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Re: Installing Cinnamon 2.0

On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 10:41 AM, Ralf Mardorf
<ralf.mardorf@alice-dsl.net> wrote:
> On Fri, 2013-10-11 at 16:47 +0300, Alex Moonshine wrote:
>> I'm using MATE right now and it's good, but from the perspective
>> viewpoint, I'd stick with XFCE.
> MATE from upstream does conflict with other software. This isn't good,
> it's the most worse I can imagine and likely the reason that distros
> aren't interested to add it to official repositories. MATE is the only
> software I know available for Linux, that does conflict with common
> software.

MATE can be installed alongside other DEs on Fedora so I'm not at all
convinced by this MATE-conflicts-with-"common-software" meme!

Soneone said upthread that MATE uses GTK2. AFAIK it's being
transitioned to GTK3 so it'll then be less of a burden to package it
for Debian.

[WARNING: The following is not based on having used either so my
unfamiliarity with their respective UIs might be showing!]

AIUI, MATE is a redo of GNOME 2 using GTK2 and Cinnamon a redo of
GNOME 2 using GTK3. Will they merge at some point? Or have their
interpretation and evolution of the GNOME 2 UI diverged enough for
them to keep on co-existing?

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