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Re: [Very OT] Pigeons

On Fri, May 23, 2003 at 09:24:09AM -0400, Wayne Topa wrote:
> Pigeon(jah.pigeon@ukonline.co.uk) is reported to have said:
> > On Thu, May 22, 2003 at 07:35:14PM -0400, Wayne Topa wrote:
> > >   Ask around for Bird Dog trainers.  Here in Upstate NY, barn pigeons
> > > are selling for $2-$5+ at auctions.  I put an ad in the local paper
> > > for live pigeons and got about 20 calls.  I put traps in the barns and
> > > added my catch to my coops.  Using pigeons to train dogs on is cheaper
> > > then buying Quail and if done right, just as effective.  They are a
> > > great help in puppy training.  I raise & train Brittanys.
> > 
> > You are a very sick man. So are your customers. I shall pray for you.
> Why?  I don't shoot the pigeons.  They are fed and watered daily.
> They get to bathe twice a week.  The dogs don't catch the birds.  I
> have only lost birds to hawks or natural causes.  They must like it
> because they breed like rabbits.  They never had it this good in the
> wild.  I guess you must be a member of PETA.  If so, I'll let you go
> your merry way.

I must admit that I had assumed that injury or death of the birds was
inovlved in the training process. Having done a quick google around I
find this is not the case, and I apologise for my incorrect assumption.

However the dogs are still being trained for hunting; I heartily
disapprove of blood sports.

PETA? I thought that meant x10^15 ... <more googling> Oh, right! Not
having heard of them before, I'm not a member. But you're right that
my sympathies run along those lines <sends them email asking for more
info, gives thanks> Thanks!


Be kind to pigeons
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