debian-security Jul 2014 by thread
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Re: [SECURITY] [DSA 2968-1] gnupg2 security update
Paul Wise
Re: PPA security (was: Debian mirrors and MITM)
Hans-Christoph Steiner
Re: PPA security (was: Debian mirrors and MITM)
Joey Hess
Re: Debian mirrors and MITM
Hans-Christoph Steiner
Re: Debian mirrors and MITM
Hans-Christoph Steiner
Re: Debian mirrors and MITM
Re: Debian mirrors and MITM
Michael Stone
Re: Debian mirrors and MITM
Hans-Christoph Steiner
Re: Debian mirrors and MITM
Hans-Christoph Steiner
Re: Debian mirrors and MITM
Reid Sutherland
Re: Debian mirrors and MITM
Hans-Christoph Steiner
Re: Debian mirrors and MITM
Reid Sutherland
Re: Debian mirrors and MITM
Hans-Christoph Steiner
Re: Debian mirrors and MITM
Michael Stone
Re: Debian mirrors and MITM
Hans-Christoph Steiner
Re: Debian mirrors and MITM
Bernhard R. Link
Re: Debian mirrors and MITM
Hans-Christoph Steiner
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Debian mirrors and MITM
Hans-Christoph Steiner
Re: Debian mirrors and MITM
Reid Sutherland
Re: Debian mirrors and MITM
Hans-Christoph Steiner
Re: Please remove me from this list
Lucius Rizzo
23:09:03 Cartas - Comercial - Orçamento para prestação de serviços quinta-feira, 3 de julho de 2014
Patrcia Amorim
concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Hans-Christoph Steiner
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Joel Rees
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Hans-Christoph Steiner
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Joel Rees
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Joel Rees
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Michael Stone
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Hans-Christoph Steiner
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Joel Rees
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Andrea Zwirner
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Pedro Worcel
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Jeremie Marguerie
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Elias-Daniel Eizenstein
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Hans-Christoph Steiner
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Jann Horn
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Joel Rees
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Noah Meyerhans
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Joel Rees
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Hans-Christoph Steiner
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Kitty Cat
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Michael Stone
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Darius Jahandarie
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Michael Stone
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Darius Jahandarie
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Michael Stone
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Darius Jahandarie
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Michael Stone
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Kitty Cat
Message not available
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Kitty Cat
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Michael Stone
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Elmar Stellnberger
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Eirik Schwenke
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Elmar Stellnberger
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Hans-Christoph Steiner
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Paul Wise
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Hans-Christoph Steiner
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Paul Wise
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Hans-Christoph Steiner
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Michael Stone
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Hans-Christoph Steiner
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Michael Stone
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Hans-Christoph Steiner
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Michael Stone
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Hans-Christoph Steiner
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Michael Stone
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Holger Levsen
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Michael Stone
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Holger Levsen
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Hans-Christoph Steiner
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Giuseppe Mazzotta
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Joel Rees
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Hans-Christoph Steiner
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Michael Stone
Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy
Holger Levsen
RFC: fail2ban wheezy security update
Yaroslav Halchenko
Re: RFC: fail2ban wheezy security update
Jason Fergus
Re: RFC: fail2ban wheezy security update
Tomasz Ciolek
Re: RFC: fail2ban wheezy security update
Fabrizio Marocchini
Re: RFC: fail2ban wheezy security update
Jason Fergus
Re: RFC: fail2ban wheezy security update
Jason Fergus
Re: RFC: fail2ban wheezy security update
Adam D. Barratt
Re: RFC: fail2ban wheezy security update
Tomasz Ciolek
Re: RFC: fail2ban wheezy security update
Armen Igitian
AUTO: Jan Hübner ist außer Haus (Rückkehr am 28.07.2014)
Jan . Huebner
AUTOMÁTICO: Fábio Rodrigues está ausente do escritório (retorna em 21/07/2014)
RE: [alerts-security] [SECURITY] [DSA 2973-1] vlc security update
Xiwen Cheng
the calculus of encrypting non-textual data (was Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy)
Joel Rees
Re: the calculus of encrypting non-textual data
Peter Makholm
Re: the calculus of encrypting non-textual data (was Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy)
Gunnar Wolf
Re: [SECURITY] [DSA 2972-1] linux security update
Daniel Thomas Hasbrouck
could we maybe serve checksums TLS on some mirrors? (was Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy)
Joel Rees
Re: could we maybe serve checksums TLS on some mirrors? (was Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy)
Elmar Stellnberger
Re: Upcoming stable point release (7.6)
Adam D. Barratt
Missing ISO hash
Djones Boni
Re: Missing ISO hash
Cyril Brulebois
Torrent tracker problem
Kitty Cat
Re: Torrent tracker problem
Adam D. Barratt
[HITB-Announce] REMINDER: #HITB2014KUL CFP Deadline: 1st August
Hafez Kamal
Re: [SECURITY] [DSA 2981-1] polarssl security update
Malek Haïssous
Re: Upcoming oldstable point release (6.0.10)
Adam D. Barratt
Re: [SECURITY] [DSA 2985-1] mysql-5.5 security update
george . maraveyas
AUTOMATICKY: Roman Beitl je mimo kancelář/Roman Beitl is out of the office (příchod 11.08.2014)
Roman Beitl
RE: [SECURITY] [DSA 2991-1] modsecurity-apache security update
Mike Gronbach
Re: Access to online resources in maintainer scripts
Evgeny Kapun
Re: [SECURITY] [DSA 2992-1] linux security update
Romain Francoise
Re: [SECURITY] [DSA 2992-1] linux security update
Salvatore Bonaccorso
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [SECURITY] [DSA 2992-1] linux security update
Jerry Fan
Re: [SECURITY] [DSA 2992-1] linux security update
Re: Bug#756325: CVE-2014-5044: gfortran integer overflows
Matthias Klose
The last update was on 14:54 GMT Sun May 24. There are 115 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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