-examples -- example pyproject.toml configs for testing Josenilson Ferreira da Silva
Bug#1060778: ITP: pulsar-edit -- A Community-led Hyper-Hackable Text Editor (formerly Atom) Otto Kekäläinen
Limited security support for Go/Rust? Re ssh3 Simon Josefsson
Bug#1060793: ITP: node-luxon -- Wrapper for JavaScript dates and times Jérémy Lal
Re: Bug#1059618: ITP: ssh3 -- faster and rich secure shell using HTTP/3 Bastian Blank
Bug#1060805: ITP: pusimp -- prevent user-site imports Francesco Ballarin
Bug#1060810: ITP: golang-github-sassoftware-go-rpmutils -- Golang implementation of parsing RPM packages Simon Josefsson
Bug#1060813: ITP: golang-github-qur-ar -- Golang ar archive file library Simon Josefsson
Bug#1060815: ITP: relic -- digitally sign Linux/Java/Windows packages Simon Josefsson
Bug#1060816: ITP: golang-github-shibumi-go-pathspec -- gitignore-style pathspec pattern matching in Go Simon Josefsson
Bug#1060817: ITP: golang-github-spiffe-go-spiffe -- Golang library for SPIFFE support Simon Josefsson
Bug#1060818: ITP: in-toto-golang -- framework for software supply chain integrity Simon Josefsson
Bug#1060819: ITP: golang-github-zeebo-errs -- errs is a package for making errors friendly and easy Simon Josefsson
Bug#1060820: ITP: golang-github-cyberphone-json-canonicalization -- JSON Canonicalization Scheme (JCS) (Go library) Simon Josefsson
Bug#1060830: ITP: gpu-burn -- Multi-GPU CUDA stress test Gürkan Myczko
Bug#1060834: ITP: golang-github-veraison-go-cose -- go library for CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE) Simon Josefsson
Bug#1060836: ITP: golang-github-cavaliergopher-rpm -- A Go implementation of the RPM file format Simon Josefsson
Bug#1060839: ITP: golang-github-adamkorcz-go-fuzz-headers-1 -- helper functions for Go fuzzing (library) Simon Josefsson
Bug#1060840: ITP: golang-k8s-sigs-release-utils -- utilities for kubernetes Go release engineering (library) Simon Josefsson
Bug#1060841: ITP: golang-github-transparency-dev-merkle -- create and manipulate Merkle trees in Go (library) Simon Josefsson
Bug#1060842: ITP: trillian -- A transparent, highly scalable and cryptographically verifiable data store Simon Josefsson
Bug#1060852: ITP: golang-bitbucket-creachadair-shell -- implements basic shell command-line splitting for Go (library) Simon Josefsson
Bug#1060853: ITP: golang-github-sigstore-protobuf-specs -- Sigstore Protocol Buffer code (library) Simon Josefsson
Bug#1060880: ITP: altdns -- Subdomain discovery through alterations and permutations Josenilson Ferreira da Silva
Bug#1061050: ITP: golang-github-common-nighthawk-go-figure -- Prints ASCII art from text Simon Josefsson
Bug#1061074: ITP: golang-github-hugelgupf-p9 -- p9 implementation written in golang Reinhard Tartler
Bug#1061078: ITP: oaknut -- Aarch64 (arm64) code emitter David James
build profile proposal: nogir (second try) Simon McVittie
Bug#1061142: ITP: python-crispy-bootstrap4 -- Bootstrap 4 template pack for django-crispy-forms Michael Fladischer
Bug#1061153: ITP: sigsum-go -- tools for public and transparent logging of signed checksums Simon Josefsson
Debtags: understanding the heuristics of "Checks and hints" in the online editor André Maroneze
Please help test the PAM in experimental Sam Hartman
Bug#1061158: ITP: discord-rpc -- library for Discord Rich Presence integration David James
Re: Mini-DebConf Belo Horizonte (Brazil) 2024: registration and CfP are open Luke S Whiting
Bug#1061195: ITP: libgeo-wkt-simple-perl -- Simple utils to parse/build Well Known Text(WKT) format string Francesco P. Lovergine
Bug#1061199: ITP: python-mbedtls -- Cryptographic library for Python with Mbed TLS backend Josenilson Ferreira da Silva
Editor extensions to help editing debian/* files? Otto Kekäläinen
