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Re: concrete steps for improving apt downloading security and privacy

On 07/07/2014 06:43 PM, Jeremie Marguerie wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 3:15 PM, Lou RUPPERT <himself@louruppert.com> wrote:
>>> If I'm looking at a catalog page from a shoe store on my table,
>>> connected via the phone network, getting close to my 2G cap for my
>>> wireless router for the month. My battery's getting low. Do I want
>>> to waste bandwidth and CPU cycles for TLS encoding, just for
>>> pictures of shoes?
>> Let's try to turn our focus back to the question at hand, which is
>> whether there are merits to promoting https mirrors for users who have
>> concerns about being watchlisted based on their software choices. I
>> think client cpu cycle and bandwidth concerns are a bit of an
>> anachronism these days anyway.
> I think you pulled out the only reason why using https for mirrors
> would be useful.
> The threat analysis doesn't show any practicable way for the any
> attacker to prevent alter packages even with control of the network.
> He could block updates but the client-side would noticed: out-of-date
> repository and package list, failed to download specific packages.
> HTTPS is a solution to this risk scenario:
>  A) I don't want anyone to know which package I download (passive listening)
>  B) I don't want a third party to selectively prevent me from
> downloading a package/update (active man i the middle)
> Scenario A is more likely to happen or to already be in place.
> HTTPS in this case is *not* about security but just privacy.
> 1) Performance concern: The CPU cycles for encrypting is now low
> enough so that it seems feasible. Not all package providers need to
> provide https-based repository but having a few of those and give them
> visibility would be greatly appreciated.
> 2) TLS certificates: we do not need the package to be behind a
> "debian" certificate, just to be behind a certificate trusted by a
> recognized third party (same requirement as for websites). Since we do
> not seek authentication of the package but just privacy, we only need
> to ensure that we talk to the server we wanted to, whichever it is.

I'm trying to practice what I preach here, so I set up my very first debian
mirror.  It is hosted on my home connection, so be gentle.  It is only
debian-security for amd64 and i386:

deb http://dju2peblv7upfz3q.onion/debian-security/ wheezy/updates main

This is a test repo, so be sure to keep a real debian-security mirror in your
sources.list!  Just put it after the above line, and apt-get will prefer the
tor hidden service, but still get the latest updates available from


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