Re: [internal-projects] [Debian-multimedia] Start an official internal project!
>>>>> "pl" == Francesco Paolo Lovergine <> writes:
pl> That's not the point. Starting a sub-project requires
pl> knowledge, time and efforts. Currently seems at
pl> a dead point, to be honest. Package list is very limited and
pl> outdated (some packages are already in sid, some other cannot
pl> be in sid for licensing problems). Also MLs are not archived.
pl> All these things cannot encourage developers to join. At this
pl> point you must demonstrate that demudi is alive. And the
pl> better way to do it is starting soon a new SF site and fill of
pl> development-related contents. And you must do
pl> this... yesterday.
pl> Sorry for being so brutal :)
Francesco, truth is never brutal. :)
I'm the new technical manager (sort of project manager) for the DeMuDi
project. I've been "appointed" just a few days ago, so you can
understand that I have to digest a lot of information before being
able to start working in an intelling way.
I do agree with you that several things in the current DeMuDi
infrastructure need a revamp. I'm currently working on a document,
which I will present to all the partners of the AGNULA project (of
which DeMuDi is a subproject) and try to make things going.
On top of my TODO list there is a gforge installation which can be
used as a central point of coordination for all development effort on
DeMuDi. This means archived mailing lists, public bug tracking tools
(actually one of my doubts is how to integrate Debian BTS and an
external BTS as to not clutter Debian developers with issues which
could very well be DeMuDi-specific), a document repository, personal
pages for DeMuDi volunteers - I refer especially to "normal" users
which have a very thorough understanding of the process involved in
producing electronic media but could not be expert debian packagers.
So, the final point is: you are right, DeMuDi needs a heavy revamp.
I'm working on that. On the other hand, Marco proposal as I
understood it is a bit different, and the fact that DeMuDi doesn't
seem particularly alive now - which doesn't mean it's not been worked
on, just that we need to polish a bit our PR skills :) - doesn't
imply, in my opinion, that a Debian-multimedia project is not a good
thing to have (tm).
As a final final point, let me stress that Marco, Guenter and all
other people involved in DeMuDi till now have done a wonderful job.
It's true that DeMuDi needs to present itself better, and I'm working
on this; but the fact that a 0.9 DeMuDi ISO exists is a proof that
neither Marco nor Guenter are afraid of working hard on something they
believe into, such as debian-multimedia.
Andrea Glorioso
Centro Tempo Reale
AGNULA/DeMuDi Technical Manager http://www.[demudi|agnula].org/
"There's no free expression without control on the tools you use"
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