debian-ctte Dec 2014 by thread
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Bug#741573: marked as done (On menu systems.) Debian Bug Tracking System
Next CTTE Meeting at date -d'Thu Dec 18 18:00:00 UTC 2014' (in less than 48 hours) Don Armstrong
Bug#766708: Coordinating a plan and requirements for cross toolchain packages in Debian Don Armstrong
Bug#762194: An end-users perspective on an automatic switch to systemd on wheezy->jessie upgrades Stephen Lyons
Bug#771070: requirements for cross toolchain packages in the distribution Wookey
Bug#741573: Two menu systems Ian Jackson
Bug#762194: Please consider declining (was: Initial draft of affirming transition to systemd as default for #762194) Michael Gilbert
The last update was on 13:33 GMT Mon Jun 03. There are 66 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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