debian-chinese-big5 Mar 2002 by thread
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unsubscribe Ben Sze
xserver problem Diadia
供应电脑配件及承招代理业务 金利国际贸易公司
供應電腦配件及承招代理·~務 金利國際貿易公司
intr. Nancy Chang
- <Possible follow-ups>
- intr. Nancy Chang
如何配置gnome使用GBK? heligb
[no subject] ÃæÏòº£ÄÚÍâ½ÌÓý½çÈËÊ¿Õ÷¸å
[no subject] ÃæÏòº£ÄÚÍâ½ÌÓý½çÈËÊ¿Õ÷¸å
新加入 EQ精靈
Problem with telnet wen
Re: Problem with telnet wen
<Possible follow-ups>
Fw: Problem with telnet wen
gtk2??葉???蝵® 韏µ?¬
請問如何用 Konqueror 看簡體中文的網頁? Steven Nien
Fwd: Bug#136328: boot-floppies message needs transating Chris Tillman
Mirrors for Taiwan andrew
Re:Re:gtk2的中文配置 zhangyin
boot-floppies zh_CN.po ???? malix
Some problems with noper
請問各位大俠,xcin是§_支持簡體中文詞組輸入? 黃瀛
金梅asp程序专买店 xmailer
踢繩asp最唗蚳闖虛 xmailer
給商務人士 ie007
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