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Re: [internal-projects] [Debian-multimedia] Start an official internal project!

>>>>> "rh" == Raphael Hertzog <hertzog@debian.org> writes:

    rh> Le Fri, Feb 14, 2003 at 07:35:26PM -0400,
    rh> andrea.glorioso@centrotemporeale.it écrivait:
    >> I'll try to be as direct as possible given my position: *I*
    >> personally like Debian and sincerely your attitude is
    >> convincing to try becoming a Debian Developer.  However, inside
    >> AGNULA, there are some considerations which make me think twice
    >> before becoming an official debian developer - mainly that
    >> amongst the partners there is also Red Hat France.  Did I say
    >> "diplomacy"?

    rh> :-)

    rh> We have alien to create .rpm out of .deb ;-)

    rh> And you can be a Debian developer for Demudi, that shouldn't
    rh> change anthing wrt your position in Agnula. BTW, I know some
    rh> RedHat employees who are Debian developers ... :-)

That's absolutely true,  and that's true  for  me as for  anyone else.
One thing is  my private life, another  thing is my official position.
Note that  I don't  think that  being a  debian developer or integrate
with debian  (be it through     debian-multimedia, directly, by   mind
reading or   anything else) *must* cause  problems.   Having worked in
other projects with different partners and being  human nature what it
is, I just  want to double-check whether  it *would* cause problems to
avoid having to discuss the issue later when a deadline is approaching.

    rh> Yes I do. Basically my idea was just to have two set of
    rh> build-dependencies : - one for debian unstable - a minimal
    rh> build-dependency set


    rh> This could probably be improved. The only objection I heard is
    rh> that it's more  work to the maintainer to  maintain two set of
    rh> build  dependencies,     that's      right        but   that's
    rh> unavoidable. Unless  we create a   central database of minimal
    rh> build  dependencies based on the experience  of people who are
    rh> doing recompiles (and  volunteer  submissions from cooperative
    rh> maintainers).

Or an automated builder  which builds a  package against all available
versions of  a certain package, in order   to automate the  process of
knowing that's the minimum version of a build-depends.

    >> You are tempting me

    rh> That's  the goal, I'm trying  to  convince you.  :-) I want to
    rh> show you   that you don't have  much  to loose,  that Debian's
    rh> infrastructure  is really adapted. If  things are not evolving
    rh> like you wanted, it's all free, you can always take everything
    rh> outside of Debian and do your own things again.

I will talk about this issue with our internal team, be assured of

Best regards,

Andrea Glorioso               andrea.glorioso@centrotemporeale.it
Centro Tempo Reale                http://www.centrotemporeale.it/
AGNULA/DeMuDi Technical Manager   http://www.[demudi|agnula].org/
"There's no free expression without control on the tools you use"

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