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Re: authentication of multiple users for one mail server


Thanks for your patience, and I seem to have stumbled on my problem:
emim4 configuration.

Regarding the value for "system mail name", in retrospect it does
makes sense, but not when I was reading the document you cited. First,
if I can reconstruct my thinking correctly, I failed to associate the
word "mailname," which was not explicitly defined, with "domain". If I
asked someone on the street what their "mailname" is, they would give
me their email address. I knew that it actually meant domain, but I
had to figure out from its function that it was not really the
"system" name (i.e., the domain of a host on a LAN), but the
alternative meaning of domain, which unfortunately has no dedicated
term such as "internet domain". I may be dense and my reading
perverse, but it's folks like me that manuals are for ;-)

In any case, the source of my problem was my adding my domain name to
the list of recipient domains. Again, in retrospect, I understand why
this caused exim4 to fail to route a message to another machine that
happened to have the same domain name before the LAN was set up. Exim4
naturally looks for the user's of that domain name on its own host or
local network and, not finding the user, does not by default
ultimately send the message to my provider's mail server. Instead, it
simply gives up and returns a routing error message. I guess the
assumption is that if a person assigns a local domain name to the
host, they intend to make it part of a LAN, and so instinctively know
that until such a LAN is actually in place, the local host is not able
to send a message to another host having the same domain name. My
problem was that I tried to set up and test email before constructing
the LAN.


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