Re: Maintainers needed for Jonas Smedegaard
Policy: versioning between releases Matthias Urlichs
Bug#1061255: ITP: custodian -- flexible just-in-time job management framework in Python Drew Parsons
Bug#1040971: ITP: hyprland -- dynamic tiling Wayland compositor based on wlroots Alan M Varghese
Re: booststrapping /usr-merged systems (was: Re: DEP 17: Improve support for directory aliasing in dpkg) Askar Safin
X-Windows on PPC in Debian SID Stan Johnson
Re: 64-bit time_t: package lists, counts du jour, dd-list for NMUs Steve Langasek
Bug#1061336: ITP: chatterino -- Chatterino is a chat client for Twitch chat. It aims to be an matt
Bug#1061367: ITP: loki-ecmwf -- Source-to-source code translator for Fortran Alastair McKinstry
Bug#1061368: ITP: gnome-prompt -- terminal for GNOME Gürkan Myczko
Bug#1061394: ITP: langtable -- Python 3 library for guessing locale defaults Jeremy Bícha
Bug#1061399: ITP: streamlink-twitch-gui -- A multi-platform browser for Streamlink matt
Bug#1061402: ITP: ly -- a TUI display manager matt
Bug#1061425: ITP: iamb -- Matrix chat client that uses Vim keybindings Jonas Smedegaard
Bug#1061446: ITP: cosign -- Code signing and transparency for containers and binaries Simon Josefsson
Re: icc-profiles_2.2_source.changes REJECTED Jeremy Bícha
Bug#1061512: 4 other
Bug#1061513: RFP: xwayland-run -- xwayland-run contains a set of small utilities revolving around running Xwayland Matthias Geiger
Bug#1061518: (no subject) other
Processed: closing 1061518 Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: closing 1061512 Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#1061541: ITP: ruby-redis-client -- redis-client is a simple, low-level, client for Redis 6+. Vivek K J
Bug#1061548: ITP: tippecanoe -- build vector tilesets from large collections of GeoJSON features Anthony Fok
Bug#1061568: ITP: source-map-js -- Generates and consumes source maps Kalyani Kenekar
Bug#1061583: ITP: libapache2-mod-sts -- security token exchange module for Apache 2 Robin Gustafsson
Bug#1061609: ITP: pydantic-settings -- settings management using pydantic Drew Parsons
Bug#1061649: ITP: vdr-plugin-wirbelscan -- This plugin performs channel scans for digital tv cards Phil Wyett
Bug#1061697: ITP: libcgi-tiny-perl -- module providing a modern interface to write CGI scripts Nick Morrott
Bug#1061706: ITP: distrobuilder -- System container image builder for LXC and Incus Mathias Gibbens
Bug#1061707: ITP: golang-github-antchfx-htmlquery -- XPath package for HTML query Mathias Gibbens
Bug#1061708: ITP: golang-github-mudler-docker-companion -- squash and unpack Docker images Mathias Gibbens
Bug#1061709: golang-github-heroku-docker-registry-client -- Client for the v2 Docker Registry API Mathias Gibbens
Bug#1061777: ITP: aresponses -- Asyncio response mocking. Similar to the responses library used for 'requests' Patrick ZAJDA
Bug#1061936: ITP: libhitaki -- Library to operate ALSA HwDep device for ALSA firewire stack Takashi Sakamoto
Bug#1061940: ITP: libudis86 -- Disassembler for the x86 and x86-64 class of instructions set Alan M Varghese
Bug#1061946: ITP: iraf-st4gem -- Selected tools from the Space Telescope Science Data Analysis System Ole Streicher
Bug#1061999: ITP: mistserver -- Streaming media toolkit Alex Henrie
Proper handling of Lintian warnings due to other packages Loren M. Lang
Bug#1062214: ITP: node-jsdoc2 -- automatic documentation generation tool for JavaScrip Georges Khaznadar
Bug#1062222: ITP: gooseberry -- CLI tool to generate a wiki from Hypothesis annotations Jonas Smedegaard
The last update was on 13:11 GMT Sun Nov 03. There are 364 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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