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Re: Small footprint window manager

On Mon, May 13, 2002 at 01:58:14PM -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:
> > when all I use X for is to hold a dozen xterms, and then use them to
> > hold non-X programs (ftp in one, mutt in another, links, vim, and a few
> > other programs).
> Why not just use more than the standard 6 virtual consoles?  That
> would be _much_ more memory efficient than X 4.1.0.

Somebody may have already mentioned this, but if you need a lot of
terminals, there's nothing like the "screen" program.  It essentially
allows you have to have many (concurrently running) terminals in one
actual xterm/console/VT (i.e. it doesn't need X).

It's simple to use: you type "screen" and hit return.  Then you're
console looks otherwise normal.  Except now you can type "C-a c" and
be presented with a new console window that is "layered" (opaquely) on
top of your old one.  Now you you can go back to the original with
"C-a p".  I don't know how many total screens you can have, but it's
more than I've ever needed :)

Help is always available with "C-a ?".

Did anyone ever use DESQview for DOS?  It's very similar to that.

Oh, and another cool feature is this: say you're at home working on
something, in a screen session.  Now you have to do to work.  So you
do a "C-a d" to "detatch" the screen.  So you're at work, but you'd
rather be working on your project at home.  You login to your home
computer, then do a "screen -r" ("reattach") and wallah!  You're
screen session is *exactly* as you left it.

Don't wait another second!  "apt-get install screen" now :)

Hoping somebody finds this useful,

Matt Garman, garman@raw-sewage.net
``I ain't never seen no whiskey, the blues made my sloppy drunk!''
        -- Sleepy John Estes, ``Leaving Trunk''

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