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Re: Installing Cinnamon 2.0

On 2013-10-14, berenger.morel@neutralite.org <berenger.morel@neutralite.org> wrote:
> Now that you say it, it's obvious.
> I was simply thinking that HTML was the source of the problem, because 
> I only noticed such problems with HTML mails. Was a stupid reasoning.
I can see how one might think that the noobs who use html for simple
text messages on mailing lists are the same exact noobs who don't know
enough to wrap their fricking lines.

But actually there are two overlapping sets, A and B, of which the
intersection (A ∩ B) consists of noobs who both use html and write long,
unwrapped lines that go off the screen--exit, stage right--the worst of
both worlds, so to speak.

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