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Re: Replacement Email Client

Joe writes:
> But I don't think we're alone. I think many Windows users also stop
> seeing ads after a while, and the bottom line is that Net adverts
> don't really work. I think it was P&G proved that a year or two ago,
> pulling most of their 'digital' advertising and seeing no significant
> drop in sales. When enough large businesses realise that Net
> advertising isn't cost-effective, that many of their 'clicks' are
> fake, we will see a reduction in it.

Might happen.

> What funds the Net after that, I don't know.

Well, we *could* actually *pay* for the services we need.  I pay Newsguy
for handling my email and consequently when something goes wrong I can
communicate with them and they take action.  There are also many forums
run by volunteers and paid for by donations.

And there is Usenet...

Unfortunately, over time I am being pushed more and more to the
reluctant conclusion that most people, no matter how much they piss and
moan, actually *like* centralization.

John Hasler 
Elmwood, WI USA

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