debian-security-tools May 2017 by subject

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10 bonnes raisons d'investir dans l'immobilier 每天联系上万客户邮箱 坐等询盘 “特殊补贴”最后3天!错过它,下个月、下半年、下半辈子徒伤悲… Nunca foi tão fácil comprar no exterior e receber no Brasil! Comparez et Trouvez un Artisan Qualifié Décorer sa vitrine pour la fête des mères Le Loué Meublé : le placement à connaitre en 2017 Prévention Incendie, Evacuation, Secourisme Résidences étudiantes : le placement immobilier à connaître en 2017 Re: [PKG] openscap-daemon/0.1.6-2 Vos fenêtres à prix imbattables ! [bts-link] source package src:yara [debian][CPE] declaration of Debian CPE entry to MITRE [licence] specific licenses for backdoor-factory software [pkg-security] new package [pkg] backdoor-factory [pkg] New package: wcc Ampla rede credenciada de qualidade e melhor custo beneficio Bug#577792: marked as done (loops using all the CPU when the watched interface disappears) Bug#715646: Processed: Bug#715646 marked as pending Bug#715647: marked as done ([Mayhem] Bug report on arpwatch: arpwatch crashes with exit status 139) Bug#803259: support for deprecated openssl features Bug#853807: marked as done (-d stuck at end of -v in man page) Bug#861058: marked as done (hydra: on resume, children die with "double free or corruption") Bug#861590: yara: CVE-2017-8294: denial of service via a crafted rule (yr_re_exec function) Bug#862149: arpwatch starts before networking is ready Bug#862179: acct: please make the build reproducible Bug#862180: acct: Documentation installed in "accounting.html" directory Bug#862269: RFP: ntfs-3g-system-compression -- NTFS-3G plugin for reading "system compressed" files Bug#863240: openvas-scanner gets in trouble with openvas-check-setup Bug#863295: grr: Please remove dependency on prelink Bug#863304: greenbone-security-assistant: Greenbone-security-assistant is listening on port 80 and 9392, should only be 9392 Bug#863460: hashrat: Seems to produce wrong results on big files Bug#863842: CVE-2017-9304 dfwinreg_20170519-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Fund Transfer Good Day hello Hello hydra 8.3-3 MIGRATED to testing hydra_8.3-3_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable New comer in pkg-security Private Message, Processed: [bts-link] source package src:yara Processed: Bug#334599 marked as pending Processed: Bug#480835 marked as pending Processed: Bug#551350 marked as pending Processed: Bug#600886 marked as pending Processed: Bug#862149 marked as pending Processed: Bug#862179 marked as pending Processed: Re: Bug#862149: arpwatch starts before networking is ready Processing of dfwinreg_20170519-1_source.changes Processing of hydra_8.3-3_source.changes Processing of pytsk_20170508-1_source.changes Processing of sqlmap_1.1.5-1_source.changes Processing of tomb_2.4-1_amd64.changes Processing of yara_3.6.0+dfsg-1_source.changes pytsk_20170508-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Should we move openvas from exp to sid sqlmap_1.1.5-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Suivi Votre Colis -chronopost tomb_2.4-1_amd64.changes is NEW Votre installation offerte avant le 31 Mai yara_3.6.0+dfsg-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Your Outlook exceeded The last update was on 07:05 GMT Sun Aug 11. There are 87 messages. Page 1 of 1.

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